Addonics Technologies NAS4RM user manual

User manual for the device Addonics Technologies NAS4RM

Device: Addonics Technologies NAS4RM
Category: Computer Drive
Manufacturer: Addonics Technologies
Size: 1.16 MB
Added : 4/20/2013
Number of pages: 16
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Addonics Technologies NAS4RM User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Addonics Technologies NAS4RM. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

User Guide
Internal GigaNAS
Technical Support
If you need any assistance to get your unit functioning properly, please have
your product information ready and contact Addonics Technical Support at:
Hours: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm PST
Phone: 408-453-6212

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Overview 1. Power LED 2. Status LED 3. Reset Button 4. RJ45 Connector for LAN Connection 5. USB Port for Additional USB 1 Storage Device 2 3 4 5 6. 4P Molex Power Connector 7. 2x SATA Port 7 6 Storage Ports: SATA (1.5Gbps) and two USB (2.0). Network Port: Supports 10/100/1000. Power LED: glows when unit is on. Status LED: glows steady when unit is idle, other states are dark or dim to indicate a problem, slow or fast blinking between dark and bright or dim and bright to indicate the unit

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Quick Install This process normally takes about a minute or less, but may take longer depending on the complexity of the configuration, storage and LAN In order to start sharing storage as soon as possible, follow these steps: connections. With the 240 possible file systems, booting may take several Step 1. Attach the NAS 4.0 unit to a network with a DHCP server present minutes or longer. (most home routers provide this by default). Step 2. Follow the steps described in the Initial Setup sec

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Quick Install This process normally takes about a minute or less, but may take longer depending on the complexity of the configuration, storage and LAN In order to start sharing storage as soon as possible, follow these steps: connections. With the 240 possible file systems, booting may take several Step 1. Attach the NAS 4.0 unit to a network with a DHCP server present minutes or longer. (most home routers provide this by default). Step 2. Follow the steps described in the Initial Setup sec

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Once you have connected to the Web Interface, the Initial Setup page will appear: Click Next, then a dialog will appear requesting the Administrator login. The default username is "admin" and the password is "123456" (without the double-quote marks). Next, set a custom password for the admin account. The admin account name may also be changed. Next, set up the Date and Time. Choose a city nearest you in the same Time Zone and be sure the Date and Time are correct. Technical

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Finally, review and confirm the settings: FTP Server MLDonkey will perform most of the remaining steps automatically and connect to The NAS FTP Server requires the "User Home Directory Drive" is defined under some servers on the Donkey network. the Sharing Tab to function. Anonymous login is supported with no user home directory and access to any shares with read-only or read and write access to To download a file using the Donkey network, begin by clicking search, then enter "Everyone" for FTP

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

FTP Server MLDonkey will perform most of the remaining steps automatically and connect to The NAS FTP Server requires the "User Home Directory Drive" is defined under some servers on the Donkey network. the Sharing Tab to function. Anonymous login is supported with no user home directory and access to any shares with read-only or read and write access to To download a file using the Donkey network, begin by clicking search, then enter "Everyone" for FTP. Authenticated users will have read and w

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

FTP Server MLDonkey will perform most of the remaining steps automatically and connect to Determines which drive on the system carries the HOME directory for users. The The NAS FTP Server requires the "User Home Directory Drive" is defined under some servers on the Donkey network. user's home folder is required for FTP transfers and as a network share for private the Sharing Tab to function. Anonymous login is supported with no user home files. If a home directory is already defined it will be

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Determines which drive on the system carries the HOME directory for users. The user's home folder is required for FTP transfers and as a network share for private files. If a home directory is already defined it will be shown. Choose a volume and click Save. If any files exist in a previous Home directory they will be moved to the new location. Change Current Date and Time Settings for time zone, date and time. Set time zone to a listed city nearby in the same time zone. Update Device/Workgro

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Choosing Automatic will configure the NAS unit as a DHCP client and the keywords “free NTP servers” on your preferred search engine if you wish to configuration wizard will skip to the end. Choosing Manual configuration will configure this feature and don't know of a server you can use. proceed to Step 2. Step 2 configures the NAS unit's static IP address and subnet mask. To choose a working static IP address, make sure you meet these criteria: 1. The subnet mask must match the rest of the ne

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Type: The file system the partition is formatted with. Backup Internal System Configuration Information User Management keywords “free NTP servers” on your preferred search engine if you wish to Size: The total space of the partition. configure this feature and don't know of a server you can use. Used: Space in use on the partition. Saves or restores all of the NAS unit's settings using a specified drive. Select the Shows current list of known users on the NAS unit. Available: Remaining space

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Type: The file system the partition is formatted with. Backup Internal System Configuration Information User Management Size: The total space of the partition. Used: Space in use on the partition. Saves or restores all of the NAS unit's settings using a specified drive. Select the Shows current list of known users on the NAS unit. Available: Remaining space available on the partition. volume desired for backups. If backups exist on that volume they will be listed % Used: Percentage of the part

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Type: The file system the partition is formatted with. Backup Internal System Configuration Information User Management Size: The total space of the partition. Used: Space in use on the partition. Saves or restores all of the NAS unit's settings using a specified drive. Select the Shows current list of known users on the NAS unit. Available: Remaining space available on the partition. volume desired for backups. If backups exist on that volume they will be listed % Used: Percentage of the part

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Type: The file system the partition is formatted with. Backup Internal System Configuration Information User Management Size: The total space of the partition. Used: Space in use on the partition. Saves or restores all of the NAS unit's settings using a specified drive. Select the Shows current list of known users on the NAS unit. Available: Remaining space available on the partition. volume desired for backups. If backups exist on that volume they will be listed % Used: Percentage of the part

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Rename A Shared Folder Changes the name of the directory as well as the share name for an existing shared folder. Select the share to change and type in a new name, then click “Rename Shared Folder.” NOTE: The new shared folder name will be written to disk using all capital letters. If an existing folder of the same name appears and is not all capital letters, the NAS unit considers that not a match and writes the same folder name in all capital letters anyway. This can cause unpredictable res

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Rename A Shared Folder Changes the name of the directory as well as the share name for an existing shared folder. Select the share to change and type in a new name, then click “Rename Shared Folder.” NOTE: The new shared folder name will be written to disk using all capital letters. If an existing folder of the same name appears and is not all capital letters, the NAS unit considers that not a match and writes the same folder name in all capital letters anyway. This can cause unpredictable res

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