Manhattan Computer Products 164115 user manual

User manual for the device Manhattan Computer Products 164115

Device: Manhattan Computer Products 164115
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: Manhattan Computer Products
Size: 2.41 MB
Added : 11/18/2013
Number of pages: 12
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Manhattan Computer Products 164115 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Manhattan Computer Products 164115. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

H-i Spd ee
USB 2.0
AUdo i /Vd i o e
Gr ABBr e
USr e
Model 164115

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

REC POWER REC SNAPSHOT Hi-SPEEd USB 2.0 AUdiO/VidEO GRABBER n i trodU cto i n ® Thank you for purchasing the MANHATTAN Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Audio/Video Grabber, Model 164115. Ideal for sharing favorite video clips or “snapshots” through email or on the Web, the MANHATTAN Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Audio/Video Grabber records and processes data from a camcorder, VCR, TV or other media device equipped with S-video or RCA outputs. A single- button control with led indicators activates a built-in chip that

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

dri Ver in St All Ato i n 1. Connect the Hi-Speed USB 2.0 Audio/Video Grabber to the computer. If the device has been connected properly, the Found New Hardware Wizard welcome screen displays (right). Click “Cancel.” 2. Insert the enclosed software Cd in the Cd - Ro M drive to display the initial menu.  . Click “d river Install” (right) or run d river\Setup.exe. 4. With the d rv-InstallShield Wizard welcome screen displayed, click “Next.” 5. With the d rv-In

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Appc il Ato i n in St All Ato i n 1. With the main menu screen displayed (as shown in Steps 2 and  of d river Installation on the previous page), click “Software Install” or run “o ne Touch Video Capture\Setup.exe” to install the application. 2. When the Choose Setup l anguage prompt displays, select a language from the drop-down menu and click “o K.”  . If d irectX 9.0 isn’t installed at this point, an Information prompt will display. Click “o K” and the system will install Set

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

9. o n the Select Components screen, highlight the grabber listed in the selection field (as shown at right) and click “Next.” 10. When the Start Copying Files screen displays, click “Next” to continue. d uring the file-copying process, a Setup Status screen displays to indicate progress. 11. When the Hardware Installation warning prompt displays, click “Continue Anyway.” 12. When the Setup Finished screen displays to indicate that installation is complete,

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

USer i nterf Ace Minimize Status window Full screen/window/video desktop Exit About Snapshot Settings Play Jump Jump Stop Play Pause Fast Fast Record recorded to last to next reverse forward Stop files channel channel recording Setup Click on the Settings button (top right in the image above) to display the Setup screen. Four menu tabs on the Setup screen present the setup options: Video, Capture Button, Snapshot and Record. 7

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Video Video Format: Make a selection from the drop-down menu (NTSC or PAl ). Normally, the device will automatically select the proper format. Input Source: The default setting is “Composite.” Picture Adjustment (color): Slide the controller left or right as desired; click “d efault” to return the settings to those shown above. Capture Button (optional setting) Option: Select “Snapshot” (to capture a picture) or “Capture video” to capture video files. Snapshot (optional setting)

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Mouse Controls/Menu Options Right-click on the mouse to display a quick-reference menu guide. Most Top: Positions the TV window at the top of the screen. Full screen: enlarges the window to full screen. d ouble-click on the screen to return to window mode. Panel: d isplays/hides the o ne Touch Grabber interface. Video Input: Select the video source: Video Composite or S-Video. The default is Video Composite. Video model: Change the video format to one of the PAl /NTSC/SeCAM options. Reco

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Spc e c ifi Ato i n S Standards and Certifications • USB 1.1, USB 2.0, NTSC, PAl , FCC, Ce General • Video system: NTSC, PAL, SECAM (automatic detection) • Motion capture formats: DVD, SVCD, VCD, MPEG1/2/4, AVI, WMV, WMA, MP3 • Still image formats: JPEG, BMP • Resolution: - NTSC, 720 x 480 @  0 fps - PAl , 720 x 576 @ 25 fps • Inputs: S-video, RCA audio and video • Chipset: Philips 7113 • Ulead VideoStudio 9 Se software included (full version) • Windows XP/Vista compatible • Cable

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

® MANHATTAN offers a complete line of PC Components, Peripherals, Cables and Accessories. Ask your local computer dealer for more information or visit us online at Copyright © MANHATTAN All products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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