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FORM 100.50-EG1 (201)
Packaged Rooftop
Air Conditioning Units
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TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Nomenclature .........................................................................................................3 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 4 Physical Data .......................................................................................................... 7 Application Data ............................................................................................
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FORM 100.50-EG1 PAGE FIGURES 1 Packaged Rooftop Air Conditioning Unit .................................................. 4 2 Single-Point Power Supply Wiring .......................................................... 31 3 Single-Point Power Supply Wiring with Non-Fused Disconnect ............. 32 4 Dual-Point Power Supply Wiring ............................................................ 33 5 Field Control Wiring ............................................................................... 34
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Introduction 00406VIP FIG. 1 – PACKAGED ROOFTOP AIR CONDITIONING UNIT FEATURES/BENEFITS in two directions conforming to ASHRAE 62n, this drain pan swiftly minimizes any condensate within the unit. Best of all, the drain pan is accessible for Ecological and Economical Design periodic cleaning required by IAQ standards. First packaged RTU with 407C optimized design Smart ventilation – YORK maintains the leader- Cooling and Heating – Superior operating perfor- ship role in IAQ products with a
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FORM 100.50-EG1 2 Enhanced filtration – The Eco unit gives design- Serviceability ers the flexibility to meet various IAQ requirements TM OptiLogic – fully-integrated factory-packaged with a full range of rigid and throwaway filters at controls are standard on every unit and include a various efficiency levels. display unit with a 4x20 character LCD display. TM OptiLogic continually monitors all control setpoints Reliable Scroll Compressor Technology and configurations. If a unit or control
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Introduction the optional convenience outlet. All incoming power on all systems offering higher rooftop cooling ca- is connected in one location, reducing the cost of pacity than competitive units. field-supplied and installed power wiring. Hot Gas Bypass – Optional on constant volume units, Factory-mounted and wired controls – All con- hot gas bypass reduces the cycling of compressors trol points within the unit are factory-installed, wired which helps prolong the life of the equipment. TM
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FORM 100.50-EG1 Physical Data TABLE 1 – PHYSICAL DATA MODEL SIZE 50 55 60 65 GENERAL DATA Length (Inches) 336 336 336 336 Width (Inches) 92 92 92 92 Height (Inches) 82 82 82 82 Operating Weights (Lbs.) (base unit, no options) Cooling Only (Rigging & Refrigerant) 8,080 8,290 8,530 8,740 Rigging Weights (Lbs.) (base unit, no options) Cooling Only 8,010 8,210 8,440 8,640 Option Weights (Lbs.) Power Exhaust (Blower, motor, fan skid & mod damper) 647 647 647 647 Power Exhaust (Blower, motor, fan skid
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Physical Data (continued) TABLE 1 – PHYSICAL DATA (Cont’d) MODEL SIZE 50 55 60 65 GENERAL DATA Condenser Fans Quantity 44 44 Type Prop. Prop. Prop. Prop. Diameter (inches) 36 36 36 36 Filters – 2" throwaway Quantity 8 12 8 12 8 12 8 12 Size (length x width) (in.) 25x16 25x20 25x16 25x20 25x16 25x20 25x16 25x20 Total Filter Face Area (square feet) 63.9 63.9 63.9 63.9 Filters – 2" cleanable Quantity 8 12 8 12 8 12 8 12 Size (length x width) (in.) 25x16 25x20 25x16 25x20 25x16 25x20 25x16 25x20 To
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FORM 100.50-EG1 Application Data LOCATION Spreader bars must be used to prevent damage to the unit casing. All lifting lugs must be used when lifting the rooftop unit. Of the many factors that can affect the acoustical char- acteristics of a rooftop installation, one of the most im- Care must be taken to keep the unit in the upright posi- portant is the unit location. Ideally, the rooftop unit should tion during rigging and to prevent damage to the water- be installed away from sound-sensitive a
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Application Data (continued) 2 For VAV applications, the YORK eco unit uses a VFD BUILDING EXHAUST SYSTEMS to modulate fan speed and maintain a constant duct static pressure. VFDs offer superior control over the Building exhaust systems are often necessary when operation of the unit at part load, and offer the addi- economizers are used to bring in outdoor air. Without tional benefits of quieter and more efficient operation proper building exhaust, the building may become over- when compared to
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FORM 100.50-EG1 The curb should be located according to the location and the unit requires a modulating economizer, 2-inch recommendations above, and properly sealed to pre- pleated filters, bottom supply and bottom return air open- vent moisture and air leakage into and out of the duct ings and is constant volume. system. Flexible collars should be used when connect- ing the duct work to prevent unit noise transmission Select Unit: and vibration into the building. 1. Determine the internal sta
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Cooling Performance Data – 50 Ton Model TABLE 2 – COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 50 TON MODEL 85° AIR ON CONDENSER COIL CAPACITY (MBH) AT ENTERING DRY BULB (°F) ENTERING 90 86 83 80 77 74 CFM WB (°F) CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC 72 700 477 700 431 695 387 692 353 691 311 —— 10000 67 653 548 646 500 635 454 637 416 632 377 626 343 62 640 640 608 608 590 583 582 562 569 514 574 455 72 711 500 708 445 705 399 701 360 699 316 —— 14000 67 665 581 656 523 647 474 647 431 643 388 637 349
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FORM 100.50-EG1 TABLE 2 – COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 50 TON MODEL (CONT’D) 105° AIR ON CONDENSER COIL CAPACITY (MBH) AT ENTERING DRY BULB (°F) ENTERING 90 86 83 80 77 74 CFM WB (°F) CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC 72 649 464 650 409 645 365 644 330 644 290 —— 10000 67 590 513 596 478 589 434 591 390 593 354 589 318 62 597 597 573 573 536 498 549 460 544 429 542 384 72 658 483 658 424 653 378 651 338 650 295 —— 14000 67 609 550 608 501 600 454 600 406 601 366 597 326 62 614 614 58
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Cooling Performance Data – 55 Ton Model TABLE 3 – COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 55 TON MODEL 85° AIR ON CONDENSER COIL CAPACITY (MBH) AT ENTERING DRY BULB (°F) ENTERING 90 86 83 80 77 74 CFM WB (°F) CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC 72 732 488 704 437 700 393 696 356 695 313 —— 12000 67 677 564 651 511 641 463 642 423 637 382 631 346 62 660 648 616 616 598 598 588 564 576 515 579 456 72 743 512 712 452 709 405 706 363 703 319 —— 16000 67 693 598 661 535 653 484 652 438 649 394 642 353
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FORM 100.50-EG1 TABLE 3 – COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 55 TON MODEL (CONT’D) 105° AIR ON CONDENSER COIL CAPACITY (MBH) AT ENTERING DRY BULB (°F) ENTERING 90 86 83 80 77 74 CFM WB (°F) CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC 72 642 473 654 416 649 371 647 334 647 292 —— 12000 67 593 531 602 489 594 443 595 397 597 359 593 322 62 592 605 581 581 546 512 553 471 549 437 546 390 72 661 493 662 432 658 384 655 342 654 297 —— 16000 67 619 569 613 513 606 464 605 415 605 372 601 330 62 618 623 5
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Cooling Performance Data – 60 Ton Model TABLE 4 – COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 60 TON MODEL 85° AIR ON CONDENSER COIL CAPACITY (MBH) AT ENTERING DRY BULB (°F) ENTERING 90 86 83 80 77 74 CFM WB (°F) CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC 72 804 495 804 461 801 277 798 383 792 344 —— 14000 67 736 586 728 522 729 339 727 440 725 408 723 377 62 689 689 663 663 658 442 656 543 647 493 654 424 72 846 609 840 538 837 410 833 426 827 372 —— 18000 67 795 720 773 632 771 504 769 519 767 468 761 415
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FORM 100.50-EG1 TABLE 4 – COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 60 TON MODEL (CONT’D) 105° AIR ON CONDENSER COIL CAPACITY (MBH) AT ENTERING DRY BULB (°F) ENTERING 90 86 83 80 77 74 CFM WB (°F) CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC 72 753 500 744 438 741 392 741 357 737 319 —— 14000 67 690 469 676 304 672 458 681 416 681 384 678 350 62 652 652 627 627 587 554 616 489 632 454 624 412 72 782 588 778 514 774 457 771 403 767 347 —— 18000 67 745 635 718 508 713 550 715 494 711 442 708 389 62 726 726 69
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Cooling Performance Data – 65 Ton Model TABLE 5 – COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 65 TON MODEL 85° AIR ON CONDENSER COIL CAPACITY (MBH) AT ENTERING DRY BULB (°F) ENTERING 90 86 83 80 77 74 CFM WB (°F) CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC 72 840 584 839 516 836 467 833 418 828 368 —— 14000 67 785 669 774 605 771 554 772 502 768 456 764 406 62 754 754 724 724 695 640 710 589 707 542 706 492 72 853 615 851 540 848 486 844 431 840 377 —— 18000 67 802 713 788 638 784 582 784 525 780 473 776 418
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FORM 100.50-EG1 TABLE 5 – COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA – 65 TON MODEL (CONT’D) 105° AIR ON CONDENSER COIL CAPACITY (MBH) AT ENTERING DRY BULB (°F) ENTERING 90 86 83 80 77 74 CFM WB (°F) CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC CAP SHC 72 780 560 777 493 774 442 771 393 768 342 —— 14000 67 737 646 717 581 714 529 714 476 711 430 708 381 62 710 710 682 682 650 621 658 565 655 516 653 466 72 792 591 788 516 785 461 781 406 777 351 —— 18000 67 753 683 730 613 726 556 725 499 721 447 718 393 62 732 732 70
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Fan Performance TABLE 6 – 50 THROUGH 65 TON SUPPLY FAN DATA TOTAL STATIC PRESSURE (inches of water column) CFM 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 STD. AIR RPM HP RPM HP RPM HP RPM HP RPM HP RPM HP 10000 249 1.7 321 2.5 382 3.3 –– –– –– –– –– — 12000 269 2.5 335 3.4 392 4.4 443 5.3 493 6.4 –– — 14000 290 3.6 352 4.7 405 5.8 454 6.9 497 8.0 540 9.1 16000 312 5.1 371 6.3 421 7.5 467 8.7 510 10.0 549 11.2 17500 329 6.3 386 7.7 435 9.0 478 10.4 519 11.7 558 13.1 18000 334 6.8 391 8.2 439 9.6 482 10.9 522