NETGEAR SC101 user manual

User manual for the device NETGEAR SC101

Device: NETGEAR SC101
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: NETGEAR
Size: 0.76 MB
Added : 1/19/2014
Number of pages: 29
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NETGEAR SC101 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to NETGEAR SC101. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

NETGEAR SC101 - Revised Troubleshooting Guide
Update the SC101 firmware and SCM utility to the latest version, found here.
Warning! Use the power adapter that came with the SC101. Other adapters, such as laptop
power adapters, may destroy the hard disks!
Viewing and Accessing Drives ............................................................................................ 3
T roubleshooting Tip

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

S elf-certifying File System (SFS) ..................................................................................22 N ew Technology File System (NTFS) .......................................................................... 22 S AN and Network Attached Storage (NAS)

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Viewing and Accessing Drives Troubleshooting Tips Problem Solution SC101 drives disappear from the Detach and reattach the drives from the SC101, network or Restart the network as described in "When using the SC101, restart your network in this order". A shared drive attached with one This doesn't happen automatically. Use the "Attach Drive" computer does not show on other feature on each computer to attach the drive to it. computers. SC101 occasionally drops off To maintain a wireless connec

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

The blue volume above represents a known working partition and the black volume represents the non-working partition that the following steps will fix. 3. Right click the red circle, select Initialize Disk, and click Next to continue. 4. Right click the black unallocated portion of your volume. Select New Partition and click Next. 4

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

5. Select Primary partition and click next. 6. Leave Partition size in MB at the maximum or default value. 5

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

7. Select the default “Assign the following drive letter” and click next. 8. VERY IMPORTANT – DO NOT FORMAT THIS PARTITION should be selected. Formatting the partition from Disk Manager will result in loss of user data. 9. STOP! Do not click the Finish button until you read this screen’s selected setting’s output and have confirmed that your File System reports None. 6

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

10. If your File System reports None, then click Finish. Once you have selected Finish, your partition should change from black to blue in the Disk Management Utility. Example: Seagate1 and Seagate2 are both SC101 volumes and do not list a file system type under the column titled “File System”. 11. Reboot your PC to complete the Unallocated Partition workaround. Note: If a partition is attached and shows up in Windows Explorer with a drive letter, but can’t be accessible, then the utility SFS

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Once an SC101 partition is attached to a computer, it is visible in a file browser on that computer. Sometimes there is a small delay before the computer recognizes it is there and the partition shows. If the partition does not show at all, or if it once showed, but now has disappeared, then read this article. • In some places a partition — which is one area of a disk which is sectioned off from the rest — is confusingly called a drive with the SC101. For example, in Step 3 below, where the

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

ii. Enter the password for the partition/drive. Leave it blank if you did not set a password. The password in this step is the password for a one particular partition. This is NOT the password for the whole disk, which is defaulted to the word "password". iii. Click Attach Drive. iv. If you enter the wrong drive password, a message "Incorrect password" appears. Highlight the partition, and reenter the correct password. If you forget the password, you can reset it to blank by clicking Rese

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

• Hard drives are on the Drive Compatibility List. • Hard Drives must be ATA6 or above (Parallel ATA) and configured as “Cable Select” (CS). • The Power LED light must light up solid green. • The DHCP Server must be present. • Use a wired PC to configure/modify the SC101 (see diagram). Also check the following: • Do not use a drive that was formatted on a PC. The data will not be usable on the SC101, and may be corrupted, even if you do not explicitly overwrite the PC partitions. You cann

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Hardware LED Indicators This table describes how the SC101 LEDs work. Light Light State What It Means What You Should Do • Check if plug has power SC101 has no power or All lights off Off it is not plugged in • Plug in the SC101 Off There is no disk activity Normal state, do nothing Red disk light On There is disk activity Normal state, do nothing Off Self-test is not finished Normal state, do nothing SC101 is working On Normal state, do nothing normally Fast constant No working hard drives

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

LAN Connection When the Ethernet cable is disconnected, the SC101 reboots. It takes 2 minutes for the SCM to recognize it again, or longer if many partitions are defined. Defragmenting The SC101 uses a SAN File System (SFS), and includes its own defragmenter. For the SC101's own defragmenter to work properly — and as with any hard disk, to avoid poor performance — leave 10% free space on each disk or drive. (Remember, the SC101 uses the word drive to mean what is usually called a disk part

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Hard Disk Problems and Drive Errors The table below describes hard disk problems and drive errors. Hard Disk Problem Action Hard disk does not work 1. See SC101 Hard Drive Compatibility. Older disk drives do not work in the SC101. The green power LED flashes 4 times after power on. 2. SC101 hard disk format is required. The SC101 hard disk data format is different from a PC hard disk. To move a PC hard disk to the SC101, back up the data, reformat the drive for the SC101, and then copy the

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

SCM Software Right side of GUI screen is cut off This can happen if the computer fonts are set to larger than the default. Solution Return the default font settings to the Windows appearance properties and the graphics card. To adjust the Windows appearance properties 1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display > Appearance. 2. Check the value in the "Scheme" drop down. 3. See if the scheme name ends with the words "(large)" or has a name that you gave it. 4. Set the font back to the

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Error Messages List of Error Messages The table below lists error messages for the SC101. Error Message Meaning and Action can’t resolve hostname to IP address Mirroring error, see SmartSync Pro Activation Error Error occurred during activation Mirroring error, see SmartSync Pro Activation Error No Central Storage Device was Found SmartWizard error, see “No Central Storage Device was Found” in SmartWizard can’t resolve hostname to IP address SmartSync Pro Activation Error Error occurred durin

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

“No Central Storage Device was Found” in SmartWizard First, check these items: • At least 1 hard disk must be plugged into the SC101. • Hard disks must be ATA6 or later, and configured as "Cable Select" (CS). • Use a wired connection to configure and modify the SC101. If there is still a problem, see the table below. No Central Storage Action Device was Found Check the Power LED. • The Power LED light should be lit solid green. • If it flashes green three times periodically, then something i

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

No Central Storage Action Device was Found DHCP server. 17

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

SmartSync Pro Activation Error Symptoms • Message “can’t resolve hostname to IP address” • Message “Error occurred during activation" Cause The computer that you are using to install the SmartSync Pro is not connected to the Internet. Solution Connect to Internet, or use another computer that is already connected. 18

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Error "Drive attachment failed" when Attach Partition Fails Symptom While using the SCM utility to attach a new partition, the error "Drive attachment failed" displays in the Status line (as shown). Cause The SC101 partition information is corrupted. This can happen if: 1. You disconnect a hard drive while the SC101 is powered on. 2. You move a hard drive from one SC101 to another SC101. 3. The hard disk has a hardware failure. Solution Use the CLI to view the corrupted characters with the u

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

About the SC101 System Requirements • Operating systems o Windows XP SP1 or higher, or o Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 or higher, or o Windows 2003 Server. • DCHP must be running on the network. • SC101 software must be installed on each network computer that accesses the unit. What operating systems cannot be used? • Macintoshes • UNIX • 64-bit operating systems Heat and the SC101 Although it is hotter than most networking products, the SC101 is within normal safe operating limits. What

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