Cardo PACKTALK-BOLD user manual

User manual for the device Cardo PACKTALK-BOLD

Category: Uncategorized
Manufacturer: Cardo
Size: 1.26 MB
Added : 7/25/2023
Number of pages: 31
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Cardo PACKTALK-BOLD Guide - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Cardo PACKTALK-BOLD. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Cardo PACKTALK-BOLD - Support and Troubleshooting

What does the red light mean on a Cardo?

The red light on a Cardo device typically indicates that the unit is low on battery power and needs to be charged. It serves as a warning sign to plug in the device for recharging.

How do I check my Cardo battery level?

To check the battery level of your Cardo Packtalk Bold, you can follow these steps:
1. Turn on your Cardo Packtalk Bold.
. Press and hold the '+' and '-' buttons simultaneously for a few seconds.
3. The Packtalk Bold will announce the battery level. It uses a percentage scale to indicate the remaining battery charge.
4. Alternatively, if you have connected the Cardo Packtalk Bold to the Cardo Connect app on your smartphone, you can also check the battery level from the app. Once connected, open the Cardo Connect app, and the battery level will be displayed on the app's home screen.
Keep in mind that the battery level announcement feature may vary based on the firmware version of your Cardo Packtalk Bold. If the above steps do not work, please refer to the user manual or contact Cardo customer support for further assistance.

What voice commands can you use on Packtalk Bold?

The Cardo Packtalk Bold supports various voice commands for hands-free operation. Here are some examples of voice commands you can use:
1. "Hey Cardo" - This voice command activates the Packtalk Bold voice recognition system.
2. "Phone commands" or "Mobile commands" - Use these commands to access and control functions on your connected smartphone, such as making calls, answering calls, or opening specific apps.
3. "Radio commands" - With these commands, you can control the built-in FM radio function of the Packtalk Bold, such as changing stations or adjusting volume.
4. "Music commands" - Control your music playback using these voice commands, allowing you to play/pause, skip tracks, adjust volume, and more.
5. "Navigation commands" - Use these commands to interact with your GPS navigation system, allowing you to get directions, ask about your current location, or find specific points of interest.
6. "Group commands" - If you are riding with a group of people using Cardo communication devices, these commands help you easily communicate with others in your group, such as making group calls, adding or removing participants, or adjusting volume levels.
Remember, you need to activate the voice recognition system by saying "Hey Cardo" before using any of these voice commands. The specific available voice commands may vary depending on the firmware version and settings of your Cardo Packtalk Bold.
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