Fujitsu DX8000 user manual

User manual for the device Fujitsu DX8000

Device: Fujitsu DX8000
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: Fujitsu
Size: 26.72 MB
Added : 10/27/2013
Number of pages: 843
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Fujitsu DX8000. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Preface This guide provides a variety of basic information about ETERNUSmgr for the ETERNUS DX410/DX440 and ETERNUS DX8100/DX8400/DX8700. It should be referred to when ETERNUSmgr is used to monitor, set up and maintain ETERNUS DX410/DX440 and ETERNUS DX8100/DX8400/DX8700 (hereafter also referred to as "ETER- NUS DX400/DX8000 series" or "device"). Operation management software other than ETERNUSmgr can be also used to monitor the ETERNUS DX400/DX800

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Preface ● Chapter 7 Download Menu This chapter describes the Download menu's various submenu settings. ● Chapter 8 Remote Support Menu This chapter describes the Remote Support menu's various submenus and their functions. ● Chapter 9 User Accounts Menu This chapter describes the User Account menu's submenu and their functions. Screen details for ETERNUSmgr, notes on access via https, and Syslog message list are provided in the Appendixes. Related Materials The following are re

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Preface Acknowledgments • VMware, VMware logos, Virtual SMP, and VMotion are either registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. • Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. • UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. • Sun, Sun Microsystems, Sun logo, Solaris, and all Solaris-related trademarks

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Preface Units in this Manual Except as otherwise noted, the following units are used in this manual: • Physical disk capacity and disk drive types assume that 1KB = 1,000B, 1MB = 1,000KB, 1GB = 1,000MB, and 1TB = 1,000GB (example: "300GB disk drive"). • Other capacities (for RAID groups and volumes) assume that 1KB = 1,024B, 1MB = 1,024KB, 1GB = 1,024MB, and 1TB = 1,024GB. Administrator Privileges for Resource Domains There are two privileges for the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series in which Resour

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Contents Chapter 1 Operation Screens .................................................................14 1.1 Initial Screen .................................................................................................... 14 1.1.1 Use the ETERNUSmgr Frontend .............................................................................................. 15 1.1.2 Use direct browser access to ETERNUSmgr Backend Program .............................................. 17 1.2 Operations Menu ........

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Contents 4.3 Thin Provisioning Pool Settings ....................................................................... 83 4.3.1 Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool ....................................................................................... 83 4.3.2 Delete Thin Provisioning Pool ................................................................................................... 84 4.4 Logical Volume Settings ...............................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Contents 5.3 Thin Provisioning Management ...................................................................... 246 5.3.1 Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool ..................................................................................... 247 5.3.2 Set Thin Provisioning Pool Parameters ................................................................................... 266 5.3.3 Format Thin Provisioning Pool ..................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Contents 6.3.6 Register Advanced Copy License ........................................................................................... 472 6.3.7 Set REC Buffer ........................................................................................................................ 474 6.3.8 Create REC Disk Buffer ........................................................................................................... 483 6.3.9 Format REC Disk Buffer ..........................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Contents 8.3 Operation ....................................................................................................... 639 8.3.1 Sending Log ............................................................................................................................ 639 8.3.2 Pause/Restart Remote Support ............................................................................................... 643 Chapter 9 User Accounts Menu...........................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Contents A.11 Create Logical Volume................................................................................... 720 A.11.1 Create Logical Volume (Create Logical Volume) Screen ........................................................ 720 A.11.2 Create Logical Volume (Create Thin Provisioning Volume) Screen........................................ 727 A.12 Set Snap Data Pool......................................................................................... 729 A.12.1 Set Snap Data Pool

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Contents A.27 Set REC Buffer................................................................................................ 778 A.27.1 Set REC Buffer (Set) Screen................................................................................................... 778 A.27.2 Set REC Buffer (Add REC Disk Buffer) Screen....................................................................... 781 A.28 Set SNMP Agent Environment........................................................................ 782

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Chapter 1 Operation Screens The ETERNUSmgr backend program, which is embedded in the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series, is used to display the status of, setup and maintain the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series. This chapter describes how this may be done. 1.1 Initial Screen When using an ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series, you must always keep a careful watch on its status to monitor the device. Use either the ETERNUSmgr frontend or other operation manage- ment software. To start the ini

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Chapter 1 Operation Screens > 1.1 Initial Screen 1.1.1 Use the ETERNUSmgr Frontend When using the ETERNUSmgr client, the initial screen is the ETERNUSmgr top menu. Enter the URL of the top menu file ("menu.htm"), and the top menu will appear. For details of the top menu file, please refer to the "ETERNUS Disk storage systems ETERNUSmgr User Guide - Introduction-". The following shows a typical ETERNUSmgr Top Menu screen. ● Select RAID Device menu Click the name

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Chapter 1 Operation Screens > 1.1 Initial Screen ● Show hardware error detect log list menu Click the name of a target device listed in the [Show hardware error detect log list] menu to get a listing of the target device's error logs (alarm history files). This will require use of the Web server's list display function. Refer to the User's Guide for the Web server being used for more details. The status of the selected target device appears to t

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Chapter 1 Operation Screens > 1.1 Initial Screen 1.1.2 Use direct browser access to ETERNUSmgr Backend Program When using operation management software other than ETERNUSmgr frontend, initial screen is title screen of the ETERNUSmgr backend program embedded in the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series. To check and maintain the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series, directly start the ETERNUSmgr backend program embedded in the device from a PC on which Web browser runs. The follo

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Chapter 1 Operation Screens > 1.1 Initial Screen • There are two methods to specify the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series IP address: using "http" or "https". When placing emphasis on security, use "https". • Security certificate errors can occur when using https to access an ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series. Refer to "Appendix B Notes on Access via https" (page 816) for a procedure to solve this https access error. • An IP address is not set for the ETERNUS

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Chapter 1 Operation Screens > 1.2 Operations Menu 1.2 Operations Menu The operation menu consists of a Main menu and various Submenus. Selecting an item from the Main menu will result in the relevant list of submenu items being displayed. Main menu Sub menu (This screen is displayed when logged on the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series in which the Resource Domains are registered using a Total Administrator account.) Which menus are available will differ according to the

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Chapter 1 Operation Screens > 1.2 Operations Menu 1.2.1 Status Menu The Status menu is shown below. See "Chapter 3 Status Menu" (page 43) for an explanation of its submenus and functions. (This screen is displayed when logged on the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series in which the Resource Domains are registered using a Total Administrator account.) 1.2.2 Getting Started Menu The Getting Started menu is shown below. See "Chapter 4 Getting Started Menu" (page 78) for

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