Bunn Recipe Writer BrewWISE user manual

User manual for the device Bunn Recipe Writer BrewWISE

Device: Bunn Recipe Writer BrewWISE
Category: Coffeemaker
Manufacturer: Bunn
Size: 0.21 MB
Added : 4/24/2014
Number of pages: 2
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Bunn Recipe Writer BrewWISE User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Bunn Recipe Writer BrewWISE. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

BrewWISE Recipe Writer
BrewWISE Recipe Writer
® ®
• Use with B UNN Bre wWISE Ther moF resh bre w er , Soft Heat DBC bre w er , ICB ,
ITCB , Multi-Hopper g r inder and DBC g r inder .
• Create custom coff ee recipe card to prog r am bre w er or g r inder .
• De v elop custom messages using ad card to displa y on bre w er LCD .
• Allo ws prog r amming of dedicated funnels f or special coff ees .
• Ensure consistently high quality coff ee fla v or

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Dimensions & Specifications Model Product # Volts Amps Total Cubic Shipping Cord Watts Feet Weight Attached 3 Recipe Wr iter 34444.0001 100-240 n/a n/a .5 ft 3 lbs . po w er supply 3 ( .014 m ) (1.36 kg) included Electr ical: Includes univ ersal po w er supply per mitting usage at v oltages from 100 to 240 v olts A C , 50/60Hz. ® Bunn-O-Matic Cor por ation - 1400 Ste v enson Dr iv e Spr ingfield, Illinois 62703 • USA • +1-217-529-6601 • F ax +1-217-529-2827 • www

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