Wells-Gardner D9410 Series user manual

User manual for the device Wells-Gardner D9410 Series

Device: Wells-Gardner D9410 Series
Category: Computer Monitor
Manufacturer: Wells-Gardner
Size: 0.49 MB
Added : 1/20/2014
Number of pages: 11
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Wells-Gardner D9410 Series User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Wells-Gardner D9410 Series. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation

User Manual for
D9400 D9410 Series
Digital-Control Color Monitor

Wells-Gardner Electronics
9500 W. 55th Street Suite A
Mc Cook, Il. 60525-3605
(708) 290-2100

Revision ORG/E11004
D9400 User manual
Date 2-10-06

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation Picture Tube. • Size: 27V Regular and Flat size to customer requirement • Dot Pitch: .83mm Signal Input. • Video Input: Analog, Positive Signal 4 / 2.2Volts CGA (0.7V p-p)VGA • Horizontal Sync: TTL Level, Positive or Negative Pulse • Scanning : 15.75 KHz-50KHz • Vertical Input: TTL Level, Positive or Negative pulse • Scanning : 40-100Hz Power Supply. • Power Input : 90-240 VAC, 50/60Hz •

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation FEATURES: I²C BUS control. The monitor is designed with I²C BUS control for simplifying the circuitry. Automatic mode recognition of preset factory modes No control pots to wear out SET UP: Setting up your monitor is easy. All you have to do is make a few simple connections and adjustments. The procedure is as follows: START UP: Your monitor starts up automatically when you insert the power plug to power source.

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation CONTROLS AND ADJUSTMENTS: There are fiver switches on the control panel. The adjustable controls allow the best display status for individual requirements. 1.0 Key Function. 1. OSD / EXIT OSD – Call the Main-Menu OSD 2. FUN – / FUN + When the Main-Menu is displayed, you can select each function using these keys 3. KEY - / KEY + When the Sub-Menu is displayed, you can change the amplitude of The sel

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation A. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE . BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT 1) Press the “OSD” key The Main-Menu OSD will come up as pictured above. 2) Search “BRIGHTNESS” sub-menu using “+ or - FUN” key on the Main-Menu OSD. 3) The “BRIGHTNESS” OSD color changes from blue to red. 4) Adjust Brightness as much as you want using “+ or -” key. 5) After finishing the Brightness adjust, press the “OSD ” key. The “OSD” will Disappear. The new Bri

Summary of the content on the page No. 6


Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation COLOR SUBMENU RGB SCREEN COLOR - COLOR PREFERENCE • COLOR ADJUSTMENT. Factory preset. COLOR 1 - 9300°K: X=0.285, Y=0.293 COLOR 2 - 6500°K: X=0.312, Y=0.329 COLOR ADJUSTMENT - USER PREFERENCE 1) Press the “OSD” button to show the Main-Menu OSD. 2) Search the “RGB - ICON” sub-menu by using “+ or - Key” key on the Main-Menu OSD. 3) SELECT

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation LANGUAGE - USER PREFERENCE LANGUAGE SELECTION - USER PREFERENCE 1) Press the “OSD” button to show the Main-Menu OSD. 2) SELECT the “LANGUAGE - ICON” by pressing “+ FUN” Key. The language Sub-Menu OSD appears as Shown by the figure above. The language BOX WILL BE FLASHING RED. 3) Press “+ or - KEY” to select one of the desired language

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation TIMING CHART: 5 Standard Factory Pre-Set Timing Modes. Can be set to any customer requirement of 15.75-40Khz hor and 40-100Hz vert. Timing shown is based on 801GC/GX signal generator CGA MID- RES Mode 3 Mode4 Mode 5 HORIZONTAL 640X240 773X384 640X480 720X400 800X600 VGA_M3 VG

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Wells-Gardner Electronics Corporation

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