Addonics Technologies AD5EHPMEU3 user manual

User manual for the device Addonics Technologies AD5EHPMEU3

Device: Addonics Technologies AD5EHPMEU3
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: Addonics Technologies
Size: 2.17 MB
Added : 9/25/2013
Number of pages: 8
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Addonics Technologies AD5EHPMEU3 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Addonics Technologies AD5EHPMEU3. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

User Guide
External Port Multiplier Ultra
Technical Support
If you need any assistance to get your unit functioning properly, please have your
product information ready and contact Addonics Technical Support at:
Hours: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm PST
Phone: 408-453-6212

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Unpacking and Overview D1 – D5: Refers to Device 1 - 5 Power LED Host LED USB 3.0 SET Power to host Button eSATA Device Port input eSATA Host Power Dipswitch (SW1) on/off Drive Activity LED: LED will light up. If the drive is being accessed, the green LED will blink. eSATA Ports:T his is where you connect your eSATA devices (like your eSATA drive enclosure) Power input: Connects to 5V Power supply or USB power cable. Power on/off: This turns the port multiplier ON or OFF. When the power switc

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Port Multiplier Compatibility When configured as a set of individual drives and connected to a SATA or an eSATA host adapter, the Port Multiplier will only work with a Port Multiplier aware host. This includes setting up the unit with more than one array. Identify your host controller and check with its hardware manufacturer if you are unsure. Addonics offers several Port Multiplier aware host adapters. Using identical drives for all settings other than JBOD or LARGE is strongly recommended

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

RAID 3 (Stripe set with dedicated parity) Number of drives: at least 3 Unit capacity: size of one member times number of members minus one. Spares: yes Fault tolerance: can withstand the loss of one drive without losing data. RAID 3 works by striping data for individual I/O blocks across all members except one, which contains parity data for the stripe set computed internally by the Port Multiplier. In the event of failure, the missing information can be calculated using the parity informatio

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Configuring the Port Multiplier Using Dipswitches Resetting the RAID NOTE: This procedure destroys all RAID data. It should not harm individual drives or their contents; however, creating backups of all data is strongly recommended before proceeding. Be sure the port multiplier is connected to an active host before proceeding. The port multiplier will not complete the process if it has no host connection. 1. Power down the unit and set the dip switch to the desired RAID Mode. 2. While holding

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

RAID Mode Switches M2, M1, M0 (SW1:3 – SW1-5) The RAID Mode switches define what type of RAID will be initialized when the unit is powered up while the RAID Mode button is held down. Each type of RAID has different properties and requirements, as follows: 1 Dipswitch Position 1 (BZS) 2 (EZ) 3 (M2) 4 (M1) 5 (M0) JBOD (Individual Drives) 2 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF * FACTORY DEFAULT SETTING 3 RAID 0 OFF ON ON ON ON RAID 1 OR 10 OFF OFF ON ON OFF RAID 3 OFF OFF ON OFF OFF RAID 5 OFF OFF OFF O

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Next, click the Basic RAID Configuration tab and select the type of RAID desired. Note that RAID 1 is currently disabled as an option since more than two individual drives are available, and DELETE ALL RAID is disabled since there are currently no arrays to delete. Shown below is the same set of drives being selected as a LARGE array. Finally, click Apply. The Jmicron RAID Manager will confirm the operation with a reminder that existing data on the drives will be lost, then perform the RAID

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

The RAID and Disk Information screen (shown when the program was launched) will now show the Port Multiplier with an Array. The drives are now listed as M0-M4, indicating they are members of the array. If spares are present (individual drives added later, and the EZ switch is in the OFF position), they would be listed as S0, S1, etc. On the right pane, the RAID Level, status, capacity and members that are online are listed. Status will show “Normal” (all members on line), “Degraded” (a fau

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