Behringer POLY-D user manual

User manual for the device Behringer POLY-D

Device: Behringer POLY-D
Category: Uncategorized
Manufacturer: Behringer
Size: 6.64 MB
Added : 7/25/2023
Number of pages: 47
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Behringer POLY-D Manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Behringer POLY-D. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Behringer POLY-D - Support and Troubleshooting

Can you play chords on the poly D?

Yes, you can play chords on the Behringer Poly-D synthesizer. The Poly-D is a fully polyphonic analog synthesizer with four voices, which means you can play multiple notes and chords simultaneously. It also has a dedicated Oscillator Mixer section that allows you to blend the four oscillators to create rich and complex chord voicings.

How do I change the MIDI channel on my Behringer Model D?

To change the MIDI channel on your Behringer Poly-D, you can follow the steps below:
1. Press the "Global" button on the Poly-D to enter the global settings menu.
. Use the "Program/Value" knob to scroll through the available options until you find "MIDI CH" (MIDI Channel).
3. Once "MIDI CH" is selected, use the "Data" knob to change the MIDI channel to the desired number. The available MIDI channels are 1-16.
4. Press the "Global" button again to exit the global settings menu.
After changing the MIDI channel, the Behringer Poly-D will send and receive MIDI messages on the selected channel. Make sure your MIDI controller or device is also set to the same MIDI channel for proper communication.

How do you calibrate a poly D pitch wheel?

To calibrate the pitch wheel on the Behringer Poly D, you can follow these steps:
1. Turn off the Poly D and disconnect any MIDI connections.
. Hold down the "Hold" button while turning on the Poly D. This will put it into calibration mode.
3. Move the pitch wheel to its maximum up position and leave it there.
4. Wait for the calibration process to complete. The calibration will be finished when the "Hold" LED stops flashing.
5. Move the pitch wheel to its maximum down position and leave it there.
6. Again, wait for the calibration process to complete. The "Hold" LED will stop flashing once finished.
7. Move the pitch wheel back to its center (neutral) position and again wait for the calibration to finish.
After following these steps, the pitch wheel on your Behringer Poly D should be calibrated and ready to use.
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