GE CAFE-C2S985SETSS user manual

User manual for the device GE CAFE-C2S985SETSS

Other variants:: <strong>PROFILE-PB915STSS</strong>, <strong>AJCQ12ACD</strong>, <strong>PROFILE-PHP960DMBB</strong>, <strong>CAFE-CGS990SETSS</strong>
Category: Uncategorized
Manufacturer: GE
Size: 57.48 MB
Added : 7/25/2023
Number of pages: 292
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GE CAFE-C2S985SETSS User manual - Online PDF

Notably, the instructions presented herein can also be readily applied to other models like PROFILE-PB915STSS, AJCQ12ACD, PROFILE-PHP960DMBB, CAFE-CGS990SETSS. Whether you're a first-time user or an experienced enthusiast, this manual aims to ensure a seamless and efficient experience across various device variations.

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GE CAFE-C2S985SETSS - Support and Troubleshooting

How many amps does a dual fuel range draw?

The exact amps drawn by a dual fuel range can vary by model, and specific information for the GE Cafe C2S985SETSS isn't readily available. However, dual fuel ranges often need a dedicated circuit of 30 to 50 amps. For the most accurate information, you should check your product manual or contact GE directly.

What kind of outlet do I need for a dual fuel range?

A dual fuel range, such as the GE Cafe C2S985SETSS, typically requires a specific type of outlet for proper installation. It usually requires a 240-volt, 50-amp electrical outlet. This outlet is typically known as a NEMA 14-50R outlet, which has four prongs with two angled slanted and two straight vertical. It is important to check the specific requirements mentioned in the product manual or consult a professional electrician for accurate information based on your specific model and local electrical codes.

What are the electrical requirements for a gas range with electric oven?

The GE Cafe C2S985SETSS gas range with an electric oven requires the following electrical requirements:
1. Voltage: It operates on a 240-volt electrical supply.
. Amperage: The range requires a minimum electrical supply of 40 amps.
3. Circuit Breaker: A dedicated 40-amp circuit breaker is required to protect the electrical supply of the range.
4. Outlet: It should be connected to a properly grounded outlet with a NEMA 14-50R or 14-30R plug, depending on the specific model.
It is important to consult the product manual or specifications for the specific model you have, as electrical requirements may vary slightly depending on the range. Additionally, professional installation by a certified electrician is recommended to ensure compliance with local electrical codes and safety standards.
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