Yard-Man 7100-2 user manual

User manual for the device Yard-Man 7100-2

Device: Yard-Man 7100-2
Category: Snow Blower
Manufacturer: Yard-Man
Size: 3.52 MB
Added : 7/26/2013
Number of pages: 16
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Yard-Man 7100-2 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Yard-Man 7100-2. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

P. O. BOX 36940
1410 West Ganson Street -Jack$On, Michigan 49202
~k~ YARD.

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

RULES FOR SAF:E OPERATION Your SNOW THROWER is a precision piece of snow throwin9,,~ltiPJr'~t,:EQQi~(5~L~9i'~~i.~1;,;,,~d ~perience have been combjn~d to provide the Ijltirnate. 41, safety ~nd effic!en~Y. As with any type on the part of the operator cal'lresuft in injury, EXERCISE EXTREME CAUTION AT ALL TtMES. 1. READ tHE OWNER'S MANUAL CAREFULLY. Know the controls to operate your SNOW THROWER properly and how to q1.Jickly Stop th~unlt. 2. BEFORE START-ING ENGINE,dise";gage all clutches and shif

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

MA1NrEN AN CE ;. GIN.ERA:L SNOW THROWING Alw~ys keep area to be cleaned cleared before :s~o~fa,ll.- A!ways start. e~ine with machine on Ie:vel S'.!rf.ac~ with m~ster~lutch 'disengaged; After startil)Q, let engine warm up $~veral minutes at $Iow speed before starting tor~mov9$i'I~w,'fm~&hjn~ is'5toredtndoors, let engine anq machine adjust to outdoorttlmperatures before st"r~lh9 to: throw snow, ,:':,:When throwing St10W. run machine at full throttle for bestl'e~ults,.:' , 3.4,5, When in deep hea

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

UNPA(:kING AND SIT-UP 1. BefQre assembling your Snow Thrqwer be sUl'e all har

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

,,1, ~111 the fuel tank \",i-th fresh wl!'\ter blehd regular gilSO. line. 00" 'NOT MI..Xbll. WITH GA$OLINt:. ~Jl8f<~ r""'" certain th'e' fU!1! s!:iut.off vQI~e' under the 9~S 1;ank 'is turned on. , , ',~. Plac~ fflQchine o:n ~ !evel $urf~ce: Remo,ve oil fill c.a,p and fiil crankcase with go~(j quality detergento!l, , .. Use MS cl()ssifica:~'on $AE 5W;:20 Qil ,tor- operatio,f1 below 40"'F:, U~ M$,'cla-ssif)t:'iitio,) $AE;;,,3QOII ft,r operation ab6ve'40~f,,':' ::":' ,',": " 3. During initial "Bl'

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

OP:I,I":TIOI 0"(01110\$ MASTER '(101(:8,/ (OITIO:( The ti'ia~t~r clu~h c9i1tl'ol i!\:jocated Oil handle panel 81')0 is: ~$ed to engage ~II ~we~. Select ,t} forwardspeedcr r~\1er:sii wj~b shift lever, the'~'rele~~mas!erclutc:h conTrol and push f°f"'!~td 10 el'\g~ge d~lvit di!jc(!an;'I'~~I: 'to:~iSengag~, putt tnBstel" clutch CQ,htt:blb8Ck~"d'loC~ '(n nOtCh. nle mast~r clutch controi ~us~:al\l!l&Ys bp}:i'1'I n~qtrfil :-p()sition befoi~ starting engi~e, ' f'llI _"flUNG The whee! clutdl:1es ~r.ejoca

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

..'LACfNG SAfETY SHEAR BOLT If the intake- snow reel $hQutd jam causing the ~fetv shear bolt to shear, it may b.e rap.laced witi:l a new bolt, tu~f1ished -. in t]1e part& bag, after rerooving the broken pi~ce$ in the shaft, NOTE; AlwiiYS aii.9n the hole in the reel shaft and the s~)rQClset shaft before dtlviflg out the broken bott. DO. NOT remove soUl;!. pin looated neifr she!)r bi.1lt hole. (HUTI CHAI" AND: ADJUST MINT To tighten tb<~ chute cham, rotati:! the chute all the WBY to the left, unti

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

LUJRICA t:ION CH:ANGIN:G ENGINE OIL. Dr.,in oil: when t'ctlgint) is warm. To drain oil place pCin under f'ralTTe qirectly beneath oij drain extensi9n. Remove oil drain, cap .and ailow:o/1 to drain completely, Replace cap and tighten securely. R;efill to "Full". ap~foxim8tely 1 pint. See el1gfne, m~nual for complete engine lubri. cation and service instru(;tions, lUII:JOTIQN POINTS LUBRICATE THI: PAf{TS PERI'ODICALL Y AS ILlU$-T~ATEO: TI1e following points ~re to be lubricated every five hoLlrs

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

cable rqller brDck-et 9nd down to tl1e right hole in the (HD:fE :'("-:L- RfPLACEMIN:T top of the blower housing- 'OIIEPAIR C. Turn the cable pulley with the c;able boit toward the bottom of the blower housing. D. Put the e~s of the;:csble UP throug~ the hoj~s in the '~:, . ~ bottom of the dable p~'ley and croSs the ends up and 1. REMOVE T."E BLOWER HOU$tl'l!U FROM .:rHE Over the cable bolt and Und~r the washer. Pull the MACHiNe; cable 1;ight and tighten 'the cable'bolt and nut, making A. 'Remove

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

WARRANTY We gvorOnfe& 011 PQrts against defects in mOleriaJ and wQrkmClnship for a period of one (1) yeClf from the date of pul'chClse whel'\ used for residential 90 days for (omlT1er~iClI We agree to ~epoir or replace without charge to the original Purch()s~r, inclvding labor/any port or port$ upon examination by a Yard.Man Authorized De:aler to be defective within the guarantee period except the enQine. which is wartonteed separately by the monufocturer. All tran'tportb1.an char9~s for repla~e

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