Fisher & Paykel CG903MLD user manual

User manual for the device Fisher & Paykel CG903MLD

Device: Fisher & Paykel CG903MLD
Category: Cooktop
Manufacturer: Fisher & Paykel
Size: 1.16 MB
Added : 1/2/2014
Number of pages: 7
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Fisher & Paykel CG903MLD User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Fisher & Paykel CG903MLD. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Installation instructions
IZONA CookSurface
CG903ML & CG903MLD models
The models shown in this document may not be available in all markets and are subject to change at any time. For current details about model and specification availability in your country, please visit our
local website listed at the end of this document or contact your local Fisher & Paykel dealer.
Before you install the appliance, please make sure that


Summary of the content on the page No. 2

CG903MLD IZONA DEEP CG903ML IZONA CG903MLD IZONA DEEP CG903ML IZONA 2 3 PRODUCT & CABINETRY DIMENSIONS CLEARANCE DIMENSIONS Note: Gas inlet connection is located in the back left corner. K WARNING! L G* The CookSurface requires C B adequate air supply to fully C D function. The base of the E CookSurface must have direct D unrestricted ventilation to the A F room where the CookSurface E is installed. Do not ventilate J the base area to an external A area that can be at d

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

4 PARTS SUPPLIED 3 Wok stand (1) Blue washer (1) Elbow / “ NPT (1) Clamping NG regulator (1) Air intake Flexible 8 hose (1) brackets (4) grill (1) and and screws (4) screws (6) 5 GAS RATE SUMMARY All appliances are factory set for natural gas and are not currently convertable to LPG. NZ AU SMALL MEDIUM WOK NG (1.0 kPa)* NG NG NG CG903ML & 1.09Y 7.2 1.15Y 8.0 1.65 12.8 CG903MLD *Nominal pressure with the two smaller burners on High. Injector orice (mm) Nominal rating (MJ/h) Injector orice

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

CG903MLD IZONA DEEP CG903ML IZONA 6 FLUSH MOUNTING INSTALLATION (NOT RECOMMENDED) view from below A B WARNING! B x 4 C A D We do not recommend ush mounting and sealing as servicing requires the CookSurface to be F G E removed from the benchtop. The owner carries all risk for ush mounting the CookSurface. The owner must ensure the M CookSurface has been cut out L Ret existing K from the benchtop before screw to secure I servicing can be carried out. Fisher into basepan

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

7 8 REMOVE FROM PACKAGING ENSURE THERE IS ADEQUATE AIR SUPPLY A A 500 mm 50 mm The CookSurface requires adequate air supply to fully function. The base of the CookSurface must have direct unrestricted ventilation to the room where the CookSurface is installed. Do not ventilate the base area to an external area that can be at dierent air pressure to that of the burners. You may ventilate from adjacent cupboards, but ensure that the available air supply will not be restricted. The ventilat

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

11 12 SECURE THE PRODUCT TO THE BENCHTOP CONNECT TO THE GAS & ELECTRICAL SUPPLY A view from below A B NG x 4 Ensure the blue washer is tted ½ “ BSP For benchtops thicker than 50 mm, reverse the clamping brackets, as shown Ret existing Ret existing screw to secure screw to secure into basepan into basepan NG 2 2 1 1 Fresh air from Fresh air from 20-50 mm 50+ mm outside cabinetry outside cabinetry 13 14 CHECK FOR GAS LEAKS TEST OPERATION A A Test operation by 1 2 3 4 lighting all burn

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

15 FINAL CHECKLIST Installer’s name: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE INSTALLER Have you installed the clamping brackets? Installer’s signature: Have you allowed for adequate air supply to the product? Installation company: Have you used the supplied exible hose and blue washer? Date of installation: Have you leak-tested all connections? Is the regulator set to the correct working pressure? LEAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS WITH THE CUSTOMER Have you placed the supplied duplicate data plate on an

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