RedMax TR2301S user manual

User manual for the device RedMax TR2301S

Device: RedMax TR2301S
Category: Brush Cutter
Manufacturer: RedMax
Size: 1.33 MB
Added : 4/28/2014
Number of pages: 64
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RedMax TR2301S User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to RedMax TR2301S. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

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Summary of the content on the page No. 2

English SAFETY FIRST Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a symbol concern critical points which must be taken into consideration to prevent possible serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions carefully and follow them without fail. ■ WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL WARNING This mark indicates instructions which must be followed in order to prevent accidents which could lead to serious bodily injury or death. IMPORTANT This mark

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Français Español SECURITE LA SEGURIDAD PRIMERO Les instructions contenues dans les mises en Las instrucciones que aparecen en este manual garde de ce mode d’emploi portant le symbole bajo las advertencias marcadas con el símbolo concernent les points critiques qui doivent être hacen referencia a puntos críticos que deben pris en considération pour éviter les blessures tomarse en consideración para evitar posibles corporelles graves, c’est pourquoi ces précautions lesiones físicas; por esta razó

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

English 1. Parts location 1. Loop handle 2. Stop switch 3. Throttle cable 4. Throttle trigger 5. Throttle set button 6. Shaft tube 7. Cutting attachment guard 8. Cutting line head 9. Angle transmission 10. Spark arrester 11. Starter knob 12. Fuel tank 13. Primer 14. Choke lever 15. Air cleaner cover English 2. Specifications ■ TR2301S Overall size(LxWxH) ····················································································· 69.0(1753)x8.9(226)x12.1(307) in(mm) Dry weight ·········

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Français Español 1. Emplacement des pieces 1. Situación de las piezas 1. Poignée 1. Mango 2. Interrupteur d’arrêt 2. Interruptor de parada 3. Câble d’accélérateur 3. Cable del acelerador 4. Gâchette de la commande de vitesse 4. Gatillo de regulador 5. Manette des gaz 5. Botón de acelerador 6. Tube d’arbre 6. Tubo de eje 7. Protection d’accessoire de coupe 7. Protector del aditamento cortador 8. Tête avec fil de coupe 8. Cabezal de hilo cortador 9. Boîtier du renvoi d’angle 9. Caja de engranajes

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

15m (50ft) English 3. Warning labels on the machine (1)Read owner's manual before operating this machine. (2) Wear head, eye and ear protection. ()()()( ) 1 2 3 4 (3) Warning! Danger of kickback. (4) Beware of thrown objects. (5) Warning/Attention (6)Keep all children, bystanders and helpers 15 meters away from the brushcutter IMPORTANT If warning label peel off or become soiled and impossible to read, you should contact the dealer from ()( ) 5 6 which you purchased the product to order new labe

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Français Español 3. Etiquettes d’avertissement sur la machine 3. Etiqueta de advertencia en la máquina (1)Lire le mode d’emploi avant d’utiliser cette (1)Lea el manual de instrucciones antes de usar machine. esta máquina. (2)Porter un casque de sécurité, des lunettes de (2) Use protección para la cabeza, ojos y oídos. sécurité et un casque antibruit. (3)¡Advertencia! Advertencia sobre el peligro de (3)Avertissement! Phénomène de rebond sacudida. dangereux. (4)Tenga cuidado con objetos que se dis

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

English 5. For safe operation 1. Read this manual carefully until you completely understand and follow all safety and operating instructions. 2. Keep this manual handy so that you may refer to it later whenever any questions arise. Also note, if you have any questions which cannot be answered herein, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the product. 3. Always be sure to include this manual when selling, lending, or otherwise transferring the ownership of this product. 4. Never allow child

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad 1. Lire ce manuel attentivement jusqu’à une 1.Lea detenidamente este manual hasta compréhension totale et suivre toutes les comprender cabalmente todas las instrucciones instructions de sécurité et d’utilisation. de seguridad y uso. 2. Conserver ce mode d’emploi à portée de la main 2. Mantenga este manual a mano para que pueda pour le consulter au moindre doute. Si une consultarlo cuando tenga alguna duda. Si tiene question

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

English 5. For safe operation other times when weather conditions might make it unsafe to use the product. ■ WORKING PLAN 1. You should never use the product when under the influence of alcohol, when suffering from exhaustion or lack of sleep, when suffering from drowsiness as a result of having taken cold medicine or at any other time when a possibility exists that your judgment might be impaired or that you might not be able to operate the product properly and in a safe manner. 2. When plannin

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad c. Pendant les averses, les orages avec éclairs, par otra circunstancia en que las condiciones grands vents ou toute autre condition climatique climáticas puedan hacer inseguro el uso del rendant l’utilisation de la machine dangereuse. producto. ■ PLAN DE TRAVAIL ■ PLAN DE TRABAJO 1. Ne jamais utiliser la machine sous l’influence de 1. Nunca utilice el producto cuando se encuentre bajo l’alcool ou en état de faiblesse due à

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

English 5. For safe operation IMPORTANT Remove any obstacle before beginning work. 3. Inspect the entire unit for loose fasteners and fuel leakage. Make sure that the cutting attachment is properly installed and securely fastened. 4. Be sure the debris guard is firmly attached in place. 5. If the cutting head is the metal blade, change the guard and handle, and attach the shoulder strap (see p42). Adjust the strap before starting the engine at the position that your left hand can comfortably h

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad IMPORTANT IMPORTANTE Retirer tout obstacle avant de commencer le travail. Quite todos los obstáculos antes de iniciar el trabajo. 3. Vérifier que la machine ne comporte aucun élément 3. Inspeccione la unidad completa para determinar si desserré ou de fuite de carburant. S’assurer que tiene sujetadores sueltos o fugas de combustible. l’outil de coupe est monté correctement et bien Asegúrese de que el accesorio de corte esté s

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

English 5. For safe operation 1. Grip the handles firmly with both hands using your whole hand. Place your feet slightly apart (slightly further apart than the width of your shoulders) so that your weight is distributed evenly across both legs, and always be sure to maintain a steady, even posture while working. 2. Keep cutting attachment below waist level. 3. Maintain the speed of the engine at the level required to perform cutting work, and never raise the speed of the engine above the level

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad deux mains. Ecarter légèrement les jambes (pour 1. Coja los mangos firmemente con ambas manos. que les pieds reposent sur une largeur un peu plus Separe los pies ligeramente (un poco más que el importante que celle des épaules) et avoir une ancho de sus hombros) de manera que su peso posture de travail stable et répartir le poids du corps quede distribuido uniformemente en ambas piernas, également sur chaque jambe. y asegúre

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

English 5. For safe operation manual must be performed, please contact a representative from the store nearest RedMax authorized servicing dealer for assistance. 5. Do not use any accessory or attachment other than those bearing the RedMax mark and recommended for the unit. 6. Under no circumstances should you ever take apart the product or alter it in any way. Doing so might result in the product becoming damaged during operation or the product becoming unable to operate properly. ■ HANDLING FU

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Français Español 5. Consignes de securite 5. Instrucciones de seguridad 5. Ne pas utiliser d’accessoires ou d’outils de marque reparación no descrito en este manual, tome autres que RedMax ou non agréés. contacto con un representante del centro de servicio 6. Ne jamais démonter ou modifier la machine, quelles RedMax autorizado más cercano. que soient les circonstances. Dans le cas contraire, 5. Utilice solamente piezas y accesorios marcados la machine risque d’être endommagée en cours RedMax y r

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

English 6. Set up ■ CONNECTING SWITCH WIRES • Connect the switch wires between the engine and the main unit. Pair the wires of the same color. ■ INSTALLING HANDLE SE1 • Mount the handle to the shaft tube and clamp it at a location that is comfortable to you. (SE1) (1) About 11 inches (28cm) (1) ■ INSTALLING DEBRIS GUARD SE2 • Put the debris guard on the gear box, attach it with the screws and hardware provided. (SE2) ■ INSTALLING CUTTING HEAD (SE3) SE3 1. While locking the gear shaft, by inserti

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Français Español 6. Assemblage 6. Montaje ■ RACCORDEMENT DES FILS ELECTRIQUES ■CONEXIÓN DE LOS ALAMBRES DEL • Relier les fils électriques entre le moteur et la INTERRUPTOR machine en faisant correspondre les couleurs de • Conecte los alambres del interruptor entre el motor y fils. la unidad principal. Paree los alambres del mismo color. ■ MISE EN PLACE DE LA POIGNEE ■ INSTALACIÓN DEL MANGO • Monter la poignée sur le bras de l'appareil et la • Instale el mango en el tubo del eje y asegúrelo en la

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

English 7. Fuel WARNING • Gasoline is very flammable. Avoid smoking or bringing any flame or sparks near fuel. Make sure to stop the engine and allow it cool before refueling the unit. Select outdoor bare ground for fueling and move at least 3m (10ft) away from the fueling point before starting the engine. • The RedMax engines are lubricated by oil specially formulated for air-cooled 2-cycle gasoline engine use. If RedMax oil is not available, use an anti- oxidant added quality oil expressly la

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