Garmin VIVOACTIVE-4S user manual

User manual for the device Garmin VIVOACTIVE-4S

Device: Garmin VIVOACTIVE-4S
Other variants:: <strong>VIVOACTIVE-4</strong>, <strong>VIVOACTIVE</strong>, <strong>VIVOFIT-4</strong>
Category: Uncategorized
Manufacturer: Garmin
Size: 3.79 MB
Added : 7/25/2023
Number of pages: 68
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Garmin VIVOACTIVE-4S Manual - Online PDF

Notably, the instructions presented herein can also be readily applied to other models like VIVOACTIVE-4, VIVOACTIVE, VIVOFIT-4. Whether you're a first-time user or an experienced enthusiast, this manual aims to ensure a seamless and efficient experience across various device variations.

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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Garmin VIVOACTIVE-4S. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Garmin VIVOACTIVE-4S - Support and Troubleshooting

Can I answer calls on my Garmin Vivoactive 4S?

Yes, you can answer calls on your Garmin Vivoactive 4S. The Vivoactive 4S has built-in Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to pair it with your smartphone. When a call comes in, the watch will display the caller ID information, and you can accept or decline the call directly from your watch. Additionally, you can use the watch's microphone and speaker to talk and listen during the call.

What do the symbols mean on Garmin Vivoactive 4?

The symbols on the Garmin Vivoactive 4 can vary depending on the specific feature or function being displayed. However, here are some common symbols and their meanings:
1. Heart Rate: A heart symbol indicates the heart rate monitoring feature is active, and the number displayed alongside it represents the current heart rate.
. Bluetooth: A small Bluetooth icon signifies that the device is connected to a Bluetooth device, such as a smartphone or headphones.
3. GPS: The GPS symbol indicates that the device is acquiring GPS satellite signals to track your location during outdoor activities.
4. Battery: A battery symbol shows the current battery level of the device.
5. Notifications: An envelope symbol signifies that there are new notifications from your smartphone, such as text messages or incoming calls.
6. Activity Tracking: Different symbols represent various activities like running, cycling, swimming, etc., indicating the tracking mode the device is currently in.
Please note that the symbols may vary based on the specific watch face, settings, and activities you have enabled on your Garmin Vivoactive 4.
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