Nuance comm KINDLE 2 user manual

User manual for the device Nuance comm KINDLE 2

Device: Nuance comm KINDLE 2
Category: Computer Hardware
Manufacturer: Nuance comm
Size: 1.47 MB
Added : 9/13/2013
Number of pages: 99
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Nuance comm KINDLE 2 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Nuance comm KINDLE 2. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS WELCOME CHAPTER 1 Getting Started with Your Kindle 1.1 Views of Kindle Front View Back View Top View Bottom View 1.2 Getting Around Using the Buttons Using the Menus 1.3 Entering Text Lowercase and Uppercase Letters Numbers, Punctuation, and Symbols 1.4 Status Indicators Whispernet Status Indicators Battery Status Indicators Activity Indicator CHAPTER 2 Getting to Know Kindle Content 2.1 The Home Screen Home Screen Features Show Options Sort Option

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

2.2 Managing Your Content Removing Kindle Items More about Managing Items CHAPTER 3 Reading on Kindle 3.1 Types of Content Books Newspapers Magazines Blogs Personal Documents Audiobooks Background Music 3.2 Content Formatting on Kindle Progress Indicator Changing the Text Size Increasing the Size of a Picture 3.3 Moving from Place to Place Using the Menu to Get Around Navigating within a Periodical Selecting Internal Links Viewing a Table Reading Across Multiple Kindle

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

3.6 Listening to Audio Materials Audiobooks Background Audio Text-to-Speech CHAPTER 4 Searching on Kindle 4.1 Introduction to Search Types of Searches Performing a Search 4.2 Search Results Page Search Results for a Specific Item Search Results for a Definition 4.3 Performing Remote Searches Searching Wikipedia Searching the Web Searching the Kindle Store CHAPTER 5 The Kindle Store 5.1 Getting Started at the Store Connecting to the Kindle Store 5.2 Kindle Store Pages The

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

5.4 Making Purchases Trying a Sample Book Buying Your Selections Returning an Item CHAPTER 6 Accessing the Web 6.1 Using Basic Web Entering a URL Using Bookmarks and Adding Your Own Using Next Page and Previous Page Selecting Links, Buttons, and Boxes Using History The Basic Web Menu 6.2 Other Features Text Size Downloading Files Basic Web Settings CHAPTER 7 Settings and Experimental 7.1 Adjusting Your Kindle Settings Registering or Deregistering Kindle Personalizing Your

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

8.2 Handling Files through USB Managing Your Documents Transferring Your Clippings 8.3 Converting and Transferring Your Documents Supported Formats for Conversion Sending Your Documents for Conversion 8.4 Audiobooks and MP3s Audiobooks from Transferring MP3s CHAPTER 9 Your Kindle and 9.1 Shopping for Kindle Content on Browsing the Kindle Store Searching the Kindle Store Getting the Details Ordering Content 9.2 Managing Your Kindle on Amazon

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

10.4 Transferring Audiobooks 10.5 Transferring MP3s APPENDIX Safety Information Maintaining Your Kindle One-Year Limited Warranty Notices and Certifications Product Specifications * * * nd Kindle 2 User’s Guide 2 Edition 7

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Thank you for purchasing Amazon Kindle 2. You are reading the Welcome section of the Kindle 2 User's Guide. This section provides an overview of Kindle 2 and highlights a few basic features so you can start reading as quickly as possible. You can leave this guide at any time by pressing the Home button on your Kindle. To turn to the next page, press one of the Next Page buttons. If your Kindle was a gift, you will need to register your device. Please look at the Getting Started instruc

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Getting Around You navigate Kindle using the 5-way controller; the Home, Menu, Back, and Next/Previous Page buttons; and the keyboard: To select a particular item such as a menu option or a specific word in your reading material, move the 5-way controller up, down, left, or right to highlight your choice and then press to select. You can press the Next or Previous Page buttons to move forward or backward in your reading material and press the Back button to retrace your steps on your Ki

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Easy-to-Read Display Kindle uses a high-resolution display technology called electronic paper. It works using ink just like books and newspapers, but it displays the ink particles electronically. The page flash you see when you turn the page is part of the ink placement process. The electronic paper display is reflective, which means unlike most displays, you can read it clearly even in bright sunlight. Also, electronic paper does not need power to hold the ink in place, which extends your

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

To try it now, press the Text key , move the 5-way controller to choose the size you prefer and press the 5-way to select. The text changes to the new size. Repeat the same steps to change the text size back or to change it to a size comfortable for you to read. Let Kindle Read to You You can also choose to turn on the experimental application, Text-to-Speech, which will read aloud your books, newspapers, blogs, and personal documents. You can either listen through your Kindle's external

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Shop Anytime, Anywhere If you have Whispernet on and you select "Shop in Kindle Store" from any menu, Kindle connects you to a broad offering of reading material including books, newspapers, blogs, and magazines. You can browse by category or check out the latest bestsellers, new and noteworthy items, or your personalized recommendations. You can see details about an item, read customer reviews, and even download free samples of books you are interested in. If you want to buy an item, Kind

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Bookmark Your Reading Kindle automatically saves your place in whatever book you are reading, but you can also add a bookmark to any page by pressing the Menu button and selecting "Add a Bookmark." You can see that the upper right corner of the page is dog-eared. Kindle stores all your bookmarks for the current content in your annotations. You can view them at any time by pressing the Menu button and selecting "My Notes & Marks." Add Your Own Notes Do you like to take notes and make comm

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

The Table of Contents for the Kindle 2 User's Guide shows you all of the topics covered in this guide. You can get to the table of contents by pressing the Menu button from any page. Move the 5-way down until you underline "Table of Contents" and press the 5-way to go to it. You can also navigate by clicking an underlined word or words like the "Table of Contents" above. Underlined words indicate a link to somewhere else in the material you are reading, like a footnote, a chapter, or a web

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

CHAPTER 1  Getting Started with Your Kindle  In the Welcome chapter of the Kindle 2 User's Guide, you read about many of the things you can do with your Kindle. This chapter reviews all of the physical features of Kindle and covers the basics of using the Kindle buttons, menus, and keyboard. 1.1 Views of Kindle  Front View The front of your Kindle contains the screen the keyboard, and the navigation controls. These features are illustrated below and explained in the list that follows. V

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Home button — shows content stored on your Kindle as well as content archived at Amazon. Next Page button — takes you to the next page in your reading material. To accommodate different ways of holding the Kindle, there is a Next Page button on both sides. Menu button — displays application and navigation choices that are related to the screen you are viewing. 5-way controller — selects an item or action when pressed down. Moves the on-screen highlight or cursor up and down when moved up a

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Back View The back of your Kindle contains stereo speakers for audio content. Top View nd Kindle 2 User’s Guide 2 Edition 17

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Power switch — puts your Kindle to sleep, wakes it up, and turns your Kindle on or off. To put your Kindle to sleep, slide and release the power switch; a full screen image appears on the display. While your Kindle is asleep, other keys and buttons are locked so that you don't accidentally change the place in your reading. To turn your Kindle off, slide and hold the power switch for four seconds until the screen goes blank and then release. To wake up or turn on your Kindle, slide and relea

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Tip: The Kindle power adapter is a universal power adapter and will work worldwide. If you are traveling outside the United States, and want to recharge your Kindle, connect the power adapter to a country-approved physical plug adapter (not included) for the country that you are in. To transfer content between your computer and your Kindle, connect the provided USB cable to the Kindle and to the computer's USB port. If your computer's USB port or powered USB hub provides power, your Kindle

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

The illustration below shows the Home menu; the bold line under "Shop in Kindle Store" indicates that it is ready to be selected. nd Kindle 2 User’s Guide 2 Edition 20

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