Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Bounce, Bounce, Baby
Activity Zone • Centro de Actividades
Zone d’activités
• Congratulations on your purchase of a new Bright Starts product! Please read all instructions
before assembly and use of the activity center.
• ¡Felicitaciones por haber comprado un nuevo producto de Bright Starts ! Lea todas las
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
WARNING � ADVERTENCIA � AVERTISSEMENT Safety Guidelines to Prevent Serious Injury or Death EN • Use the activity center ONLY if the child meets ALL of the following conditions: at least four (4) months of age ...can sit up by him or herself less than 30” tall (76.2 cm) ...weighs less than 25 lbs. (11 kg) • DO NOT allow children who can stand or walk on their own to use the activity center. • Do not use the activity center in dangerous conditions or situations: • NEVER leave child
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• N’ajoutez PAS d’autres fi celles ou sangles à toute partie de ce centre d’activités. • N’utilisez PAS d’autre quincaillerie que celle fournie pour le centre d’activités. • À utiliser UNIQUEMENT avec la plate-forme de saut en place. • RISQUE DE CHUTE : Ne placez PAS le centre d’activités sur une surface élevée. Les mouvements de l’enfant peuvent faire glisser le centre d’activités. • Ne JAMAIS utiliser à proximité d’un escalier. • Pour éviter que le centre d’activités ne bascule, placez ce
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
Play Surface Assembly � Ensamblaje de la superfi cie de juego Ensemble de la surface de jeu Play surface Locate the play surface. It is shipped with the seat 1 1 Superfi cie de juego carrier placed inside. Localice la superfi cie de juego. Viene con el soporte Surface de jeu del asiento colocado en su interior. Prenez la surface de jeu. Elle est imbriquée dans le porte-siège. Turn the play surface upside down. Press two or more of the 2 2 four latching tabs on the rim of the seat carrier to re
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Use (2) M4 screws with washers to secure each leg to the play surface. The screws mount inside the base of each leg as 5 5 shown below. Be sure to secure all three legs. Leave the play surface / leg assembly upside down for the next step. Use (2) tornillos M4 con arandelas para ajustar cada pata a la superfi cie de juego. Los tornillos se montan dentro de la base de cada pata como se muestra a continuación. Asegúrese de fi jar las tres patas. Deje el ensamblaje de la superfi cie de juego/patas v
Summary of the content on the page No. 6
Platform Assembly � Ensamblaje de la plataforma � Ensemble de la plate-forme Locate the triangular platform and place it upside down on a smooth 1 1 surface. (The printed pattern of spirals will be facing downward.) Localice la plataforma triangular y colóquela de cabeza sobre una superfi cie lisa. (El dibujo impreso de espirales quedará hacia abajo). Prenez la plate-forme triangulaire et retournez-la sur une surface plane. (Le motif à spirales se trouvera sur le dessous.) Locate the (3) b
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Place the bungee cover over the bungee M3.5 screws � Tornillos M3.5 � Vis M3.5 8 8 loop and pivot pin. The alignment pins on the platform must enter the two mounting posts on the bottom of the cover. Use (2) M3.5 screws to secure the 9 9 assembly to the corner of the platform Coloque la tapa del elástico sobre el lazo from above. elástico y la clavija giratoria. Las clavijas de alineación de la plataforma deben entrar en Use (2) tornillos M3.5 para fi jar el ensamblaje a la esquina de
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Locate the (3) height adjustment pins. Insert a height 14 14 adjustment pin through the middle slot in the side of one of the legs. Be sure that the hook at the end of the adjustment pin is pointing upward as shown. Localice las (3) clavijas de ajuste de altura. Inserte una clavija de ajuste de altura a través de la ranura central en el lado de una de las patas. Asegúrese de que el gancho que se encuentra en el extremo de la clavija de ajuste apunte hacia arriba, como se muestra en la fi g
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Locate the fabric seat and remove it from the plastic bag. Turn Fabric seat � Asiento de tela � Siège de tissu 3 3 the fabric so that the printed surface is on the inside and the outside is unprinted. Safety label Localice el asiento de tela y retírelo de la bolsa de plástico. Etiqueta de seguridad Voltee la tela para que la superfi cie impresa quede en el interior Étiquette de sécurité y la superfi cie no impresa quede en el exterior. Prenez le siège de tissu et sortez-le du sac de plasti
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Turn the seat carrier upside down. Pull back the binding (edge trim) of the 7 7 fabric seat to reveal the red webbing sewn to the inside edge of the seat. Locate a loop of webbing (a short section of webbing that is not sewn to the fabric). In the outer edge of the seat carrier, locate a short tab that protrudes from the carrier. (Find the tab nearest the loop.) Pull the loop over the tab and slide it downward to attach the fabric seat to the seat carrier. Perform this step for each of the
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
Toy Bars and Toys � Barras de juguetes y juguetes � Barre de jouets et jouet Locate the seesaw toy (teeter-totter). It features a turtle 1 1 and a duck. Place the seesaw on its mounting location on the play surface. Turn the base of the toy so that the alignment pin enters the corresponding hole in the play surface. Secure the seesaw to the play surface from below with (2) M3.5 screws. Check the installation. If properly installed, the base of the seesaw will be level and fl ush with t
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
Locate the toy bar with a bead chaser. Position the upper end of the toy bar directly Toy bar � Barra de juguetes 3 3 above the snack tray. Then align the slot at the bottom of the toy bar with the keys inside Barre de jouets the socket and insert the toy bar. The toy bar will snap into place when properly installed. NOTE: Do not use excessive force. Toy bar alignment must be correct to allow insertion. Localice la barra de juguetes que tiene un sujetador de cuentas. Coloque la parte supe
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
The stalk toy is removable from the play surface. At the base of the stalk toy, squeeze the 6 6 two tabs together to release the internal latches. Lift the rattle ball stalk toy from its socket. El juguete del tubo fl exible se desmonta de la superfi cie de juego. En la base del juguete del tubo fl exible, apriete las dos pestañas juntas para liberar los pasadores internos. Levante el juguete del tubo fl exible y sonaja de su receptáculo. Il est possible de détacher le hochet de la surface de jeu
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
™ Bounce, Bounce, Baby! Módulo del piano requiere (2) baterías tamaño AA/LR6 (1.5 V) (no incluidas). Use baterías ES alcalinas para un mejor funcionamiento. PRECAUCIÓN: Siga los lineamientos para las baterías en esta sección. De lo contrario, la vida de la batería podría reducirse o la batería podría tener una fuga o romperse. • Siempre mantenga las baterías fuera del alcance de los niños. • No combine baterías usadas con nuevas. • No combine baterías alcalinas, estándar ni recargables. • Se
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
Install (2) size AA/LR6 (1.5 V) batteries, observing the polarity markings Correct Incorrect 3 3 embossed on the bottom of the compartment. Correcto Incorrecto Instale (2) baterías tamaño AA/LR6 (1.5 V), observando las marcas de Correct Incorrect polaridad grabadas en la parte inferior del compartimiento. Installer (2) piles de type AA/LR6 (1,5 volts), en respectant les marques de polarité gravées au fond du compartiment. Replace the battery cover on the piano module and tighten the screw. Do
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
Guidelines for Activity Center Use Lineamientos para el uso del centro de actividades Consignes d’utilisation du centre d’activités • Smaller babies should be placed in the activity center for only short periods of time—15 minutes maximum. EN • The time period may be increased as the child becomes more accustomed to the spring action. • Interact frequently with your child while he or she is in the activity center. Playing music, dancing, and singing all engage the child by encouraging their pl
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To change the platform height... Pour changer la hauteur de la plate-forme... 2 2 MISE EN GARDE : n’ajustez pas la hauteur CAUTION: Do not adjust the height while the lorsque l’enfant y est assis. child is in the seat. • Remove the child from the seat. • Retirez l’enfant du siège. • Sortez une partie de la goupille d’ajustement de • Pull a height adjustment pin partially out of its slot and hauteur hors de la fente et déplacez-la dans l’une move it to any of the three positions. des trois
Summary of the content on the page No. 18
To turn ON the piano, reach under the play surface as shown below to access the ON/OFF switch. Press any of the three keys to EN hear a song. The piano will play one of several children’s melodies with each press of a key. The lighted keys fl ash in rhythm with the music. Para ENCENDER el piano, busque el interruptor ON/OFF (Encendido/Apagado) debajo de la superfi cie de juego, como se ES muestra a continuación. Presione cualquiera de las tres teclas para escuchar una canción. El piano tocará u
Summary of the content on the page No. 19
Servicing Replaceable Parts � Servicio para las partes reemplazable Réparation des pièces remplaçables Piano Module – To replace the piano module... EN • Locate and remove the (2) screws underneath the play surface that fasten the piano to the play surface. From the top of the play surface, lift the piano away from its mounting location. • Remove the batteries and reinstall the battery compartment cover. Return the piano module to Kids II Customer Service for prompt replacement. Módulo d
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