Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Voltage Pre-amplifier
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Phone: (408) 744-9040, Fax: (408) 744-9049
Copyright © 1999, 2001
Stanford Research Systems, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Rev. 2.6 (08/2001)
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Voltage Pre-amplifier manual Stanford Research Systems
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
SR550 Preamplifier Specifications Summary
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Summary of the content on the page No. 4
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Summary of the content on the page No. 5
DYN RES FS Sensitivity SR550 Gain -9:18 %=- '- 7=A E
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Summary of the content on the page No. 6
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Summary of the content on the page No. 7
PARTS LIST REF. SRS part# VALUE DESCRIPTION Capacitor, Electrolytic, 50V, 20%, Rad / 8
3 '
G Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad / 8
G Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad /& 8
G Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad /, 8
8> 'G Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad / 8
8> 'G Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad /( 8
8> 'G Capacitor, Electrolytic, 25V, 20%, Rad /> 8
&8 ,>G Capacitor, Electrolytic, 25V, 20%, Rad /H 8
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5% "&& ,8
>J Switch, On-None-On, Toggle, Right Angle A 8
8> 9:9- Transistor, TO-92 Package G &8
,8& >37 Transistor, TO-92 Package G &8
H8& >H7 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg) G& &8
7&&3 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg) G, &8
> Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg) G &8
95 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg) G( &8
> Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg) G> &8
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Summary of the content on the page No. 9
MODEL SR552 Voltage Pre-amplifier manual Stanford Research Systems
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
SR552 Preamplifier Specifications Summary IInput Impedance 100 KΩ + 25 pF Inputs Single ended or differential (switch selectable) Maximum Inputs 70 mV rms for overload Damage threshold: 20 Vac, 50 Vdc Noise 1.4 nV/√Hz at 1000 Hz 1.6 nV/√Hz at 100 Hz 2.5 nV/√Hz at 10 Hz (all figures are Typical) Common Mode Range: 1 Volt peak Rejection: 100 dB at 100 Hz Gain 10,20,50,100 SR510/530 Automatically set by SR510 or SR530 Lock-In depending on sensitivity and dynamic reserve. Sensitivity ranges from 10
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
Noise Figure Contour
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The SR552 Voltage Pre-Amplifier is designed to The SR552 (A) and (B) Inputs should now be be used with either the SR510/530 lock-ins as used as the lock-in voltage inputs. The input well as the newer DSP lock-ins. The SR552 switch selects single ended, (A), or differential, reduces the input noise and extends the full (A-B), operation. The input impedance is 100 scale sensitivity to 10 nV (without expand). kΩ , 25 pF. The connector shields are isolated When used as a r
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
DYN RES FS Sensitivity SR552 Gain USING THE SR552 WITH SRS DSP LOCK-INS The SR552 is not sensed by the DSP lock-ins. LOW > 50 mV 10 The DSP lock-in does NOT compensate for the 20 db 50 mV 20 gain of the preamp. The gain of the preamp is 20 mV 50 set to 10. Measurements made with the preamp < 20 mV 100 need to be divided by 100. NORM > 5 mV 10 The SR552 is AC coupled from 1 Hz to 100 kHz. 40 db 5 mV 20 Set the lock-in input to AC coupled since the 2 mV 50 signal must be above 1 Hz. Frequencies be
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
dual phase lock-in, use the R output to avoid All three voltages are required. Pins 7 and 8 phase shifts. should be tied together. All other pins should be left open. The gain will be 100 in this configuration. Grounding pin 3 will change the The SR552 without a lock-in gain to 50, and grounding pin 4 will change the The SR552 can be powered with an external gain to 20. Grounding both pins 3 and 4 will power supply. Power is applied through the 9 change the gain to 10. pin connector as descri
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
PARTS LIST REF. SRS part# VALUE DESCRIPTION 1.0U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 50V, 20%, Rad C 1 5-00040-509 2200U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad C 2 5-00030-520 2200U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 16V, 20%, Rad C 3 5-00030-520 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad C 4 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad C 5 5-00100-517 2.2U Capacitor, Tantalum, 35V, 20%, Rad C 6 5-00100-517 47U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 50V, 20%, Rad C 7 5-00044-509 47U Capacitor, Electrolytic, 50V, 20%, Rad C 8
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
470K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5% R 33 4-00082-401 100K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5% RU7A 4-00032-401 100K Resistor, Carbon Film, 1/4W, 5% RU7B 4-00032-401 SPDT Switch, On-None-On, Toggle, Right Angle SW1 2-00025-217 79L15 Transistor, TO-92 Package U 1 3-00124-325 78L15 Transistor, TO-92 Package U 2 3-00118-325 LM339 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg) U 3 3-00193-340 SR513 ASSY SRS sub assemblies U 4 8-00085-860 DG211 Integrated Circuit (Thru-hole Pkg) U 5 3-00076-340 74HC139 Integrated Ci