Seagate MARATHON 810 ST9816AG user manual

User manual for the device Seagate MARATHON 810 ST9816AG

Device: Seagate MARATHON 810 ST9816AG
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: Seagate
Size: 0.14 MB
Added : 12/1/2013
Number of pages: 28
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Seagate MARATHON 810 ST9816AG User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Seagate MARATHON 810 ST9816AG. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

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Marathon 810 (ST9816AG)
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ATA Interface Drive
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Installation Guide
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Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Contents Read before you begin... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hardware Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Configuring the drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Attaching cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mounting the drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Software and system configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 About Disk Manager software .

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 1 Read before you begin... Caution. Do not partition or format this drive before removing the free Disk Manager software that is stored on the drive. Without this software your computer may not be able to access the full capacity of the Marathon 810. For details, see “About Disk Manager soft- ware” on page 5. Note. To use the free Disk Manager software that is provided on this drive, you need a bootable DOS system diskette and a blank 1.4-Mbyte disk

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

2 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 you void the warranty. Seagate customer service centers are the only facilities authorized to repair Seagate drives. Seagate does not sanction any third-party repair facilities. Warranty. See your authorized Seagate distributor or dealer. With regard to Disk Manager and SEG32BIT.386 software, there are no warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All such war- ranties are expressly

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 3 Marathon 810 for cable select, install both master/slave jumpers, as shown in Figure 1 on page 4. Attaching cables This drive is designed for a host computer that supplies interface signals and +5V power through a single 44-pin connector and cable. If your computer has a fixed connector that attaches directly to the drive, skip ahead to the following section, “Mount- ing the drive.” Otherwise, attach the interface/power cable as described below. 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

4 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 Note. Drive is shown with circuit board up. Master/slave Pin 1 configuration jumpers Pin 20 removed for keying Circuit board B D A C Drive is master; slave may be detected using DASP– signal Drive is master; Seagate slave drive present Drive is slave; Seagate master drive present Use CSEL pin grounding to differentiate master from slave Figure 1. ATA interface connector and master/slave configuration jumpers

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 5 Caution. To prevent damage to the drive while mounting, take the following precautions: • Be careful not to bend the drive connector pins, especially when plugging the drive into a fixed connector. • Use mounting screws of the correct size and length. • Gently tighten the mounting screws—do not apply more than 3 inch-pounds of torque. • Do not insert mounting screws more than 0.15 inches into the mounting holes. Note. This drive meets industry-sta

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

6 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 Before you can run the Disk Manager software you must transfer it from your new hard disc onto a blank, bootable diskette in drive A of your computer (the program can only be run from drive A). Creating a blank bootable diskette 1. Boot your computer using a bootable DOS system diskette or bootable hard drive that contains the DOS program FORMAT.COM. Note. You must use a single version of DOS throughout the installation and configuration process.

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 7 4. Reboot your computer again using the blank, bootable diskette. 5. You should now be able to access the software on your new hard disc. If your new hard drive is drive C, type c:\seamove to transfer the disc support software. Use a different drive letter if necessary. The SEAMOVE program transfers the drive-support files from your new hard disc to your blank, bootable diskette in drive A. After all the files have been transferred, SEAMOVE delete

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

8 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 Note. The system setup program may request information on the drive’s write precomp or landing zone. You do not need to enter any values for these parameters because your Seagate drive does not use them. 4. Save your drive-type settings, exit the system setup program, and reboot your computer using the DOS diskette. Installing Disk Manager Note. If you do not want to use the Disk Manager software, turn to “Manual Formatting and Partitioning” on pa

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 9 Note. If Disk Manager installs software to help your computer access a large hard drive, you will see a Disk Manager message each time you boot your computer. Booting from a diskette If Disk Manager has installed software to help your computer access a large hard drive, you must use the following procedure any time you need to boot from a diskette (see the Disk Manager online manual for details): 1. Start up your computer without a diskette in the

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

10 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 Manual formatting and partitioning Note. This section is only for users who do not need to use Disk Manager to access the full capacity of the Marathon 810. Caution. Formatting or partitioning a drive that contains data may destroy all data on the drive. Before repartitioning or reformatting a drive that contains data, make sure all data on that drive has been safely backed up. Seagate Technology assumes no liability for lost data. Low-level form

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 11 that contains data, you may destroy all the data on that drive. 1. Run the FORMAT program. Insert a DOS program diskette that contains the FORMAT program into your diskette drive. At the DOS prompt, type format, followed by the drive letter for the first drive partition you want to format (for example, format C:). Then, press ENTER. If necessary, repeat this procedure to format other new drive partitions you have created. Consult your DOS manual

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

12 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 Installation troubleshooting Before calling Seagate Technical Support, please read and con- sider all the possibilities discussed on the following pages. The suggestions presented here address the vast majority of instal- lation problems. General troubleshooting procedures The following is a list of general troubleshooting procedures. Solu- tions for specific problems are provided on subsequent pages. Warning. Always turn off the computer before

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 13 • Verify the BIOS drive type. Make sure that you entered the correct drive type or translation geometry in the BIOS setup program. The drive capacity and number of sectors specified in the BIOS must not exceed the specifications shown in the table on page 7. If the drive type is incorrect, you must rerun the system setup program. Then partition and high-level format the drive again. • Check for I/O address conflicts. To isolate an address conflic

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

14 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 Specific Troubleshooting Procedures Methods for resolving specific drive installation problems are listed on the following pages. These methods incorporate many of the general troubleshooting techniques described in the pre- vious section. At startup, the computer does not recognize the presence of the drive. • Check all cables. • Check jumper settings on all drives. • Check the power supply. • Reboot the computer and make sure the drive spins up

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 15 At startup, the message “HDD controller failure” appears. • Check jumper settings on all drives. • Check all cards and cables. During the FDISK program, you get an error message warn- ing of an attempt to write to track 0 or to the boot sector; the message may also suggest that a virus is present. • This occurs in systems that have a virus-protection scheme that does not allow programs to modify the boot sector of the disc. See your system manual

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

16 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 During the FDISK program, the error message, “No Fixed Disk Present,” appears. • Check all cables. • Check the power supply. • Reboot the computer and make sure the drive spins up. • Verify the BIOS drive type. • Check for I/O address conflicts. During high-level formatting, the drive keeps finding hard errors and reporting the following message: “Attempting to recover allocation units. . .” • This is normal with some versions of DOS. The drive w

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 17 • Check your DOS version. • Reinstall the DOS system files onto the hard disc using the SYS command (see your DOS manual). • Check for viruses. During operation, the system error message, “Drive not Ready,” appears. • Check all cables. • Check the power supply. • Reboot the computer and make sure the drive spins up. When you start Microsoft Windows 3.1, you see an error message regarding 32-bit disc access. • The 32-bit disc access driver supplie

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

18 Marathon 810 Installation Guide, February 1996 Compatibility notes • The Marathon 810 conforms to the ATA interface specifica- tions. The host system BIOS must provide support for the ATA interface command set. For a detailed description of the ATA commands implemented by this drive, see the Seagate Mara- thon 810 Product Manual and the Draft Proposed ATA-2 Standard. • In accordance with ATA specifications, the system BIOS must reset any emulation/translation parameters after a hard reset. •

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