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Installed Voice Business Group
RS-232 Command Set:
Vortex EF2211 Programming Guide
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Vortex EF2211 Programming Guide Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. RS-232 Hardware 3. Programming Tips 3.1. Initialization 3.2. Wildcard Characters 3.3. Using Acknowledgements 3.4. Macros and Presets 4. Command Structure 4.1. Device Type 4.2. Device ID 4.3. Command Name 4.4. Command Data 4.5. Command Terminator 4.6. Examples 5. Status Messages 6. Command Types 6.1. Boolean Commands 6.2. Integer Commands 6.3. Channel Commands 6.4. Matrix Commands 6.5. Miscellaneous Commands 7. Command List 8.
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8.14. AMCHAIR -- Enable Chairman Mode for Specified Automixer 8.15. AMCHNUM -- Set Chairman Mic 8.16. AMDECAY -- Set Decay Time for Automixers 8.17. AMGATEC -- Set Automixer Gating Control Mode 8.18. AMGATER -- Set Automixer Gate Ratio 8.19. AMGATET -- Set Automixer Gate Threshold 8.20. AMGNOM -- Set Global Maximum Number of Open Mics for Bus Automixer 8.21. AMHOLD -- Set Automixer Hold Time 8.22. AMLMM -- Set Last Mic On Mode for Specified Automixer 8.23. AMLMN -- Set Microphone That Will Remai
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8.59. GAINO -- Set Output Gain 8.60. GAINP -- Set Phone Output Gain 8.61. GAINSIT -- Set From Phone User Tone Gain 8.62. GAINSOT -- Set To Phone User Tone Gain 8.63. GATE -- Query Gating Status Information 8.64. GATEEN -- Enable Automatic Gating Messages 8.65. GMUTEO -- Mute All Outputs 8.66. ID -- Set Device ID 8.67. LABEL -- Set or Query one of the Device Labels 8.68. LAGC -- Enable or Disable Line Input Automatic Gain Control 8.69. LAGCLINKAB -- Enable or Disable Stereo AGC Linking on Inputs
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8.104. MINISTR -- Set Modem Initialization String 8.105. MMUTE -- Mute Crosspoint in Main Matrix or Submatrix 8.106. MUTEGIL -- Set Mute Status of Line Inputs as a Group 8.107. MUTEI -- Mute One or More Inputs 8.108. MUTEO -- Mute One or More Outputs 8.109. NC -- Enable Noise Cancellation 8.110. NCL -- Set Noise Cancellation Attenuation 8.111. NVINIT -- Reinitialize Non-Volatile Memory 8.112. NVLOCK -- Lock/Unlock Non-Volatile Memory 8.113. NVPSWD -- Change Non-Volatile Memory Password 8.114. PE
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8.149. SSTEXT -- Set Text to be Displayed by Screen Saver 8.150. SWRESET -- Perform Soft Reset of System 8.151. SWVER -- Query Software Version 8.152. TONEE -- Enable or Disable Entry and Exit Tones 8.153. TONER -- Enable or Disable Ring Tones 8.154. VTXMODI -- Enable VTX Mode on Specified Inputs 8.155. VTXMODO -- Enable VTX Mode on Specified Inputs 1. Introduction This document describes the command protocol that is used to communicate with the Vortex EF2211 via its RS-232 port. 2. RS-232 Har
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3.2. Wildcard Characters The use of the wildcard character, '*', can make programming the host controller much easier. Be careful when using wildcards, however, since they can generate a lot of traffic on the digital bus. 3.3. Using Acknowledgements It is a good idea for the host program or control system to make sure that all connected Vortex devices have acknowledgment mode enabled (see the ACKMOD command). When acknowledgment mode is on, a Vortex device will send an acknowledgment for eac
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3.4. Macros and Presets Although macros and presets are similar, there are times when using one is better than the other. Presets store the absolute values of all of the non-global settings of the device. This includes, but is not limited to, input and output gain settings, matrix settings, algorithm settings, parametric EQ settings, and automixer settings. See Section 7 for a list showing all the commands and which are saved to presets. Presets should be used when you really want to change
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A single alphanumeric character is used to indicate the device type. The devices in Polycom's EchoFree family have the following device types. Device Device Type A EF200 C EF1210 F EF2280 B EF2241 S EF2211 Q EF2210 T EF2201 Device type '*' can be used to send a command to all device types simultaneously. 4.2. Device ID Two numeric characters are used to indicate the device ID. The Vortex can be configured for device IDs from '00' to '07'. Note that even though the device ID is less than 10,
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chosen as the terminator to allow manually typing commands using a simple text terminal. 4.6. Examples In the following examples, Vortex commands are enclosed in single quotes, 'like this'. Also, the terminator character is not explicitly shown, but its presence is implied. Consider the command '***PING'. The device type and ID for this command are wildcards, thus the command will be sent to all devices. The command name in this case is 'PING', and there are no data characters (payload). No
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6.1. Boolean Commands Boolean commands take one of the three following arguments. ● '0' indicates that the parameter should be turned off. ● '1' indicates that the parameter should be turned on. ● '2' indicates that the parameter should be toggled (i.e., '0' becomes '1' and '1' becomes '0'). Parameters associated with boolean commands can be queried using the '?' character. For example, if input A is muted, and you send ' S04MUTEIA? ', the EF2211 will respond with a status messa
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respond with a status message of ' S04AGC10 '. An example of an integer channel command is the 'GAINI' command, which adjusts the gain on the input channels. ' S04GAINIA12 ' sets the input gain of channel A to 12 dB. After sending this command, the device will respond with a status message of ' S04GAINIA12 '. A wildcard character ('*') can be used as the channel specifier for many of the channel commands. If this is the case, there are two options for specifying the values for the channels.
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Queries using the '?' character are straightforward. For example, ' S04GAINI1? ' might return ' S04GAINI110 ', while ' S04GAINI*? ' might return ' S04GAINI*Äää '. 6.4. Matrix Commands Matrix commands are used for controlling parameters that exist at the crosspoints of the mixing matrices. Typical parameters include gain and mute. Before describing the matrix commands, it is necessary to give a description of the matrices involved. During the following discussion, it will be helpful to refer
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tied to output 1. Thus the signal routed to output 1 will also be routed to the power amplifier output. This yields a total of four physical outputs. The EF2211 has three analog inputs labeled 1, A, and B. Input 1 is mic/line selectable, and inputs A-B are line level only. Input 1 can also have phantom power enabled and contain channel processing, which includes the following DSP algorithms: Acoustic Echo Cancellation, Noise Cancellation, and AGC. An additional input, labeled T, comes from
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● Inputs: WB0-WB7 (with one invalid) ● Outputs: WM0-WM2 X Submatrix ● Inputs: XB0-XB7 (with one invalid) ● Outputs: XM0-XM2 Y Submatrix ● Inputs: YB0-YB7 (with one invalid) ● Outputs: YM0-YM2 Z Submatrix ● Inputs: ZB0-ZB7 (with one invalid) ● Outputs: ZM0-ZM2 For the P signal, bus there is a 7 x 2 matrix that allows the user to define up to two mixes of the P signal bus. The reason the matrix is 7 x 2 instead of 8 x 2 is that since we can transmit on the P bus,
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It is also possible to use the wildcard character ('*') to specify ranges of crosspoints with the matrix commands. The only restriction is that you can only use a wildcard to specify the input or output, but not both simultaneously. Thus you could specify all the inputs going to a specific output (one column) or the value of an input to all of the outputs (one row), but not the entire matrix. One example of using a wildcard for an integer matrix command would be ' S04MGAINSG,*,0 '. This will
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The Storage column contains one of the following values indicating when and where the parameter is stored. ● "Global" ● "Preset" ● "-" = not stored or not applicable Globally stored parameters are not changed when a preset is executed. Only one copy of a global parameter is stored. Global parameters are written to non-volatile memory each time they are changed. Globally stored parameters retain their values when the power is cycled. Parameters stored in presets are changed each
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AMNOM Preset Set Local Maximum Number of Open Mics for Automixer AMNOMAT Preset Select NOM Attenuation on Each Output AMOFFAT Preset Set Off Attenuation for the Specified Automixer AMPRIOR Preset Set Gating Priority for the Specified Mic AMREFB Preset Set Automixer Reference Bias for the Specified Automixer AMREFE Preset Enable Automixer Reference for Specified Automixer BAUD Global Set Baud Rate for RS-232 Port BLAUTO Enable Automatic BLDATA Messages Preset BLDATA - Request Level Information BL
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GAINI Preset Set Input Gain GAINO Preset Set Output Gain GAINP Preset Set Phone Output Gain GAINSIT Preset Set From Phone User Tone Gain GAINSOT Preset Set To Phone User Tone Gain GATE - Query Gating Status Information GATEEN Preset Enable Automatic Gating Messages GMUTEO Preset Mute All Outputs ID Global Set Device ID LABEL Global Set or Query one of the Device Labels LAGC Preset Enable or Disable Line Input Automatic Gain Control LAGCLINKAB Preset Enable or Disable Stereo AGC Linking on Inputs
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MACROA - Add Command to Current Macro MACROK Global Delete One or All Macros MACROL - List All Commmands in a Macro MACROQ - Execute Macro Quietly MACROS - Start a New Macro MACROW Global Write Macro to Non-Volatile Memory MACROX - Execute Macro METER Preset Select which Signal is Displayed on the Front Panel LED Meter MGAIN Preset Set Crosspoint Gains in Main Matrix or Submatrix MGATE Preset Select Gated or Ungated Microphone Signal in Matrix MIC Preset Enable Microphone Gain Stage on Input 1 M