Tektronix 1740A/1750A user manual

User manual for the device Tektronix 1740A/1750A

Device: Tektronix 1740A/1750A
Category: Computer Monitor
Manufacturer: Tektronix
Size: 1.47 MB
Added : 8/25/2013
Number of pages: 143
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Tektronix 1740A/1750A User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Tektronix 1740A/1750A. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

User Manual
Waveform/Vector Monitor
Thisdocumentsupportsfirmwareversion 2.2 and
Test Equipment Depot - 800.517.8431 - 99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176 - FAX 781.665.0780 - TestEquipmentDepot.com

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

GeneralSafetySummary Reviewthe followingsafetyprecautionstoavoidinjuryand prevent damage tothisproduct oranyproductsconnectedto it. Toavoidpotential hazards, use thisproduct onlyas specified. Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures. ToAvoidFireorPersonalInjury UseProperPowerCord Use onlythe powercordspecifiedforthisproduct and certifiedforthe countryofuse. ConnectandDisconnectProperly Donot connect ordisconnect probesortest leadswhile they are connectedtoa voltage source. Grou

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

GeneralSafetySummary The commonterminal isat groundpotential. Donot connect the commonterminal toelevatedvoltages. DoNotOperateWithoutCovers.Donot operate this product withcoversorpanelsremoved. UseProperFuse.Use onlythe fuse type andratingspeci- fiedforthisproduct. AvoidExposedCircuitry.Donot touchexposedconnec- tionsandcomponentswhenpowerispresent. DoNotOperateWithSuspectedFailures.If you suspect there isdamage tothisproduct, have it inspectedbyqualified service personnel. DoNotOperateinWet/Da

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

GeneralSafetySummary CAUTION. Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property. TermsontheProduct.These termsmayappearonthe product: DANGER indicatesan injury hazardimmediatelyaccessible asyoureadthe marking. WARNINGindicatesaninjuryhazardnot immediately accessible asyoureadthe marking. CAUTIONindicatesa hazardtopropertyincludingthe product. SymbolsontheProduct.These symbolsmayappearon the product: Double Protective CAUTION WARNING

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ProductDescription ............................. 1-1 Features ................................. 1-2 Options ........................................ 1-5 Power Cord Options....................... 1-5 CRT Options ............................. 1-6 Accessories .................................... 1-7 Standard Accessories ..................... 1-7 OptionalAccessories ...................... 1-7 Field Upgrade Kits ........................ 1-8 Installation ................

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

TableofContents DisplayModes............................ 3-1 Vector................................. 3-1 Waveform ............................. 3-1 Audio ................................. 3-2 SCH .................................. 3-2 Picture ................................ 3-2 Time Code............................. 3-3 Multiple ............................... 3-3 Displaying a Signal........................ 3-3 Inputs ................................. 3-3 Using theMenus ........................

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

TableofContents Making Measurements BasicMeasurements ............................ 4-1 Waveform Graticule ....................... 4-1 HorizontalScale ........................ 4-1 NTSC VerticalScales.................... 4-2 PALVerticalScale ...................... 4-3 Dual-Standard VerticalScale ............. 4-4 Making Waveform Measurements ........... 4-5 HorizontalSync Amplitude............... 4-5 Peak White ............................ 4-5 K-Factor Measurements ................. 4-5 Vector Gra

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

TableofContents Appendices Appendix A PerformanceSpecifications...................... A-1 Reliability .............................. A-1 ElectricalSpecifications ................. A-2 Certifications and compliances ........... A-13 Appendix B RemoteConnectors ............................. B-1 Remote Connector Converter............... B-4 Appendix C UserService .................................... C-1 Cleaning or Replacing the Fan Filter......... C-1 Fuse Replacement ........................ C-1

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

TableofContents LISTOFFIGURES Figure 2-1. Multi-Use Bezel Controls and Buttons. ........ 2-2 Figure 2-2. 1740A Front Panel. ...................... 2-3 Figure 2-3. 1750A Front Panel. ...................... 2-4 Figure 2-4. 1740A/ 1750A--Series Rear Panel. ........... 2-10 Figure 2-5. Equipment hook-up for Operator’s Checkout Procedure. ............................ 2-12 Figure 2-6. Calibrator display. ....................... 2-14 Figure 2-7. Two-Line LUM filter display of color bar signal. .. 2-17

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

TableofContents Figure 4-12. Two-Field SC/H R--Y display (PAL). .......... 4-14 Figure 4-13. Audio displays. ......................... 4-15 Figure B-1. Rearpanel REMOTE connector. ............ B-1 Figure B-2. REMOTE adapter........................ B-4 Figure B-3. Rearpanel RS232 connector................ B-5 Figure C-1. Graticule light replacement. ................ C-3 1740A/1750ASeriesWaveform/VectorMonitorUserManual x Test Equipment Depot - 800.517.8431 - 99 Washington Street Melrose, MA 02176

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Preface Thisusermanual isone ofa set oftwomanualsthat document the Tektronix1740A/1750A-SeriesWaveform/Vectormonitors. To purchase a service manual, please referto “ContactingTektronix” on Page xivforaddressandphone numberinformation. UserManual Instrument controlsandreadoutsappearin ALLCAPITALS. Topicscoveredinthe usermanual are asfollows: Introduction GettingStarted OperationBasics MakingMeasurements Appendix A providesinstrument specifications, both electrical andmechanical. Appendix B descri

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Preface ServiceManual Topicscoveredinthe service manual are asfollows: Specifications OperatingInformation Theory ofOperation PerformanceVerification Adjustment Procedures Maintenance Options Electrical PartsList Diagrams Mechanical PartsList xii 1740A/1750ASeriesWaveform/VectorMonitorUserManual

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Preface 1750AWaveform/VectorMonitor. 1740A/1750ASeriesWaveform/VectorMonitorUserManual xiii

Summary of the content on the page No. 14


Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

ProductDescription The 1740A/1750A--Seriesare combinationwaveform/vector monitorsinhalf-racksize packages. The 1740A--Series providesall basic waveform monitorandvectorscope func- tions; the 1750A--Seriesprovidesthe same functionswith SCHmeasurement capabilitiesadded. The followingproducts are available: 1740A /1750A NTSC 1741A /1751A PAL 1745A /1755A NTSC/ PAL (dual-standard) Applications Typical applicationsforthese monitorsinclude videosignal monitoringincamera control units, VTRbridges, prod

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

ProductDescription Features  Composite orComponent Waveform Monitoring  Composite VectorDisplay  Menu-AssistedOperationallowsexpandedfeature set.  Assignable cursorsfortime andvoltage.  Picture monitormode forverifyingsignal source  StereoAudioDisplay  Longitudinal time code displaymode foreditingapplica- tions  SCHandColorFramingDisplay(1750A--Seriesonly)  External staircase from a camera control unit canbe selectedremotely.  Internal videofiltersprovide specializedmeasurements, withd

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

ProductDescription mable and1isfactory-programmed. The FILTERmenualso providesa choice offourfiltersinadditiontoflat. Two combinationfilteringmodescanbe displayedin OVERLAYor PARADE. Referto “Usingthe Menus” onpage 3-5 formore menuinformation. CRT The monitorshave a bright, post-acceleratedCRT with lightedinternal graticule. The parallax-free internal graticule structure containstargetsandmarkingsforboththe vector andwaveform functions. Awhite phosphorusCRT isoption- al; refertopage 1-6fordetail

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

ProductDescription 1-4 1740A/1750ASeriesWaveform/VectorMonitorUserManual

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Options White phosphorCRT andpowercordoptionsare the only optionscurrentlyavailable forthe 1740A/1750A--Series. Fieldupgrade kitslistedinthissectioncanalsobe usedwith these monitors. PowerCordOptions Anyofthe followingpowercordoptionscanbe orderedfor the 1740A/1750A--Series. Ifnopowercordoptionisspeci- fied, instrumentsare shippedwitha NorthAmerican125V powercordandone replacement fuse. Unlessotherwise specified, powercordsforuse inNorth America are UL listedandCSAcertified. Cordsforuse in areas

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