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All-in-One IH Cooker
Revision 0.00
May 2010
Application Note
Application Note
2010 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Important Notice The information in this publication has been carefully "Typical" parameters can and do vary in different checked and is believed to be entirely accurate at the applications. All operating parameters, including time of publication. Samsung assumes no "Typicals" must be validated for each customer responsibility, however, for possible errors or application by the customer's technical experts. omissions, or for any consequences resulting from the Samsung products are not des
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Revision History Revision No. Effective Date Description Refer to Author(s) 0.00 Mar, 2010 - Initial Draft Wei Ningning Zhang Fan
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Table of Contents 1 OVERVIEW OF IH COOKER (IHC) .............................................................1-1 1.1 Induction Cooking Principle ..................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1.1 How Induction Cooking Works ......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Key Features of S3F84B8..........................................................
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List of Figures Figure Title Page Number Number Figure 1-1 How IH Cooker Works ...................................................................................................................... 1-1 Figure 1-2 Pin Assignment in S3F84B8............................................................................................................. 1-2 Figure 2-1 Block Diagram of IH Cooker System .......................................................................................
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List of Tables Table Title Page Number Number Table 2-1 S3F84B8 pin assignment in IH cooker system.................................................................................. 2-5 Table 3-1 Internal Resource Arrangement and Configuration ........................................................................... 3-4 Table 4-1 Error Information ................................................................................................................................ 4-
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 1 OVERVIEW OF IH COOKER (IHC) 1 OVERVIEW OF IH COOKER (IHC) In traditional ranges or ovens, cookware is used to transfer heat from the stove elements. However, in the IH cooker (IHC), the cookware participates in the heat generation. This form of heat generation is known as Induction Heating, and it improves the overall thermal efficiency of heating. This document describes an IH cooker (IHC) system implemented with Samsung’s newly developed 8-bit
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 1 OVERVIEW OF IH COOKER (IHC) 1.2 KEY FEATURES OF S3F84B8 With no more discrete ICs like LM339 (comparator IC) in previous IHC solutions, S3F84B8 successfully integrates four comparators, one OPA, and one IH-PWM to control power directly. After configuration, all the four comparators can cooperate with the IH-PWM automatically, which makes the time-sensitive control possible. Figure2 shows the pin assignment in S3F84B8. VSS 1 20 VDD INT0/XIN/P0.0 2
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 1 OVERVIEW OF IH COOKER (IHC) Comparator1/2/3 has only one input with an internal programmable reference level. It can lock the output of PWM to a safe level. Besides the delay trigger function, PWM can realize anti-mis-trigger function as well. It prevents the PWM from being triggered by unexpected noise. For more information about the cooperating mechanism of the IH-PWM and four comparators, refer to the user’s manual. 1.3 SYSTEM PRINCIPLE To m
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2.1 SYSTEM DIAGRAM AND PIN ASSIGNMENT Figure 2-1 shows the block diagram of IH cooker system. Figure 2-1 Block Diagram of IH Cooker System 2-4
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION In Figure 2-1, SMPS stands for Switch Mode Power Supply. It provides +18V DC and +5V DC to the system. Three out of four comparators are used in this solution: one for synchronization circuit and other two for surge protection and IGBT over-voltage protection. Table 2-1 shows the pin assignment while using S3F84B8 in IH cooker system. Table 2-1 S3F84B8 pin assignment in IH cooker system Pin No. Pin Names Pin Type Pin As
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2.2 POWER SUPPLY Figure 2-2 shows the circuit diagram for power supply. D6 AC_L 220 VAC D7 L1 1N4007 D1 T1 D4 UF4007 +18V 1 5 AC_N D7 UF4007 330uH R1 6 1N4007 1N4007 100K/0.5W C1 4 8 102/1KV + C6 EE-19 100uF/25V 78L05 C2 D2 U1 Z1 C21 + + UF4007 4.7uF/450V 8 1 18V UF4007 100uF/25V 1 +5V D4 S1 VIN 7 2 D5 3 D3 S2 VOUT 6 3 2 + C13 D2 FB GND 5 4 100uF/16V D1 VDD IC1 VIPER12A + C8 C3 10uF/50V 104 Figure 2-2 Power Supply Ci
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2.3 SYNCHRONIZATION CIRCUIT +18V R28 51R R22 R21 C28 + 2K 2K 25V/100uF D8 Q4 COOKER 4148 8050 L2 FUSE1 Q1 R23 2K AC_L L3 R36 8050 10A/250V CHOKE 8550 C23 102 C20 IGBT 10R Q2 PWM IGBT_CTRL C19 0.24uF/1200V Q5 8050 C22 2-+ 4 FGA15N120 C17 0.1uF/275V 4uF/400V R37 R24 10K 101 1K BRIDGE D15XB80H18 R50 CONSTANTAN AC_N IGBT Driver SYS_I R2 220K/0.5W R6 220K/0.5W R3 R7 470K/0.5W 220K/0.5W R10 470K/0.5W R8 220K/0.5W Sy n_N Sy n_P R25 2
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION IH heating is the result of Eddy current caused by LC resonance. For a general cookware, the oscillation frequency may vary from 20KHz to 30KHz. Since heating consumes energy, the IGBT should be periodically turned on to allow the 220V power to compensate for the energy loss. Obviously, the longer it is turned on, the more energy can be accumulated. When the PWM output turns on the IGBT, electric energy is stored in the in
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2.4 POWER CONTROL Power is the product of voltage and current (P = V x I). Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6 show the measurement circuit of system voltage and current, separately. 2.4.1 VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT Figure 2-5 shows the circuit diagram for voltage measurement and surge protection. 1N4007 D9 AC_L 220 VAC D10 AC_N R17 1N4007 470K/0.5W R18 R19 820K/0.5W 820K/0.5W surge protection C15 Surge_P 102/1KV SYS_V R27 R20 6K8 29K +
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2.4.2 CURRENT MEASUREMENT SYS_I OPA_N R4 1K Rf C10 RW1 104J OPA_O CURRENT R13 36K R14 100K R 1 OPA _ N OPA _O 10K R15 + OPA _ P C12 22K 1uF/16V 3 F8 S 4B8 Gain = - Rf/R1 Figure 2-6 Current Measurement Circuit In the IH cooker system, the current can go as high as 10A. To avoid excessive energy loss, a constantan is used to change the current signal to voltage signal, which is then amplified by the
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2.5 SYSTEM PROTECTION 2.5.1 SURGE PROTECTION Figure 2-5 shows the circuit diagram for surge protection. In this figure, Surge_P specifies the negative input of Comparator 1. Also, reference voltage is internally set as 0.55VDD. When surge takes place, that is, V Surge_P > 0.55VDD, the falling edge of comparator 1 can hard-lock the PWM output immediately to prevent the IGBT from being burnt out by over current. The whole s
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2.5.4 TEMPERATURE PROTECTION Figure 2-7 shows the circuit diagram for temperature protection. +5V CN5 PAN_T RT1 2 +5V 100K3950 1 IGBT_T T_PAN C25 R29 R5 104 3K C4 10K 104 b) IGBT temperature protection a) Pan temperature protection Figure 2-7 Over-Temperature Protection RT1 is a thermistor located just beneath the IGBT. CN5 is the connector for the thermistor near the pan. For IGBT temperature protection, there are
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2.6 OTHER FUNCTIONS 2.6.1 PAN DETECTION Pan-on detection is executed every 2sec when the system is idle. It is useful when you press the Start key first and then put the pan on. In principle, even though the IGBT is turned on, there will not be any oscillation before the pan is put on the panel. In S3F84B8, comparator 0’s output can be set as the clock source of Timer C. After starting 1-cycle PWM output and waiting for
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S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION 2.6.3 KEY AND DISPLAY CIRCUIT Figure 2-9 shows the circuit diagram for key and display. 5V 1 R6 2 D1 SEG1/KS1 R32 1 2 U2 cons R2t9 ant constant coR8 nstant 1 28 LED NC GND0 constant 2 27 GRID1 D2 DIO GRID1 GRID2 SEG4/KS4 3 26 1 2 CLK GRID2 GND 4 25 D8 STB GND KEY1 5 24 GRID3 LED KEY1 GRID3 KEY2 GRID4 6 23 D3 KEY2 GRID4 5V 7 22 GND 1 2 VDD0 GND1 SEG1/KS1 5V 8 21 SEG1/KS1 VDD1 SEG2/KS2 GRID5 9 20 LED SEG2/KS2 SEG14/GRID5 SEG3/K