Sunbeam 3192 user manual

User manual for the device Sunbeam 3192

Device: Sunbeam 3192
Category: Coffeemaker
Manufacturer: Sunbeam
Size: 0.28 MB
Added : 11/11/2013
Number of pages: 16
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Sunbeam 3192 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sunbeam 3192. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

©2005 Sunbeam Products, Inc., doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions.
All rights reserved.
SUNBEAM is a registered trademark of Sunbeam Products, Inc.
In the U.S., distributed by Sunbeam Products, Inc., doing business as
Jarden Consumer Solutions, Boca Raton, FL 33431.
In Canada, imported and distributed by Sunbeam Corporation, Limited,
doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions.
©2005 Sunbeam Products, Inc., faire les affaires comme Jarden Consumer Solutions.
Tous droits r

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

WARNING – TO AVOID BREAKAGE OF, OR INJURY IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS FROM GLASS CARAFE, FOLLOW THESE PRECAUTIONS: When using electrical appliances, to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and/or injury • Do not set a hot carafe on a wet or cold surface. to persons, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: • Do not place hot carafe on or near paper, cloth or other flammable material. 1. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. • Never use the carafe on a range top or in

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

• 1-Hour Automatic Shut-Off COFFEE MAKER FEATURES ® For safety, the SUNBEAM Coffee Maker has been designed with an auto shut-off feature. WATER RESERVOIR The Coffee Maker shuts off automatically 1 hour after brewing cycle. To restart, COVER simply push the switch again. ® REMOVABLE FILTER HOW TO USE YOUR SUNBEAM COFFEE MAKER BASKET PREPARING YOUR COFFEE MAKER FOR USE • Carefully unpack the Coffee Maker and remove all packaging materials. CARAFE LID ® • Before making coffee in your SUNBEAM Coffee

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

PUTTING IN THE COFFEE • Do not re-use coffee grounds since this will greatly impair coffee flavor. • Reheating coffee is not recommended. Coffee is at its peak flavor immediately • Pull the filter basket straight outward. Insert a standard flat paper filter into after brewing. the filter basket or a pre-prepared coffee pack. • Small oil droplets on the surface of brewed black coffee is due to the extraction of oil • Place the desired amount of ground coffee into the filter. Use 1 tablespoon of

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

® TROUBLE-SHOOTING YOUR SUNBEAM COFFEE MAKER 2-YEAR LIMITED HOSPITALITY WARRANTY POTENTIAL PROBLEMS PROBABLE CAUSE Sunbeam Products, Inc. doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions in US and ON LIGHT DOES NOT ILLUMINATE • Unplugged Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited doing business as Jarden Consumer Solutions in Canada warrants that for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase, this product • Power outage will be free from defects in material and workmanship. Sunbeam, at its option, wil

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

ATTENTION – POUR ÉVITER QUE LA CARAFE NE SE CASSE OU QUE VOUS NE VOUS BLESSIEZ AVEC LA CARAFE EN VERRE, SUIVRE CES PRÉCAUTIONS: PRÉCAUTIONS IMPORTANTES • Ne pas placer la carafe chaude sur une surface humide ou froide. • Ne pas placer la carafe chaude sur ou à proximité de papier, tissu ou autres matériels Lors de l’utilisation d’appareils électriques, pour réduire le risque d’incendie, d’électrocution, inflammables. et/ou de blessures, toujours prendre les précautions nécessaires, incluant cell

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

• Arrêt Automatique au Bout d’Une Heure CARACTÉRISTIQUES DE LA CAFETIÈRE ® Par mesure de sécurité, la Cafetière Sunbeam est équipée d’une fonction d’arrêt COUVERCLE DU automatique. Cet appareil s’éteint automatiquement une heure après le cycle de RÉSERVOIR À EAU préparation du café. Pour le rallumer, il suffit de reappuyer sur l’interrupteur. ® COMMENT UTILISER VOTRE CAFETIÈRE SUNBEAM PRÉPARATION DE VOTRE CAFETIÈRE POUR UTILISATION PANIER FILTREUR • Déballez soigneusement la Cafetière et enlevez

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

AJOUT DU CAFÉ • Ne réutilisez jamais du café moulu: cela peut vraiment altérer la saveur du café. • Nous vous déconseillons de réchauffer le café. La saveur est la meilleure • Extraire le panier à filtre en le tirant à l’horizontale. Y placer un filtre en papier plat immédiatement après la préparation. standard ou un sachet-filtre préemballé. • La présence de fines gouttelettes d’huile à la surface de café noir fraîchement préparé • Placez la quantité désirée de café moulu dans le filtre. Utilis

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

® LOCALISATION DES PANNES DE VOTRE CAFETIÈRE SUNBEAM PROBLÈMES POTENTIELS CAUSE PROBABLE GARANTIE LIMITÉ PENDANT 2 ANS LE TÉMOIN INDICATEUR DE MISE • Appareil débranché Sunbeam Products, Inc. faire les affaires comme Jarden Consumer Solutions dans US SOUS TENSION NE S’ALLUME PAS • Panne d’électricité et Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited faire les affaires comme Jarden Consumer Solutions dans Canada offre à ses clients une garantie pendant deux années à partir de LE CAFÉ NE SE FAIT PAS • Appar

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

No Hay Ningún Mantenimiento por el Usuario. Devuélvalo a su Distribuidor Autorizado de Sunbeam más cercano. PRECAUCIONES IMPORTANTES CARACTERÍSTICAS DE SEGURIDAD Cuando use algún aparato eléctrico, para reducir el riesgo de fuego o descargas électricas, y/o daños • El aparato tiene un cordón eléctrico corto como medida de seguridad para prevenir el riesgo a personas precauciones básicas de seguridad siempre deben de tomarse, incluyendo las siguientes: de tropezar, tirar o enredarse con un cordón

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

USANDO LOS CONTROLES DE SU CAFETERA CARACTERÍSTICAS DE LA CAFETERA • Interruptor de Encendido - Este interruptor controla el poder en la cafetera. Este es un interruptor de seguridad con un contacto momentáneo para encender y apagar. CUBIERTA DEL TANQUE DE AGUA • Luz de Encendido - Este botón le indica que la cafetera está encendida y que está en la etapa normal del ciclo de preparación. LLENANDO EL TANQUE DE AGUA • Abra la tapa del tanque de agua localizada en la parte superior de la cafetera.

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

® PRECAUCIÓN: Si la puerta de la canasta para el filtro no está PROBLEMAS Y SOLUCIONES DE SU CAFETERA SUNBEAM completamente cerrada, la función de Pausa y Sirve no fucionará bien. Puede causar que se derrame agua o café caliente. PROBLEMA POTENCIAL POSIBLE CAUSA: LA LUZ DE ENCENDIDO NO SE ILUMINA • Desconectada • No use dos veces los mismos granos de café ya que no tendrán el mismo sabor. • No hay poder • No se recomienda recalentar el café. El mejor momento del sabor del café es inmediatamente

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

CARACTERÍSTICAS DA CAFETEIRA GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES TAMPA DO RESERVATÓRIO DA ÁGUA Não é necessária manutenção por parte do usuário. Devolva ao seu Distribuidor Autorizado da Sunbeam mais próximo. CESTA DO FILTRO CARACTERÍSTICAS DE SEGURANÇA REMOVÍVEL • O fio elétrico fornecido é curto para reduzir o risco de enrolamento ou tropeção em un fio mais longo. TAMPA • Extenções podem ser usadas tomando as devidas precauções durante o uso. CARACTERÍSTICA DO COPO PAUSE ’N SERVE • Caso uma extenção seja

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

USANDO OS CONTROLES DA SUA CAFETEIRA CUIDADO: Se a porta da cesta do filtro não estiver completamente fechada, • Interruptor – Este interruptor controla a potência da cafeteira. Este é um interruptor de segurança a característica Pausa e Servir não funcionará direito. com o contato momentâneo para ligar e desligar. Isto pode causar que a água quente ou o café transborde. • Luz Indicadora – Este botão indica que a potência está indo para a cafeteira, e que a cafeteira • Não utilize o pó de café n

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

COMO SOLUCIONAR PROBLEMAS COM A SUA CAFETEIRA PROBLEMAS COMUNS CAUSA PROVÁVEL GARANTIA LIMITADA A 2 ANOS A LUZ INDICADORA NÃO ACENDE • O fio está desligado da tomada. Sunbeam Products, Inc. fazendo negocios como Jarden Consumer Solutions en US e • Falta de luz. Sunbeam Corporation (Canada) Limited fazendo negocios como Jarden Consumer O CAFÉ NÃO ESTÁ SENDO PREPARADO • O fio está desligado da tomada. Solutions en Canada garante que durante dois anos logo da data de compra este produto nao aprese

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