Seagate FreeAgent Go ST902503FAA2E1-RK user manual

User manual for the device Seagate FreeAgent Go ST902503FAA2E1-RK

Device: Seagate FreeAgent Go ST902503FAA2E1-RK
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: Seagate
Size: 1.04 MB
Added : 10/4/2014
Number of pages: 2
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Seagate FreeAgent Go ST902503FAA2E1-RK User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Seagate FreeAgent Go ST902503FAA2E1-RK. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

USB 2.0: 250 GB, 320 GB, 500 GB
Perfect for when you need to
The ulti mate portable storage soluti on for your photos, music,
• E asily store your photos,
videos, and more
music, and other fi les
Easily take your photos, music, videos, and documents everywhere with the sleek
• Carry your data while you
travel, or to and from work Seagate® FreeAgent™ Go portable storage soluti on.
and home
• Quickly sync and back up
The FreeAgent Go drive off ers up to 500 GB of cap

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

FreeAgent Go Portable Drive • Windows Vista Home Basic, Home Premium, Ulti mate, or Business Service Pack-1 PC Requirements* • Windows XP Home, Professional, Media Center Editi on Service Pack-2 • USB 2.0 Port * Compati bility may vary depending on user’s hardware confi gurati on and operati ng system Product Dimensions 0.49 in H x 3.15 in W x 5.12 in L (12.5 mm x 80 mm x 130 mm) Weight: 5.64 oz (0.16 kg) • Performance Specs USB 2.0: up to 480 Mb/s • Rotati onal Speed: 5400 RPM Box d

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