Dell E2210H user manual

User manual for the device Dell E2210H

Device: Dell E2210H
Category: Computer Monitor
Manufacturer: Dell
Size: 1.14 MB
Added : 12/9/2013
Number of pages: 2
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Dell E2210H User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Dell E2210H. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Setting Up Your Monitor
DELL E2010H/E2210H/E2310H Flat Panel Monitor
Verify the contents of the box Remove the cover and place the monitor on it Attach the stand to the monitor
Nehmen Sie die Abdeckung ab, und stellen Sie den Monitor darauf Fuß am Monitor befestigen
Überprüfen Sie den Lieferumfang
Vérifiez le contenu de la boîte Enlevez le cache et placez le moniteur dessus Accrochez le support sur le moniteur
Extraiga la cubierta y coloque el monitor sobre ella Acople la base al monitor

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Сведения о мониторе 1 2 3 6 4 9 7 5 8 1. Shortcut Key 1 1. Schnelltaste 1 1. Touche de raccourci 1 1. Botón de Acceso Directo 1 1. Tecla de Atalho 1 1. Tasto di scelta rapida 1 1. Горячая клавиша 1 2. Shortcut Key 2 2. Schnelltaste 2 2. Touche de raccourci 2 2. Botón de Acceso Directo 2 2. Tecla de Atalho 2 2. Tasto di scelta rapida 2 2. Горячая клавиша 2 3. OSD Menu 3. OSD Menü 3. Menu OSD 3. Menú OSD 3. Menu OSD 3. Menu OSD 3. Меню OSD 4. Exit 4. Verlassen 4. Quitter 4. Salir 4. Saída 4. Esci

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