Addonics Technologies HDU11SITDR user manual

User manual for the device Addonics Technologies HDU11SITDR

Device: Addonics Technologies HDU11SITDR
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: Addonics Technologies
Size: 0.56 MB
Added : 9/25/2013
Number of pages: 18
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Addonics Technologies HDU11SITDR User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Addonics Technologies HDU11SITDR. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Source Drive Bay
Target Drive Bay 1 - 5
Duplicator Panel
Target Drive Bay 6 - 11
Power Switch
User Guide
1:11 HDD Duplicator PRO
Technical Support
If you need any assistance to get your unit functioning properly, please have your
product information ready and contact Addonics Technical Support at:
Hours: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm PST
Phone: 408-453-6212

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Table Of Contents ............. Page 3 Basic Instructions ............. Page 5 Functions ............. Page 6 Copy HDD ............. Page 6 Compare HDD ............. Page 7 PreScan Source ............. Page 8 ReScan Bus ............. Page 8 Source Size ............. Page 9 Overwrite ............. Page 9 Setup ............. Page 13 Advanced Setup ............. Page 16 Basic Troubleshooting ............. Page 17 Error Messages List ............. Page 18 Firmware Update Procedure

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Basic Instructions I. Installing Drive into the HDD Duplicator For installing a hard drive on the various enclosures that come with the HDD duplicator, refer to the bundled enclosure installation guides. Step 1 Once the hard drive is installed on the drive enclosure, slide in the Source drive into the drive bay. Push down the handle and using the key provided, turn the key lock to the Lock position. This will secure the drive and turn on the power to the hard drive. Step 2 Slide in the Target

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Press ENT button to begin copy. The system will auto-detect the hard disks and show the following info on the LCD. Copy-36MBs 0% 235.7GB 1:48 The LCD will show the following info during the copying process: remaining time, completed percentage. The copy speed, capacity and time will vary depending on the source hard disk. Once the copying process is complete the LCD will display the following results. Copy HD OK: Technical Support (M-F 8:30am - 6:00pm PST) Pho

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Functions The copy controller has 11 functions in total, with the 11th (Adv Setup) being a hidden system function that only appears when the ESC key is pressed for 2 seconds until there is a beep. These are shown below. 1. Copy HDD 2. Async Copy HDD 3. Compare HDD 4. Async Compare 5. PreScan Source Duplicator Controller 6. ReScan BUS 7. Source Size 8. Secure Erase 9. Overwrite 10. Setup 11. Adv Setup 10-01. Language

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Copy HDD Copy HDD copies data directly from the source hard disk to the target hard disk. Please make sure that the capacity of the target hard disk is equal or larger than the source hard disk. Choose option 1 from the menu: 1. Copy HDD HDD:11 232.9GB Press ENT to begin copy. The system will auto-detect the hard disks and show the following copying info on the LCD. Copy-36MB/s 0% 232.9GB 00:00:00 The LCD will show the following info during the copying process: elapsed

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

3. Compare HDD HDD: 11 232.9GB Press ENT to begin the comparison. The LCD will display the following info. Comp-23MB/s 0% 232.9GB 00:00:00 Once the comparison is complete the LCD will display the following info as well as the amount of data on the source hard disk. Compare OK:11 Fail: 0 Di: 0 Async Compare Compare HDD is used to see if the data on a source hard disk is identical to the target hard disk after the Copy HDD operation. While compare process is on-going, allo

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

ReScan Bus ReScan Bus allows swapping the source or target in and out without having to reboot the system. Choose option 6 from the menu: 6. ReScan BUS Press ENT to re-scan hardware. The LCD will display the following info. Re-Scan BUS NOW? Yes When the scan is complete the LCD will display the fol lowing info. Bus re- scan OK! Source Size Source Size is used to show the capacity of the source. Choose option 7 from the menu: 7. Source Size Press ENT and the LCD will

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

In Process Elapsed 01:00 Overwrite Overwrite is used to overwrite the data of the hard disk, it will erase all HDDs connected to the duplicator (including Source HDD). There are 3 sub-options: One pass, 3 pass and 7 pass. Choose option 9 from the menu: 9. Overwrite Press ENT to access option. By default it is One pass Use the Up and Down arrow keys to choose other options. 9-01. Overwrite One pass Press ENT to access option. By default it is set to No. Use the Up and Down arrow

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Copy Size This option is used to specify the size of the source hard disk for simplifying further copying operations. 10-02. Setup Copy Size Press ENT and the LCD will display a detailed list of options as shown below Copy Size 100%~1% (*MB) Use the Up and Down arrow keys to choose dierent copy si zes. The system will oer their corresponding percentages so the user can specify the amount to copy from the source hard disk. Press ENT to conrm and save the changes. Startup

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Device Info This option is used to display the details of all hard disks connected to the copy controller. 10-06. Setup Device Info Press ENT and the LCD will display each hard disk' information in order as shown below. 0 Source CH: 0 Hitachi 232.9GB System Info This option displays system information. 10-07. Setup System Info Fast Copy This option displays Fast Copy. Fast Copy only copies data on the source drive to the target drives. Currently only supports FAT, FA

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Press ENT to enter the following gure. The default is O. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to choose 5 Sec-50 Sec. Auto Start Timer O Tolerance Size This option is used to set the tolerance in terms of percentage dierence between the source and target capacity. This is to ensure that when the target drive is smaller than the source drive, the duplication process will not start. 10-11. Setup Tolerance Size Press ENT to enter the following gure. The default is O. Us

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Adv Setup Adv Setup oers expert users access to more advanced system settings. To access this option, hold down the ESC key for two seconds until it appears. 11. Adv Setup Read Error Skip This function sets the system to ignore any errors during the copying process. Normally if there is an error during copying a warning is displayed on the LCD. By using this function, users can also copy a HDD with errors. 11-01. Adv Setup Read Error Skip Press ENT to enter the following screen.

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Press ENT again and the LCD will prompt you to conrm the er ase operation. All data will be lost,Erase? No Full Erase HDD This function is used to full erase all data on the HDD. Please backup any important data before using this function. 11-05.Adv Setup Full Erase HDD Press ENT to enter the following screen. Use the Up and Down buttons to select the HDD to erase. Quick Erase HDD ALL/Target CH:* Press ENT again and the LCD will prompt you to conrm the er ase operation. All data wil

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Load Default Press ESC to return to the main menu then use the ENT button to select. This function resets all settings to their factory default. This function helps the system recover from errors caused by an illegal operation. 11-07.Adv Setup Load Default Press ENT to enter the following screen. Use the Up and Down buttons to conrm reset to factory defaults. Load Default Cong? Yes If Load Default OK, this will be displayed on the LCD as shown below. Load Default Ok Copy HPA

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Basic Troubleshooting LCD If the LCD blank after the device is turned on, check that the power cable is properly connected and that the power supply is on. Error Message When the system is running a copy operation or hardware diagnostics, if the operation is manually terminated by pressing ESC an error message will be shown by the LCD. This may lead to an illegal operation and cause the device to stop reminding. If this happens, the device must be restarted. Hard Disk If unable to read the

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Error Messages List NO# Error Messages Description Applied to 1 Source Drive Not Exist! No source HDD exist Copy, Async Copy, Compare, during operating Async Compare, PreScan Source, Source Size, Copy Size, Tolerance Size 2 User Abort! Cancel operating Any function and any time 3 No Drive Exist Device Info No HDD exist during operating 4 X Space Not Enough When source capacity is Copy, Compare Target Drive Space Not small than target Enough 5 X Space Not Enough When source capacity is Async C

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Firmware Update Procedure (Requires one hard drive containing the rmware le): 1. Create a 50MB HDD partition with FAT/FAT32 or NTFS les system on any SATA hard drive 2. Download the rmware and unzip the le to .BIN le format 3. Copy the .BIN le onto the 50 MB partition of the HDD 4. Insert this drive to the Source slot of the duplicator. For subsystem, connect the drive to the Source SATA port 5. Select "Firmware Update" function under the "Setup" or "Advanced Setup" menu and pre

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