Panasonic BT.000605.036 user manual

User manual for the device Panasonic BT.000605.036

Device: Panasonic BT.000605.036
Category: Computer Accessories
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Size: 0.07 MB
Added : 4/15/2014
Number of pages: 5
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Panasonic BT.000605.036 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Panasonic BT.000605.036. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1


Name of Company : Panasonic Corporation
Address : 1-1,Matsushita-cho,Moriguchi,Osaka 570-8511 Japan
Department : Energy Company Lithium-Ion Battery Business Unit, Battery Pack Engineering Group
Representative : Akira Nezu
Telephone number : +81-6-6991-1141
Facsimile number : +81-6-6994-4623
For emergency : +81-6-6991-1141

Document number: PLI-PSDS-12-2009-026
Issued : January 9, 2009

Name of Product Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery (o

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Hazardous and Toxicity Class Class name : Not applicable for regulated class Hazard : It may cause heat generation or electrolyte leakage if battery terminals contact with other metals. Electrolyte is flammable. In case of electrolyte leakage, move the battery from fire immediately. Toxicity : Vapor generated from burning batteries, may make eyes, skin and throat irritate. First Aid Measures The product contains organic electrolyte. In case of electrolyte leakage from the battery, a

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

encountered in transport. (1)(2)(3) Please avoid storing the battery in the places where it is exposed to the static electricity so that no damage will not be caused to the protection circuit of the battery pack. Exposure Control (in case of electrolyte leakage from the battery) Acceptable concentration : Not specified in ACGIH. (4) Facilities : Provide appropriate ventilation system such as local ventilator in the storage place. Protective clothing : Gas mask for organic gases, s

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Transport Information th Even classified as lithium ion batteries (UN3480), 2009 IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 50 edition Packing Instruction 965 Part 1 is applied. The product is handled as Non-Dangerous Goods by meeting the following requirements. (1) During the transportation of a large amount of batteries by ship, trailer or railway, do not leave them in the places of high temperatures and do not allow them to be exposed to condensation. During the transportation do not allow pac

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

(2) Federal Resister/ Vol. 65, No. 174/Thursday, September7, 2000/Notices. (3) IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations 50th Edition Effective 1 January 2009. (4) TLVs and BEIs 1999 ACGIH Panasonic Corporation Energy Company

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