Zenoah BRUSHCUTTERS BK3410FL-S user manual

User manual for the device Zenoah BRUSHCUTTERS BK3410FL-S

Device: Zenoah BRUSHCUTTERS BK3410FL-S
Category: Brush Cutter
Manufacturer: Zenoah
Size: 0.94 MB
Added : 8/14/2013
Number of pages: 24
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Zenoah BRUSHCUTTERS BK3410FL-S User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Zenoah BRUSHCUTTERS BK3410FL-S. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

115 37 95-79 (006)
BK3410FL / BK3410FL-S
BK4310FL / BK4310FL-S
•Before using our brushcutter, please
read this manual carefully to understand
the proper use of your unit.
• Keep this manual handy.

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

SAFETY FIRST Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a symbol concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent possible serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions carefully and follow them without fail. ■ NOTES ON TYPES OF WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL WARNING This mark indicates instructions which must be followed in order to prevent accidents which could lead to serious bodily injury or death. IMPORTANT

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

15m (50ft) 1. Warning labels on the machine (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (1) Read owner’s manual before operating this machine. (2) Wear head, eye and ear protection. (3) Wear foot protection. (4) Wear gloves. (5) Beware of thrown objects. (6) Warning / Attention (7) Keep all children, bystanders and helpers 15 meters away from the machine. IMPORTANT If warning label peels off or becomes soiled and i

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

2. Symbols on the machine For safe operation and maintenance, symbols are carved in relief on the machine. According to these indications, please be careful not to take a mistake. (a) The port to refuel the "MIX GASOLINE" Position: FUEL TANK CAP (b) The direction to close the choke Position: AIR CLEANER COVER (c) The direction to open the choke Position: AIR CLEANER COVER 3. Specifications ZENOAH Knapsack Brushcutter Name/Type BK3410FL/BK3410FL-S BK4310FL/BK4310FL-S Handle Type Loop Machine Wei

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

4. Safety precautions 2. Never use the product, 1.Read this manual carefully until you (1) When the ground is slippery or when completely understand and follow all you can’t maintain a steady posture. safety and operating instructions. (2) At night, at times of heavy fog, or at 2.Keep this manual handy so that you any other times when your field of may refer to it later whenever any vision might be limited and it would be questions arise. Also note, if you difficult to gain a clear view of the

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

4. Safety precautions to sound level and hours of operations for so as to ensure that neither the cutting the product. part nor the throttle trigger come into contact with any obstacle when the ■ BEFORE STARTING THE ENGINE engine starts. 1. The area within a perimeter of 15 m of WARNING the person using the product should be considered a hazardous area into Never place the throttle trigger into the which no one should enter. If high-speed position when starting the necessary, yellow warning rope

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

4. Safety precautions serious burns or electrical shock. ■ HANDLING FUEL 1. The engine of the ZENOAH product is ■ IF SOMEONE COMES designed to run on a mixed fuel, which 1. Guard against hazardous situations at contains highly flammable gasoline. all times. Warn adults to keep pets and Never store cans of fuel or refill the children away from the area. Be careful tank of the unit in any place where if you are approached. Injury may there is a boiler, stove, wood fire, result from flying debris.

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

4. Safety precautions This contact causes the blade to stop for an instant and then suddenly move or ”bounce” away from the object that was hit. The operator can lose control of the unit and the blade can cause serious personal injury to the operator or any person nearby if the blade contacts any part of the body. 2. How you can reduce the chance of blade thrust: (1) Recognize that blade thrust can happen. By understanding and knowing about bounce, you can help eliminate the element of surprise.

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

5. Set up insert the liner into the clutch housing, being careful WARNING to make sure that the hole on the end of the liner is facing directly upwards. When the hole reaches a • Assemble each part correctly. Wrong assembly point directly below the stopper, you will hear a might cause an accident. clicking sound as the stopper moves into the hole to • If you cannot do the assembling yourself, consult fix the liner into place. (SE4) the shop where you bought this product. ■ ATTACHING THE SHOULD

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

5. Set up 2. Attach the lever as shown in the picture and screw it (1) Loop handle SE8 securely. (SE6) (2) Screw (3) Washer (4) Nut SE6 (1) Throttle lever (5) Throttle lever (2) Hole (6) Right hand grip (3) Throttle cable (4) Screw (5) Nut WARNING Stop tightening the screws when the gap A becomes zero. ■ ATTACHING THE DEBRIS GUARD WARNING Never use the machine without the debris guard. ■ ADJUSTING THROTTLE CABLE • Proper play of the throttle cable is 1–2mm. Place the • Attach the guard to

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

5. Set up (Note that this is a left-turning screw.) ■ LINE HEAD (SE11) (SE13) IMPORTANT SE10 (1) Bar Since the resistance of the nylon cutter is larger than (2) Holder B that of the metal cutter, wrong operation of the nylon (3) Holder A cutter will cause the clutch to overheat, deform and be damaged. When using the nylon cutter, carefully note the following. • Use ZENOAH’s genuine nylon cutter. When using a commercially-available nylon cutter, make sure that it 2. Attach the cover (SE11,(11))

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

6. Fuel WARNING • Gasoline is very flammable. Avoid smoking or bringing any flame or sparks near fuel. •Wipe up all spills before starting the engine. • Make sure to stop the engine and allow it cool before refueling the unit. • Keep open flames away from the area where fuel is handled or stored. IMPORTANT • Never use oil for 4 cycle engine use or water cooled 2-cycle engine. • Never use "FUEL WITH NO OIL (RAW GASOLINE)". • Never use fuel laced with water. • Mixed fuels which have been left unu

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

7. Operation ■ REFUELING WARNING WARNING • Keep the throttle lever set always to the idling position when starting or stopping the engine, or •Refuel the fuel tank in a flat place outdoors. Avoid moving the machine. If the throttle lever is set to smoking or bringing any flame or spark near the any position other than the idling position, the fuel, and stub out any cigarette. blade will begin to rotate, causing danger. • When refueling the fuel tank while using this • The engine might start afte

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

7. Operation position and pull out the starter rope repeatedly, or try IMPORTANT the starting operation again after removing the spark plug and drying the electrode. Do not pull out the starter rope up to its end, and do not let the knob jump out of the right hand otherwise it may 1. Open the fuel cock. (OP2) not return to its original position. 2. Move the choke lever to the closed position. (OP2) 5. After the engine has started, open the choke gradually. OP2 (1) Fuel cock 6. Allow the engine t

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

7. Operation OP6 OP8 (1) Area of the blade where the machine is prone to blade thrust WARNING ■ CUTTING OPERATION • When using this machine, read and obey the precautions and instructions described in “Safety WARNING precautions” (pages 5 to 8) of this manual. • Before shouldering the main body of the •Always wear eye protection such as safety brushcutter, return the throttle lever to the idling goggles. Never lean over the rotating cutting position and make sure the blade has stopped head. Rock

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

7. Operation 4. Use a slow, deliberate action to cut heavy growth. The rate of cutting motion will depend on the material being cut. Heavy growth will require slower action than will light growth. 5. Never swing the unit so hard as you are in danger of losing your balance or control of the unit. 6. Try to control the cutting motion with the hip rather than placing the full workload on the arm and hands. 7. Take precautions to avoid wire, grass and dead, dry, long-stem weeds from wrapping around

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

8. Maintenance ■ BLADE of the spool. • Sharpen each cutting edge and make sure the 4. Wind up the line in the correct direction as indicated bottom corner is rounded. (MA1) on the spool. • Do not cool the blade with water in case of using 5. Hook each end of the line in the slot on the edge of grinder. It may cause cracks on blade. the spool, and then put the ends through the eyelets on the housing. Make sure that the spring and the washers are in place. MA1 6. While holding the spool against th

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

8. Maintenance ■ FUEL FILTER MA5 WARNING When you mount or dismount the fuel filter, be careful not to damage the rubber packing. A damaged rubber packing or insufficient mounting of the fuel filter will cause fuel to leak. Check how heavily the fuel filter is clogged from the fueling port of the fuel tank every 25 hours of use. IMPORTANT If the fuel filter is clogged with dust, empty the fuel tank, take the fuel filter out, and clean it with a brush, etc. If you use the plug wrench to start tig

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

8. Maintenance on the side where the main pipe is installed, and 2. Further tighten all screws, bolts and fittings. mount the plug in its original position. 3. Make sure that no oil or grease remains between the 4. Wipe off the pushed-out grease, and mount the blade clutch lining and the drum. If you see any there, wipe and the blade rest plate in their original positions. it off using oil-free, lead-free gasoline. 4. Remove the float chamber of the carburetor, and MA7 clean the inside of the fl

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

8. Maintenance The engine revolution speed increases when you turn blade, and keep the machine in a safe place away the idling adjustment screw clockwise, and decreases from heat and humidity. when you turn it counterclockwise. MA12 Standard idling revolution speed: (1) Tank cap 2,300 to 2,700 rpm (2) Fuel tank MA11 (1) Idling adjustment screw (2) Rotation increases. (3) Rotation decreases. ■ MAINTENANCE BEFORE LONG-TERM STORAGE WARNING This machine is highly inflammable. • When you take fuel ou

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