Omega Engineering Four Zone Temperature OMA-VM520 user manual

User manual for the device Omega Engineering Four Zone Temperature OMA-VM520

Device: Omega Engineering Four Zone Temperature OMA-VM520
Category: Smoke Alarm
Manufacturer: Omega Engineering
Size: 0.51 MB
Added : 10/9/2013
Number of pages: 12
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Omega Engineering Four Zone Temperature OMA-VM520 User manual - Online PDF
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Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Changing the Callout Delay Time will provide a two second delay. Do not enter * for the first digit unless When a refrigerator or freezer’s temperature is out of range the Four Zone programming a pager number. Temperature Monitor and Alarm will wait this programmable amount of time ► Entering only the # key will erase the currently programmed contact before making telephone alert calls. (Default 2 minutes) telephone number. 1 From the Program Menu, press * 8 You will hear the telepho

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

other device. See the Frequently Asked Questions section for details. 4 Press 1 to change this setting, or 2 to return to the Program Menu. 1 From the Program Menu, press 4 to set the number of rings 5 You will hear "On" 2 You will hear the programmed number of rings 6 You will hear “Callout time delay is XX minutes press 1 to change” 3 You will hear “Press one to change.” (Default value is 60 minutes) 7 Press 1 to make a change or press 2 to not make a change 4 Press 1 to make a chan

Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Four Zone Temperature
User’s Guide
Monitor and Alarm

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Manual and Installation Instructions

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

http://{Device IP Address}/ltx_conf.html General Description Click on the “Server Properties” button. The Four Zone Temperature Monitor and Alarm is a complete tem- Enter the Subnet Mask and/or Gateway Address and click “Update Set- perature monitor and alarm system with integrated autodialer. tings” Be sure to enter the correct Subnet Mask and Gateway Address for the net- The Four Zone Temperature Monitor and Alarm monitors up to four work the OMA-V520-DCP is on. (4) K-type thermo

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Alarm Relay Output Wiring Diagram Plug in Thermocouple Terminals Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Sensor 3 Sensor 4 1234 K + K + K + K + + + + + K K K K General purpose, dry contact input K type thermocouples with integrated spade connectors 8 Watch the display and note any messages present. If the Four Zone Temperature Monitor and Alarm does not answer the phone Verify that the phone line is a standard analog telephone line. Digital phone lines are not compatib

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Installing the Four Zone Temperature Monitor and Alarm Temperature Monitor and Alarm will repeat the warning message. This • Select a location with access to 120 VAC power, an analog telephone warning message can be repeated up to 2 times by changing the pro- line, and a network drop (DCP models). grammed value. See the Programming Repeat Warning Messages sec- • Mount the Four Zone Temperature Monitor and Alarm to the wall. tion. • Connect the phone line to an active analog telephone

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Accessing the Four Zone Temperature Monitor over the phone Frequently Asked Questions 1 From another phone line call the Four Zone Temperature Monitor and Alarm. The device will pick up after the programmed number of rings (Default is 1). When does the Four Zone Temperature Monitor and Alarm callout? The Four Zone Temperature Monitor and Alarm will callout when any sen- 2 To access all functions, enter the 4-digit "Full Access" PIN. (Factory default sor/input is in an alarm condition

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Programming Sensor Parameters 1. Accessing the Sensor Configuration Sensor Reading After Callouts a) From the Main Menu, press 2 to Set Limits If the Four Zone Temperature Monitor has called all programmed ► The "Full Access" PIN will be requested if the "Acknowledge Only" telephone numbers and not made contact it will wait 20 minutes before PIN was entered initially. If the correct "Full Access" PIN is not entered, attempting to callout again. Periodically, the time before callout

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

ming this sensor and return to step 1.b Alarm Conditions j) You will hear “Enter number then press pound” When an alarm condition occurs, the alarm relay and buzzer are k) Enter the value then press #. activated and the Four Zone Temperature Monitor waits 2 minutes ► Use * to program a negative number (i.e. *20 = -20º) before making callouts. ► Acceptable range is -999 to 999 The time remaining before alarm callouts commence is displayed. l) You will hear the value you just e

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Interpreting the Display Programming the Alarm Input The Alarm Input is a dry contact alarm input which will go into alarm condi- Start Up tion and generate alert callouts if a switch or contact is closed across the When starting up, the Four Zone Temperature Monitor checks each input for longer than the programmed alarm time delay. Note that when temperature sensor input to verify that a sensor is connected. system power is off, the relay and alarm will not operate. If a sensor is

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

5Press # Programming the Autodialer Functions 6 You will hear "Enter Sensor Number to Change" Accessing the Program Menu 7 Enter the number of the sensor whose min and max readings you wish From the Main Menu, press 3 to reset to the current temperature. ► The "Full Access" PIN will be requested if the "Acknowledge Only" PIN was entered initially. If the correct "Full Access" PIN is not entered, the Confirming Alarm Conditions Remotely Four Zone Temperature Monitor and Ala

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