Targus 410-2366-203A/ACH120EU user manual

User manual for the device Targus 410-2366-203A/ACH120EU

Device: Targus 410-2366-203A/ACH120EU
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: Targus
Size: 1.23 MB
Added : 3/27/2013
Number of pages: 16
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Targus 410-2366-203A/ACH120EU User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Targus 410-2366-203A/ACH120EU. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

©2010 Manufactured or imported by Targus Europe
Ltd., Hounslow, Middlesex, TW4 5DZ, UK. All rights
reserved. Targus is either a registered trademark or
trademark of Targus Group International, Inc. in the
United States and/or other countries. Features and
specifications are subject to change without notice. All
trademarks and registered trademarks are the property
of their respective owners. User Guide
410-2366-203A / ACH120EU

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub Table of Contents FI – Suomi Targus 7-porttinen USB-keskitin ......................................................................13 GB – English Targus 7-Port USB Hub ....................................................................................6 FR – Français Concentrateur Targus à 7 ports USB ..............................................................14 BG – Български (език) 7-портов USB концентратор Targus ...............................

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub NL – Nederlands SK – Slovenčina Targus USB Hub met 7 poorten .......................................................................21 USB rozbočovač Targus (7-port) .................................................................29 NO – Norsk TR – Türkçe Targus 7-Ports USB-Hubb ...................................................................................22 Targus 7-Portlu USB Hub ...............................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub GB - Introduction BG – Въведение Thank you for your purchase of the Targus 7-Port USB Hub. This hub allows Благодарим, че закупихте 7-портов USB концентратор Targus. you to connect up to 7 USB 2.0 and 3.0devices such as mice, keyboards, Позволява да се включите до 7 USB 2.0/3.0 устройства, като мишки, printers and flash drives. клавиатури, принтери и флаш-памети. Contents Съдържание • Targus 7-Port USB Hub • AC adapter • 7-портов USB концентратор Ta

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub CZ – Úvod DE – Einführung Děkujeme vám, že jste si zakoupili USB hub se 7 porty Targus. Tento hub Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für den Targus 7-Port USB-Hub entschie- umožňuje připojení až 7 USB 2.0/3.0 zařízení, jako např. myši, klávesnice, den haben. Der Hub ermöglicht Ihnen den Anschluss von bis zu 7 USB tiskárny a flashových jednotek. 2.0/3.0-Geräten, wie Mäusen, Tastaturen, Druckern und Flash Drives. Obsah Inhalt • USB hub se 7 porty Targus • Návo

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub DK – Introduktion EE – Sissejuhatus Tak fordi du valgte at købe en Targus 7-Ports USB Hub. Denne hub giver dig Täname teid Targus 7 pesaga USB-jaotur ostmise eest. Antud jaotur võimal- mulighed for at forbinde op til 7 USB 2,0/3,0 apparater så som mus, tastatur, dab teil ühendada kuni 7 USB 2.0/3.0 seadet nagu näiteks hiire, klaviatuuri, printer og flashdrev. printerid ning mäluseadmed. Indhold Komplekti kuulub • Targus 7-ports USB Hub • AC Adapter

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub ES – Introducción FI – Johdanto Le agradecemos la adquisición del Hub USB 7-Puertos de Targus . Este Kiitos hankkimasiTargus 7-porttinen USB-keskitin johdosta. Tämä keskitin hub le permite conectar hasta 7 aparatos USB 2.0/3.0, por ejemplo ratones, sallii jopa 7 USB 2.0/3.0 -laitteen kuten hiiren, näppäimistön, tulostimen ja teclados, impresoras y memorias flash. muistitikun yhdistämisen. Contenido Sisältö • Hub USB 7-Puertos de Targus • Adaptador

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub FR – Introduction GR – Εισαγωγή Nous vous remercions d’avoir acheté ce Concentrateur Targus à 7 ports Σας ευχαριστούμε που αγοράσατε τον Targus Διανομέας USB 7 θυρών. Ο συγκεκριμένος διανομέας σάς δίνει τη δυνατότητα να συνδέσετε έως και USB. Ce Hub vous permet de connecter jusqu’à 7 périphériques USB 7 συσκευές USB 2.0/3.0, όπως ποντίκια, πληκτρολόγια, εκτυπωτές και 2.0/3.0 à votre ordinateur, par exemple une souris, un clavier, une impriman- μονά

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub HR – Uvod HU – Bevezetés Zahvaljujemo na kupnji Targus USB razvodnik sa 7 priključaka. Razvodnik Köszönjük, hogy a Targus 7-portos USB-hub-ot vásárolta meg. Erre készül- vam omogućava istovremeni priključak do 7 USB 2.0/3.0 uređaja kao što su ékre legfeljebb 7 USB 2.0/3.0-eszköz csatlakoztatható, pl. egér, billentyűzet, miševi, tipkovnice, pisači i flash memorijski uređaji. nyomtató és flash-meghajtó. Tartalom Sadržaj • Targus 7-portos USB-hub • Hálóz

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub IT – Introduzione LT – Įvadas Grazie per aver acquistato l’Hub USB 7 porte Targus. Vi permette di col- Dėkojame, kad įsigijote 7 prievadų USB šakotuvas „Targus“. Prie šio legare fino a 7 apparecchi USB 2.0/3.0 come mouse, tastiere, stampanti e šakotuvo galima prijungti 7 USB 2.0/3.0 prietaisus, pvz., peles, klaviatūras, chiavette. spausdintuvus ir keičiamąsias laikmenas. Contenuto Turinys • Hub USB 7 porte Targus • Trasformatore • 7 prievadų USB šak

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub LV – Ievads NL – Introductie Apsveicam, ka esat iegādājies Targus 7-portu USB centrmezgls. Šis cen- Hartelijk dank voor de aanschaf van de Targus USB Hub met 7 poorten. trmezgls ļauj jums pieslēgt līdz 7 USB 2,0/3,0 ierīcēm, tādām kā peles, Met deze hub kunt u maar liefst 7 USB 2.0/3.0 apparaten aansluiten, zoals klaviatūras, printerus un zibatmiņas. muizen, toetsenborden, printers en USB sticks. Saturs Inhoud • Targus 7-portu USB centrmezgls • Maiņ

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub NO – Intro PL – Wstęp Takk for at du kjøpte en Targus 7-Ports USB-Hubb. Denne huben lar deg Dziękujemy za zakup koncentratora Koncentrator Targus z 7 portami USB. koble til opptil 7 USB 2.0/3.0-enheter slik som mus, tastatur, skrivere og Koncentrator umożliwia podłączenie 7 urządzeń USB 2.0/3.0 takich jak, flash-stasjoner. myszy, klawiatury, drukarki lub nośniki pamięci. Innhold Zawartość opakowania • Targus 7-Ports USB-Hubb • Vekselstrømadapter • Ko

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub PT – Introdução RO – Introducere Obrigado por ter comprado o Hub com 7 portas USB Targus. Com este Vă mulţumim pentru că aţi achiziţionat Hub USB cu 7 porturi Targus. Acest núcleo pode ligar até 7 dispositivos USB 2.0/3.0 como o rato, teclados, im- hub vă permite să conectaţi până la 7 dispozitive USB 2.0/3.0 cum sunt: pressoras a penas (dispositivos de memória portáteis). mouse-uri, tastaturi, imprimante şi dispozitive de tip flash drive. Índice Cup

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub RU – Введение SE – Introduktion Благодарим за приобретение Targus 7 – Гнездо порта USB. Хаб Tack för ditt köp av Targus 7-portars USB-hubb. Denna hubb möjliggör att du позволяет подключать до 7 устройств USB 2.0/3.0, таких как мыши, kan ansluta upp till 7 USB 2.0/3.0 enheter som till exempel en mus, tangent- клавиатуры, принтеры и флеш-накопители. bord, skrivare eller USBminnen. Содержание Innehåll • Targus 7 – Гнездо порта USB • Адаптер переменного

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub SI – Uvod SK – Úvod Zahvaljujemo se Vam za nakup 7-portno USB-zvezdišče Targus. To Ďakujeme vám za nákup USB rozbočovač Targus (7-port). Tento rozbočovač zvezdišče omogoča, da nanj priključite do 7 naprave USB 2.0/3.0, kot so vám umožňuje pripojiť až 7 USB 2.0/3.0 zariadenia, napr. myš, klávesnice, miške, tipkovnice, tiskalniki in pomnilniški pogoni. tlačiarne a pamäťové zariadenia. Vsebina Obsah • USB rozbočovač Targus (7-port) • Sieťový adaptér •

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Targus 7-Port USB Hub Targus 7-Port USB Hub TR – Giriş AR – ةمدقملا ً ً Targus 7-Portlu USB Hub’ı aldığınız için tebrikler. Bu hub fare, klavye, yazıcı ليصوتلا ةحولب امامت طيحي USB لبكب لصولا ةحول زيمتتو . Targus ةعومجم نم ةعبس ذفانملا تاذ ةيكذلا USB لصو ةحول كئارشل كل اركش م USB 2.0/3.0 ةزهجأ ةعبس ليصوت نم ةحوللا هذه كنكمتو .لقنلا ةيلمع ءانثأ ذفانملا ةيامحل ve taşınabilir bellek gibi 7 adete kadar USB 2.0/3.0 cihazı bağlamanıza ola- nak sağlar. تايوتحملا İçindekiler • Targus 7-Portlu USB Hub •

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