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User’s Guide
HP 81531A Sensor Module
This manual applies to all instruments .
HP P art No . 81531-90011
Printed in Germany
Second Edition
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Control Serial Number: Edition 2 applies directly to all instruments . Edition 1 : 1st May 1990 : 81531-90011 : E0590 1st September 1990 : 81531-90011 : E0990 Edition 2 : 1st September 1991 : 81531-90011 : E0991 1st September 1992 : 81531-90011 : E0992 1st December 1994 : 81531-90011 : E1294 1st July 1996: 81531-90011 : E0796
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Safety Considerations Before operation, you should review the instrument and manual, including the red safety page , for safety markings and instructions .Y ou must follow these to ensure safe operation and to maintain the instrument in safe condition. Initial Inspection Inspect the shipping container for damage . If there is damage to the container or cushioning, you should keep it until you have checked the contents of the shipment for completeness and veri ed the module both mechanically and
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Caution A maximum of 15V can be applied as an external voltage to any BNC connectors . Storage and Shipment The module can be stored or shipped at temperatures between 40 C and +70 C. The module should be protected from temperature extremes that may cause condensation within it. iv
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Contents C. HP 81531A Speci cations Supplementary P erformance Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . C-3 Analog output: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . C-3 D . P erformance T ests Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1 Equipment Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1 T est Record .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. D-2 T est F ailure . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. D-2 Instrument Speci cation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. D-2 P erfor
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Figures D-1. A ccuracy and Linearity T est Setup .. .. .. .. .. .. .. D-4 D-2. A ddition of results (example) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-7 Contents-2
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C C HP 81531A Speci cations Speci cations describe the instrument’s warranted performance . Supplementary performance characteristics describe the instrument’s non-warranted typical performance . Because of the modular nature of the instrument, these performance speci cations apply only to this module .Y ou should insert these pages into the appropriate section of the manual. HP 81531A Speci cations C-1
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C HP 81531A Speci cations Sensor Element In GaAs W avelength range 800-1700nm P ower range +3 to -90dBm Display resolution dBm, dB 0.001 0.0001 on printout W att 0.01 to 10 (depending on power range) Applicable ber type 9/125 m - 100/140 m, NA 0.3 [1] Uncertainty (A ccuracy) 2.5% (1000-1650nm) [2] T otal Uncertainty 5% 1.5pW (1000-1650nm) Linearity (0 to -70dBm) 18 Cto28 C const. temp 0.015dB 1pW 0 Cto55 C const. temp 0.05dB 1.5pW Noise < 1.5pW (1200-1600nm) peak-pea
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C Ambient temperature 0 to 55 C, non-condensing. Within 1 year after calibration, add 0.3% for second year . F or Biconic Connector add 1%. Supplementary P erformance Characteristics A dd 1% to total uncertainty for the full wavelength range . Outside the speci ed wavelength range , the noise increases by up to 5 times the value shown above . Analog output: Bandwidth: DC, 300 to 400Hz, depending on range and sensor module . Output voltage: 0 to 2V into open. Output impedance: 600 typica
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D D P erformance T ests Introduction The procedures in this section test the performance of the instrument. The complete speci cations to which the HP 81531A is tested are given in Appendix C. All tests can be performed without access to the interior of the instrument. The test equipment given corresponds to tests carried out with Diamond HMS-10/HP conectors . Equipment Required Equipment required for the performance test is listed in the table below . Any equipment which satis es the critical s
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D T est Record Results of the performance test may be tabulated on the T est Record provided at the end of the test procedures . It si recommended that you ll out the T est Record and refer to it while doing the test. Since the test limits and setup information are printed on the T est Record for easy reference , the record can also be used as an abbreviated test procedure (if you are already familiar with the test procedures). The T est Record can also be used as a permanent record and may be
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D P erformance T est The performance test given in this section includes the A ccuracy T est, the Linearity T est, and the Noise T est. P erform each step in the order given, using the corresponding test equipment. Make sure that all optical connections of the test setups given Note in the procedure are dry and clean. DO NOT USE INDEX MA TCHING OIL. The optical cables from the laser source to and from the HP 8156A Attenuator to the power meter must be xed on the table to ensure minimum cable mo
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D Figure D-1. A ccuracy and Linearity T est Setup 3. Turn the instruments on, enable the laser source and allow the instruments to warm up for at least 20 minutes . Note The linearity test must only be performed at either 1300nm or 1550nm. The accuracy test must be performed in the -20dBm range at 10 W at both 1300nm and 1550nm. I. A ccuracy T est 1. On both power meters: a. Set the calibration factor to zero . b. Set the wavelength to the wavelength of the laser source . c. Set the instrument
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II. Linearity T est D 1. Make sure that the HP 8156A output is disabled. ZERO the DUT . 2. Enable the HP 8156A output. 3. On the DUT , switch o autoranging and select the -20dBm range . Set the display to show results in dBm. 4. Alter the attenuation until the DUT displays -17.4dBm. 5. Press Disp ! Ref , then dB . 6. Press Up to select the -10dBm range . 7. Note the deviation, displayed in dB , as R1 on the test record. a. In the -10dBm range . Set the display to show results in dBm
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Example Results for the Linearity test D T est Minimum Maximum Measurement No .T est Description Spec . Result Spec . Uncertainty II. Linearity T est dB Range P ower (dBm) -20dBm -17.4 Disp ! Ref -10dBm 0.004 =R1 -10dBm -7.4 Disp ! Ref 0dBm -0.008 =R2 -20dBm -27.4 Disp ! Ref -30dBm -0.008 =R3 -30dBm -37.4 Disp ! Ref -40dBm -0.004 =R4 -40dBm -47.4 Disp ! Ref -50dBm 0.02 =R5 D-6 P erformance T ests
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Example Calculated Results for the Linearity T est D T est Minimum Maximum Measurement No .T est Description Spec . Result Spec . Uncertainty Non-Linearity Range F ormula 0dBm R1+R2 -0.015dB -0.004 dB +0.015dB 0.006dB -10dBm R1 -0.015dB 0.004 dB +0.015dB 0.006dB -20dBm 0.000dB 0.00dB -30dBm R3 -0.015dB -0.008 dB +0.015dB 0.006dB -40dBm R3+R4 -0.015dB -0.012 dB +0.015dB 0.008dB -50dBm R3+R4+R5 -0.015dB 0.008 dB +0.015dB 0.010dB Shown graphically , these results look as shown in the fo
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III. Noise T est D The noise measurement must be performed with either a Note module or a blank panel in the second channel position. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure . D-1 Disable the HP 8156A output. On the DUT , select A UTOranging, and display in W atts . Set the averaging time to 1s . Press . Zero Select the MENU mode . Press Reco rd , to select Stability . Press Edit and select the T_TOTAL parameter . Set T_TOTAL to 1 minute . Press Edit , and then Exec to run t
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P erformance T est for the HP 81531A D P age 1 of 4 T est F acility: Report No . Date Customer T ested By Model HP81531A Sensor Module Serial No . Ambient temperature C Options Relative humidity % Firmware Rev . Line frequency Hz Special Notes: P erformance T ests D-9
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P erformance T est for the HP 81531A D P age 2 of 4 T est Equipment Used: Description Model No . Trace No . Cal. Due Date 1. Lightwave Multimeter (Std.) HP 8153A 2. Opt. Head Interface Module HP 81533A 3. Optical Head HP 81524A 4a1. CW Laser Source HP 81552SM 4a2. CW Laser Source HP 81553SM 4b . CW Laser Source HP 81554SM 5. Optical Attenuator HP 8156A Opt.101 6. Lightwave Multimeter (DUT) HP 8153A 7. Connector Interface HP 81000AI N/A N/A 8. Connector A dapter HP 81000AA N/A N/A 9. Singlemode F