Kenmore 79044173600 user manual

User manual for the device Kenmore 79044173600

Device: Kenmore 79044173600
Category: Cooktop
Manufacturer: Kenmore
Size: 2.4 MB
Added : 8/30/2013
Number of pages: 12
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Kenmore 79044173600 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Kenmore 79044173600. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

FOR YOUR SAFETY: Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in
the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Cooktop Dimensions
® All electric cooktops run off a single phase, three-wire
or four-wire cable, 240/208 volt, 60 hertz, AC only
electrical supply with g

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Overhead Cabinet Should Not Exceed a Maximum Depth of 13" (33 cm) A Min. 30" (76.2 cm) Min. Clearance Between the Recommended I Distance Between Top of the Cooking Platform and the Bottom Rear Edge of Cutout and Nearest 10" of an Unprotected Wood Combustible Surface ( 25.4 cm) or Metal Cabinet _ Above Countertop / 18" F (45.7 cm) 24" (61 cm)Mi_ Bottom of Wood or Metal Cabinet is Protected by Not LessThan 1/8" Flame Retardant Millboard Covered With Not Less Than No. 28 MGS Sheet Steel, 0.015" (0.

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

2. These units can consume up to 8600W at 240 Vac, a Important Notes to the InstaJJer circuit breaker of 40 Amp is recommended. I. Read all instructions contained in these installation instructions before installing the cooktop. NOTE: Wire sizes and connections must conform with 2. Remove all packing material before connecting the the fuse size and rating of the appliance in accordance electrical supply to the cooktop. with the National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA No. 70- 3. Observe all governing

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

EJectricaJ Connection if your cooktop has a 4-wire cable to be connected to a 3-wire grounded junction box (see figure 5): Connect the flexible armored cable that extends from 1. Disconnect the power supply. the surface unit to the junction box using a suitable 2. In the circuit breaker, fuse box or junction box: strain relief at the point the armored cable enters the connect appliance and power supply cable wires as junction box. Then make the electrical connection as shown in figure 5. follows

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

if cooktop is used in a new branch circuit Jf your cooktop has a 4 wire cable (see figure 7): installation (1996 NEC), mobile home, recreational I. Disconnect the power supply. vehicle, or where local codes DO NOT permit 2. Separate the green (or bare copper) and white grounding through the neutral (white) wire: appliance cable wires. 3. In the circuit breaker, fuse box or junction box: if your cooktop has a 3-wire cabJe (see figure 6): connect appliance and power supply cable wires as I. Discon

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Cooktop Installation I. Visually inspect thecooktopfor damage. Alsomake sureallcooktopscrews aretight(seeFigure 8). 6 Nylon Figure 10 Checking Operation Screws Refer to the Use and Care Guide for operation. Figure 8 _Do not touch cooktop glass or elements. They may be hot enough to burn you. 2. Install the retainer brackets (See Figure 9). Model and Serial Number Location The retainer brackets MUST be installed, to meet The serial plate is located under the cooktop. local codes or, in their abse

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

LA INSTALACION Y EL SERVICIO DEBEN SER EFECTUADOS POR UN INSTALADOR CAUFICADO. IMPORTANTE: GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA USO DEL iNSPECTOR LOCAL DE ELECTRICIDAD. LEA Y GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA REFERENCIA FUTURA. PARA SU SEGURIDAD: No almanece ni utilice gasolina u otros vapores y liquidos inflamables en la proximidad de este o de cualquier otto artefacto. Dimensiones de la Estufa INFORMAClON IMPORTANTEPARALAINSTALAClON * Todas las estufas el_ctricas funcionan con una alimentaciOn el_ctr

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Elarmario superior nodebe sobrepasar una profundidad m_qxima de13"(33cm) A 30"(76.2 cm)min. de espacio entre laparte k min. distancia F---- superior delfogon y recomendada entre el laparte inferior deun J armario demadera o horde trasero de[ corte y el compartimiento de metal sinprotecci6n. combustible m_qscercano 10" sobre ]a parte superior dd cm) armario 18" F (45.7 cm) 24"(61cm)min. cuando laparte inferior delarmario demadera ometal est,1 protegida porunaplaca cortafuego retardante dellama de

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

NOTA: Eltamaho de los cables y de las conexiones debe Notas importantes para el instalador de estar en conformidad con el tamaho del fusible y con la I. Lea todas las instrucciones contenidas en este manual capacidad del electrodomestico y de acuerdo con el COdigo antes de instalar la estufa. El6ctrico Nacional ANSI/NFPANo. 70 - 01tima ediciOn y los 2. Saque todo el material usado en el embalaje de la cOdigos y reglamentos locales. estufa antes de conectar el suministro el6ctrico a la estufa. 3.

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Si su cocina tiene un cable de 4 hilos que debe Conexi6n Electrica conectarse a una caja de juntas con conexi6n a tierra Conecte el cable blindado flexible que se extiende desde la de 3 hilos (ver figura 5): superficie del artefacto hasta la caja de empalmes 1. Desconecte el suministro el_ctrico. utilizando una grapa de alivio de tensi6n adecuada en el 2. En el interruptor automatico, caja de fusibles o caja de punto en que el cable blindado entra en la caja de juntas: conectar el aparato y los

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Si la cocina se usa en una instalaci6n nueva de ramal Si su cocina tiene un cable de 4 hilos (vet figura 7): I. Desconecte el suministro el_ctrico. de circuito (1996 NEC), en una casa rodante, en un vehiculo para recreaci6n o si los c6digos locales NO 2. Separe el alambre verde (o cobre desnudo) y el permiten hacer la conexi6n a tierra a trav&s del cable alambre blanco del electrodomestico. neutral (blanco): 4. En el interruptor automatico, caja de fusibles o caja de juntas:conectar el aparato y

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

instaiadon de ia estufa 1.Visualmente inspecciones la estufa para daflos. Verifique ademas que todos los tornillos de la estufa est6n bien ajustados (Figura 8). 6 espaciadores de nilOn Figura 10 Revisi6n de operaci6n Consulte el Manual del Usuario para las instrucciones de funcionamiento. Tornillos No toque elcristaloloselementosdelaestufa. Puede Figura 8 que est6n Io suficiente calientes para quemar. 2. Instale las m_nsulas de sost_n. Vet Figura 9 Ubicad6n dei nemero de modeio y de serie Las m_

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