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Fire detection system
Fire & Security Products
Siemens Building Technologies
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Liefermöglichkeiten und technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Data and design subject to change without notice. / Supply subject to availability. Sous réserve de modifications techniques et de la disponibilité. © 2004 Copyright by Siemens Building Technologies AG Wir behalten uns alle Rechte an diesem Dokument und an dem in ihm dargestellten Gegenstand vor. Der Empfänger anerkennt diese Rechte und wird dieses Dokument nicht ohne unsere vorgängige schriftliche Ermächtigung ganz oder teilweis
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
1 About this document ..............................................................................6 2 Safety regulations...................................................................................8 2.1 Signal words and symbols ........................................................................8 2.1.1 Signal words and their meaning................................................................8 2.1.2 Symbols and their meaning ..................................................
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12.3 Installation possibilities (FT)....................................................................29 12.4 Block diagram .........................................................................................29 12.5 Connection lines between control unit and external operating units ......30 12.6 Power supply (24V).................................................................................30 12.7 Modules............................................................................
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21.1 Features..................................................................................................51 21.2 Application variant FT .............................................................................51 21.3 Application variant FC.............................................................................51 21.4 Modules...................................................................................................51 22 Power supply....................................
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About this document 1 About this document Purpose This document describes the project planning of the hardware modules of the con- trol unit FC700A. The consistent adherence to these instructions is a prerequisite for a safe application. Scope This document contains information of all FC700A components, including part numbers for ordering. Target group This product documentation and the work instructions are aimed at the following persons, who have a particular function and have the
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About this document Conventions (...) Additional information ..) Notes ’’......’’ / ’.....’ Definitions of designations -> Details see page ...., chapter or document ..... Configuration sheets to fill out Document identification Place Signification Title page – System names – Product type – Document purpose Last page bottom left – The document number consists of: Language, number, index – Version date bottom right – Manual – Register Modification index Version Date Brief
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Safety regulations 2 Safety regulations This chapter describes the danger levels and the relevant safety regulations appli- cable for the use of our products. Please read the work instructions as well as the chapter ”About this document” thoroughly before beginning any work. 2.1 Signal words and symbols 2.1.1 Signal words and their meaning The danger level that is, the severity and probability of danger are indicated by the signal words listed below. Non-observance may lead to the con
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Safety regulations 2.1.3 Classification and meaning of additional symbols Tips and information Refers to extremely important or critical decisions to be taken into account before continuing the work. 2.2 Safety-relevant working instructions Country-specific standards The products are developed and produced in compliance with the relevant interna- tional and European safety standards. Should additional country-specific, local safety standards or regulations co
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Safety regulations Testing the product operability Evacuate and cordon off extinguishing sector. Inform people about the possibility of occurring fog and noise. Inform people before testing of alarm devices; take the possibility of panic reac- tions into account. Inform the alarm and fault receiving stations connected to the system before running the tests. Modifications to the system design and the product Modifications to a system or to individual products may cause faults or malfu
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4 T r . C N I I B b i T x P E E Main features 3 Main features Fire detection system for modular configuration Up to 1000 detectors per FC700A possible For the processing of addressable and conventional detectors Logical and physical structure totally separated Control console as main CPU Interfaces for VdS peripheral equipment, printer, host systems Different types of input and output modules Special Mimic Display terminal activating module Multidetector logic Up to
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Technical data FC700A 4 Technical data FC700A Operating voltage 115 / 230VAC ±15% 50... 60Hz Power consumption 40... 220VA (per converter B2F020) Battery operation in the event of mains failure - Standard operating period 12...24h - Optional Up to 72h (see chapter 23) Environmental conditions Temperature during operation 0°C... +40°C Storage -20°C... +60°C Humidity Max. 95%, no condensation Complies with class 3K5 according to IEC 721–3–3 IP protection category (EN 60529 / IE
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Logical and physical structure 5 Logical and physical structure In the FC700A fire detection system, the logical structure is completely separated from the physical structure. This enables the greatest possible flexibility. Display and control terminal are based on the geographical and organizational aspects and are independent of the actual hardware installation of the detector network. Geographical features (-> building structure) 1st floor 2nd floor Room 101 1st floor Room 102 Roo
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Bus systems 6 Bus systems In the FC700A fire detection system there are 5 communication levels: I-Bus Internal data bus between individual modules in the control unit (line modules, control modules etc.) C-Bus Local data bus between control unit(s), control terminal(s) and Gateway(s) SynoLOOP and SynoLINE600 Local detector bus; connects the detectors to the control unit LON-Bus Local data bus for floor repeater panels, mimic display converter and LON I/O card Data Bus Local
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Bus systems 6.1 Bus overview Features C-Bus I-Bus SynoLOOP SynoLINE600 LON-Bus Data Bus Field of applica- Local data bus Local data bus tion For addressable For collective parallel ind. Local system bus Inside control unit for floor indicator detectors detectors panel, synoptic panels panel or relay Speed of trans- (Direct current 57kBaud 1000kBaud 2 messages/sec 78kBaud SPI-Bus 2KHz mission signal) Length of line Max. 500m as Max. Max. 1000m Max. 3m (only Max. 150Ω/300nF free t
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Bus systems 6.2.1 Diagram Ri [Ohm] 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 Standard 100 90 80 Lifeline 70 60 Radox 50 MICC 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 Rd [Ohm] 2. Procedure Request characteristic impedance of the cable from manufacturer (45Ω ... 200Ω) Select the value of the Ri the same as the value of the cable characteristic im- pedance and insert the fo
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C-Bus stations 7 C-Bus stations The C-Bus network contains max. 16 stations (user connected) – Within the limits stated below (FC, FT, FG) are any stations in any arrangement possible – Max. 64 AREAS Building mangement system ISO1745 Protocol Control terminal FG700A Gateway FT700A (max.15) (max.15) C-Bus Network - max. 16 Stations - 3 different types of stations - loop line max. 1400m with G51 ø 0.8mm C-Bus Control terminal I-Bus Line Control Main-CPU modules modules FC700A (max.16) De
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C-Bus stations 7.4 Visualizer for Windows remote operation software (not avail- able yet) – Operating platform requirements in detail see document 007895 – For details see document ……. (not available yet) max. length of line dependent on Visualizer type of modem FC/FT Remote Operation E3I020 Modem Modem Dedicated line temporary public telephone line Tel. Tel. E3I020 Modem Modem (RS232) ....15m E3I020 Standard PC with keyboard, software ’Visualizer for Windows’, C-BUS FC/FT B3D021 tem
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C-Bus stations 7.5 Logical AREAS FC FC FC FC 34 78 .. .. 63 64 1 2 5 6 .. .. 61 62 AREA AREA FC FC All AREAS control terminal FG FG – Within one main CPU (FC) max. 4 AREAS can be configured – CPUs cannot link up with AREAS of other CPUs – CPU overlapping controls are possible – Control terminals (FT) can be freely allocated to AREAS as required – Visibilities on gateways (FG) shall be set per station only, not per AREA! 19 Siemens Building Technologies 007836_a_en_--.doc Fire & Se
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Limitations of C-Bus participants 8 Limitations of C-Bus participants This chapter describes the quantitative limits of the FC700A station. The selection of the station type depends on the requirements. The following vari- ants are available: Flash ROM SRAM Station type Modules (2x1024Kx8Bit) EPROM set RAM set Soldered 'Program file' FC700A B3Q700 CIY00760 4x512Kx8Bit – – FT700A B3Q700 CTY00760 4x512Kx8Bit – – 2 x Z3S070 CKQ007.60 FG700A E3H020 – – (2x512Kx8Bit) (2x512Kx8Bit)