Kenmore ELITE 100.90006 user manual

User manual for the device Kenmore ELITE 100.90006

Device: Kenmore ELITE 100.90006
Category: Coffeemaker
Manufacturer: Kenmore
Size: 0.63 MB
Added : 7/21/2013
Number of pages: 10
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Kenmore ELITE 100.90006 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Kenmore ELITE 100.90006. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Use & Care Guide
14-Cup Glass Carafe
Model No.
CAUTION; Read, understand and follow
all Important Safeguards and Operating
Instructions in this Manual before using
this product.
Sears, Roebuck and Co,, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A_
www, kenmore corn

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

I :WARRA KENMORE ELITE FULL WARRANTY I1this product fails due to a defect in malertai or workmanship within five years form the dale of purchase, return it to any Sears store or other Kenmore curie! in the Uniled States for free replacement. This warranty does not include expendable parts, such as filters or bEades, which can wear out from normal use within the warranty period This warranly appFies for only 90 days if this product is ever used for other than private household purposes This warra

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

12The carafe isdesigned foruse only with this cofleemaker 13Scalding may occur iflhaiidisremoved during the brewing cycles ALWAYS keep the lid on the carafe when in use 14, To protect against etectrlcal shock, this appliance is equipped with a cold having a 3-prong grounding-type plug for insertion into a proper grounding-type receptacie DO NOT altar the plug for use in a 2-prong receptacle If the plug will net fit into a receptacle, have lhe proper receptacle installed by a qualified'efeclr{cia

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Before the first use ofthe cotfeemaker wash Ihe brew basket, thepermanent gold-tone filler, the carafe and eat'ate lidineither thetop rack ofyour dishwasher, orbyhand inwarm, sudsy water The exlerior ofthe coffeemaker, the control panel area and the warming plate should only becleaned with asoft damp clelh NOTE: NEVER clean thewarming plate unless it ls completely coot, ] To clean the inside of the reservoir cover, open lhe ene_piece cover, allowing it to rest in the open position. Pull Ihe wale

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

The easy-Is-use programmable digilai controls letyou knew when fhe cetfee isready, and even keeps track ef lhe freshness of each brewed carafe It's never been easier te brew the perfecl cup of coflee BREWING COFFEE 1 Press the Open butlon on the control panel and lilt lhe one-piece cover (See Fig, 3) 2, Use the carafe to fitI the water reservoir of the coffeemaker to Ihe desired level with cold water There is a gauge marked from 2 te 14 cups on bolh the coffeemaker's water reservoir and on :the

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

6. Turn on the coffeemaker by pushing in the BREW ON/OFF button. The ON/OFF button will illuminate blue and the word Brew will show up in the control panel display showing that the coffeemaker is brewing. In a few seconds, hot water flows into the filter. When the water has stopped flowing, the coffeemaker automatically switches to the warming mode. For delayed brewing, see SETTING THE CLOCK, TIMER AND AUTO-BREWING. 7. When you have poured out all the coffee in the carafe, press the BREW ON/OFF

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

USETHE Auto On ButtonTO SETTHE AUTOMATIC BREWTIME: Once you have set the correct time Io begin Ihe automatic brewing and the clock has returned 1othe time of day, push in the Auto On button. On lhe display panel under the time of day the word Auto witl come on, along wilh lhe icon of a clock face These it_dicatethat the automatic timer is now activated. The Aulo Brew can be cancelled at any time by pressing the Auto On butlon a second time, The Auto On light goes out To check what t}me the Auto

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

ALWAYS UNPLUG lhe ee_teernaker from the electric outlet before cleaning. The exterior of the coffeemaker, the control panel area and the warming ptate should only be cleaned with a soft damp cloth WARNING: NEVER immerse the coffeemaker in water or any liquid,, ] cool DO NOT use abrasive cleansers or scouring pads. ] _ wARNiNGi DO NOT clean the warming plate unless It Is completely J To clean the inside of the reservoir cover, open the one-piece cover, ailowing it to rest in the open position Put

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

ToClean: I Press the FiIler Reset but'_on onthe controf Ffg. 8 _) panel toslop Ihe blinking words icon and the beeps (Fig 8) 2 Open the I|dofreservoir, and putl outthe water tiller (Fig 9) ":2:00 3 Pour white vinegar into wa_er reservoir up to Ihe 7-cup [evet shown inside reservoir, 0 cs) 4 Add cold water up to the 14-cup ltne 5 Put a paper tilter in the brew basket, close cover, and place empty carafe on the warming plale, 6 Turn ON lhe coffeemaker and let half of the vinegar water solution bre

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

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