National Instruments NI USB-9239 user manual

User manual for the device National Instruments NI USB-9239

Device: National Instruments NI USB-9239
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: National Instruments
Size: 0.68 MB
Added : 1/19/2014
Number of pages: 20
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National Instruments NI USB-9239 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to National Instruments NI USB-9239. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Hi-Speed USB Carrier
NI USB-9162
Hi-SPeed USB Carrier
NI USB-9162
NI USB-9229/9239
4-Channel, 24-Bit Analog Voltage Input Module
This user guide describes how to use the National Instruments
USB-9229/9239 and lists the device specifications. In this document,
the NI USB-9229 and NI USB-9239 are referred to inclusively as the
NI USB-9229/9239.
The NI USB-9229/9239 provides a USB interface for four channels of
24-bit simultaneous analog input with inte

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Dimensions Figure 2 shows the NI USB-9229/9239 device dimensions. Hi-Speed USB Carrier NI USB-9162 120.68 mm (4.751 in.) 118.26 mm (4.656 in.) 88.12 mm 25.34 mm (3.469 in.) (0.998 in.) Figure 2. NI USB-9229/9239 Device in Millimeters (Inches) Safety Guidelines Operate the NI USB-9229/9239 only as described in these operating instructions. Hot Surface This icon denotes that the component may be hot. Touching this component may result in bodily injury. Safety Guidelines for Hazardous Voltages

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Caution Make sure that devices and circuits connected to the module are properly insulated from human contact. Caution When module terminals are hazardous voltage LIVE (>42.4V /60 VDC), you pk must ensure that devices and circuits connected to the module are properly insulated from human contact. You must use the NI 9971 connector backshell kit to ensure that the terminals are not accessible. Figure 3 shows the NI 9971 connector backshell. Figure 3. NI 9971 Connector Backshell Refer to the

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

The NI-DAQmx Help contains general information about measurement concepts, key NI-DAQmx concepts, and common applications that are applicable to all programming environments. Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ»NI-DAQmx Help. LabVIEW If you are a new user, use the Getting Started with LabVIEW manual to familiarize yourself with the LabVIEW graphical programming environment and the basic LabVIEW features you use to build data acquisition and instrument control applications.

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Measurement Studio If you program your NI-DAQmx-supported device in Measurement Studio using Visual C++, Visual C#, or Visual Basic .NET, you can interactively create channels and tasks by launching the DAQ Assistant from MAX or from within Visual Studio .NET. You can generate the configuration code based on your task or channel in Measurement Studio. Refer to the DAQ Assistant Help for additional information about generating code. You also can create channels and tasks, and write your own

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

The installed documentation contains the NI-DAQmx API overview, measurement tasks and concepts, and function reference. This help is fully integrated into the Visual Studio .NET documentation. To view the NI-DAQmx .NET documentation, go to Start»Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ»NI-DAQmx .NET Reference Help. Expand NI Measurement Studio Help»NI Measurement Studio .NET Class Library»Reference to view the function reference. Expand NI Measurement Studio Help»NI Measurement Studio .NET Cl

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Installing Other Software If you are using other software, refer to the installation instructions that accompany your software. Example Programs The NI-DAQmx CD contains example programs that you can use to get started programming with the NI USB-9229/9239. Refer to the NI-DAQmx for USB Devices Getting Started Guide that shipped with your device, and is also accessible from Start»All Programs»National Instruments» NI-DAQ, for more information. Installing the NI USB-9229/9239 Device Before in

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

5. Press firmly on the connector side of the NI 9229/9239 module until the latches lock the module into place, as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. Locking Module into Place Mounting the NI USB-9229/9239 to a Panel Threaded inserts are located in the NI USB-9229/9239 for mounting it to a panel. Refer to Figure 6 for dimensions. 85.7 mm (3.37 in.) 72.2 mm (2.84 in.) Threaded Insert M3 x 0.5 8.5 mm (0.34 in.) Max Depth 76.1 mm (3.00 in.) Figure 6. Module Dimensions In Millimeters (Inches) Connect

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

LED Indicator The NI USB-9229/9239 device has a green LED next to the USB connector. The LED indicator indicates device status, as listed in Table 1. When the device is connected to a USB port, the LED blinks steadily to indicate that the device is initialized and is receiving power from the connection. If the LED is not blinking, it may mean that the device is not initialized or the computer is in standby mode. In order for the device to be recognized, the device must be connected to a co

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

source to the AI– terminal. Refer to Table 3 for the terminal assignments for each channel. Table 3. Terminal Assignments Module Channel Terminal Signal 0+ AI0+ 0 0– AI0– 0+ Ch 0 0- 1+ AI1+ 1+ 1 Ch 1 1– AI1– 1- 2+ AI2+ 2+ Ch 2 2- 2 2– AI2– 3+ Ch 3 3+ AI3+ 3- 3 3– AI3– Wiring for High-Vibration Applications If an application is subject to high vibration, National Instruments recommends that you either use ferrules to terminate wires to the detachable screw-terminal connector or use the NI 997

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Connecting Signal Sources to the NI USB-9229/9239 You can connect ground-referenced or floating signal sources to the NI USB-9229/9239. If you make a ground-referenced connection between the signal source and the NI USB-9229/9239, make sure the voltage on the AI+ and AI– connections are in the channel-to-earth safety voltage range to ensure proper operation of the NI USB-9229/9239. Refer to the Specifications section for more information about operating voltages and overvoltage protection.

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Each channel provides an independent signal path and ADC, enabling you to sample all four channels simultaneously. Refer to Figure 10 for an illustration of the circuitry for one channel. AI+ Overvoltage ADC Protection AI– Amplifier Prefilter NI USB-9229/9239 Figure 10. Input Circuitry for One Channel Understanding NI USB-9229/9239 Filtering The NI USB-9229/9239 uses a combination of analog and digital filtering to provide an accurate representation of in-band signals while rejecting out-

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Passband The signals within the passband have frequency-dependent gain or attenuation. The small amount of variation in gain with respect to frequency is called the passband flatness. The digital filters of the NI USB-9229/9239 adjust the frequency range of the passband to match the data rate. Therefore, the amount of gain or attenuation at a given frequency depends on the data rate. Figure 11 shows typical passband flatness for the 50 kS/s data rate. 0.025 0.000 –0.025 –0.050 0 5 10 15

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Specifications The following specifications are typical for the range 0 to 60 °C unless otherwise noted. All voltages are relative to the AI– signal on each channel unless otherwise noted. Input Characteristics Number of channels................................4 analog input channels ADC resolution.......................................24 bits Type of ADC ..........................................Delta-Sigma (with analog prefiltering) Sampling mode .......................................Simul

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Accuracy, NI USB-9229 Percent of Percent of Reading Range* Error (Gain Error) (Offset Error) Calibrated max (–0 to 60 °C) ±0.13% ±0.05% Calibrated typ (25 °C, ±5 °C) ±0.03% ±0.008% Uncalibrated max (0 to 60 °C) ±1.2% ±0.55% Uncalibrated typ (25 °C, ±5 °C) ±0.3% ±0.11% * Range equals 62.64 V Accuracy, NI USB-9239 Percent of Percent of Reading Range* Error (Gain Error) (Offset Error) Calibrated max (0 to 60 °C) ±0.13% ±0.05% Calibrated typ (25 °C, ±5 °C) ±0.03% ±0.008% Uncalibrated max (0 to 60

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

1 NI USB-9229...................................0.045°/kHz + 360°· f /M in clk 1 NI USB-9239...................................0.075°/kHz + 360°· f /M in clk Phase nonlinearity (f = 50 kS/s).............0.11° max s Input delay NI USB-9229...................................38.4/f + 2.6 μs s NI USB-9239...................................38.4/f + 3 μs s Passband Frequency ........................................0.453 · f s Flatness (f = 50 kS/s)......................±100 mdB max s Stopband Freque

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Physical Characteristics Screw-terminal wiring............................ 16 to 28 AWG copper conductor wire with 7 mm (0.28 in.) of insulation stripped from the end Torque for screw terminals .................... 0.22 to 0.25 N · m (1.95to 2.21 lb · in.) 2 2 Ferrules................................................... 0.25 mm to 0.5 mm Weight.................................................... 249 g (8.8 oz) Safety If you need to clean the module, wipe it with a dry towel. Safety Voltages Is

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Note For UL and other safety certifications, refer to the product label or visit certification, search for the module number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification column. Hazardous Locations The NI USB-9229/9239 is not certified for use in hazardous locations. Environmental The NI USB-9229/9239 devices are intended for indoor use only but may be used outdoors if installed in a suitable enclosure. Operating temperature (IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 60068-2-2) ......

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

CE Compliance This product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as amended for CE marking, as follows: � 2006/95/EC; Low-Voltage Directive (safety) � 2004/108/EEC; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) Note Refer to the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for this product for any additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain the DoC for this product, visit certification, search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Where to Go for Support The National Instruments Web site is your complete resource for technical support. At you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application development self-help resources to email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers. National Instruments corporate headquarters is located at 11500 North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. National Instruments also has offices located around the world to help address your support ne

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