Gold's Gym PLATINUM GGBE1658.0 user manual

User manual for the device Gold's Gym PLATINUM GGBE1658.0

Device: Gold's Gym PLATINUM GGBE1658.0
Category: Home Gym
Manufacturer: Gold's Gym
Size: 1.37 MB
Added : 8/9/2013
Number of pages: 20
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Gold's Gym PLATINUM GGBE1658.0 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Gold's Gym PLATINUM GGBE1658.0. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Model No. GGBE1658.0
Serial No.
Write the serial number in the
space above for future reference.
Serial Number Decal
As a manufacturer, we are com-
mitted to providing complete
customer satisfaction. If you
have questions, or if a part is
damaged or missing, PLEASE
Mon.–Fri., 6 a.m.–6 p.m. MST
Sat. 8 a.m.-4 p.m. MST
Read all precautions and in

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS WARNING DECAL PLACEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BEFORE YOU BEGIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 PART IDENTIFICATION CH

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS WARNING: To reduce the risk of serious injury, read all important precautions and instructions in this manual and all warnings on the weight bench before using the weight bench. ICON assumes no responsibility for personal injury or property damage sustained by or through the use of the weight bench. 1. Before beginning any exercise program, con- 7. Inspect and properly tighten all parts regular- sult your physician. This is especially impor- ly. Replace any worn parts immed

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

BEFORE YOU BEGIN ® Thank you for selecting the versatile GOLD’S GYM manual. To help us assist you, note the product model PLATINUM weight bench. The weight bench offers a number and serial number before contacting us. The selection of exercise stations designed to develop the model number and the location of the serial number major muscle groups of the body. Whether your goal is decal are shown on the front cover of this manual. to tone your body, build dramatic muscle size and strength, or imp

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

PART IDENTIFICATION CHART See the drawings below to identify small parts used in assembly. The number in parentheses by each drawing is the key number of the part, from the PART LIST near the end of this manual. Note: Some small parts may have been preattached. If a part is not in the hardware kit, check to see if it has been preattached. M4 x 19mm M5 x 19mm M6 x 20mm Screw (51) Screw (50) Screw (47) M10 Washer (52) M6 x 40mm Screw (48) M8 x 70mm Bolt (44) M8 Washer (54) M6 x 80mm Screw (46) M10

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

ASSEMBLY • Tighten all parts as you assemble them, unless Make Assembly Easier instructed to do otherwise. Everything in this manual is designed to ensure • As you assemble the weight bench, make sure all that the weight bench can be assembled suc- parts are oriented as shown in the drawings. cessfully by almost anyone. By setting aside plenty of time, assembly will go smoothly. • For help identifying small parts, use the PART IDENTIFICATION CHART on page 5. • Assembly requires the included

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

2. Attach the Rear Stabilizer (3) to the Frame (1) 2 with two M10 x 90mm Carriage Bolts (40) and two M10 Nylon Locknuts (57). Do not tighten 57 the Nylon Locknuts yet. 3 40 1 57 3. Attach the Seat (18) and the Seat Bracket (8) to 3 the Frame (1) with two M6 x 80mm Screws (46) and two M6 Washers (53). 18 8 53 1 53 46 4. Attach the Frame (1) to the Front Leg (4) with 4 two M10 x 85mm Bolts (43), two M10 Washers (52), and an M10 Nylon Locknut (57). Do not tighten the Nylon Locknut yet. 4 1 Finish a

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

5. Apply a portion of the included grease to an 5 M10 x 165mm Bolt (49). Attach the Backrest Post (15) to the Backrest Frames (16) with the 19 Bolt, two M10 Washers (52), and an M10 Nylon Locknut (57). Do not tighten the Nylon Wide End Locknut yet. 16 Attach the Backrest (19) to the Backrest Frames (16) with four M6 x 40mm Screws (48) Grease and four M6 Washers (53). Do not tighten the 49 Screws yet. 52 53 52 48 57 53 48 15 6. Grease an M10 x 165mm Bolt (49). Attach the 6 Backrest Frames (16) to

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

8. Insert the Long Pad Tube (36) into the bracket 8 on the Front Leg (4). Slide two Foam Pads (22) onto the Long Pad Tube, and press a Pad Cap (23) into each Foam Pad. 23 Repeat this step with the two Short Pad 22 Tubes (21). 4 36 21 Bracket 22 23 21 9. Attach the Bumper (30) to the Curl Bar (17) 9 with an M4 x 19mm Screw (51). Attach the Curl Bar (17) to the Leg Lever (5) 17 with the Curl Bar Pin (33). Then, attach the Tether (34) on the Curl Bar Pin to the Leg Lever 30 with an M4 x 19mm Screw

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

11. Identify the Left Upright Base (39), which is 11 marked with an L sticker. Attach a Foot (39) to 57 the Left Upright Base with an M5 x 19mm Screw 7 52 (50). Insert an M10 x 90mm Carriage Bolt (40) up into the Left Upright Base. Note: It may be help- 57 ful to place a piece of tape over the bolt head 10 52 to hold it in place. 42 9 Attach the Left Upright Base (9) to the Base (7) with two M10 x 90mm Carriage Bolts (40), an 40 M10 x 90mm Bolt (42), four M10 Washers (52), 39 and three M10 Nylon

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

ADJUSTMENT This section explains how to adjust the weight bench. See the EXERCISE GUIDELINES on page 13 for impor- tant information about how to get the most benefit from your exercise program. Also, refer to the accompanying exercise guide to see the correct form for several exercises. Make sure all parts are properly tightened each time you use the weight bench. Replace any worn parts immediate- ly. The weight bench can be cleaned with a damp cloth and a mild, non-abrasive detergent; do not u

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

REMOVING THE CURL BAR When performing exercises that do not require the 5 Curl Bar (17), pull the Curl Bar Pin (33) out of the Leg Lever (5) and remove the Curl Bar. 17 When attaching the Curl Bar (17), insert the Curl Bar Pin (33) completely through the Leg Lever (5). 33 ADJUSTING THE WEIGHT RESTS AND THE SAFETY SPOTTERS To adjust the height of the Weight Rests (12), raise the Weight Rests to the desired height and tighten 35 12 an Adjustment Knob (35) into each Upright (11). Make sure that t

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

EXERCISE GUIDELINES THE FOUR BASIC TYPES OF WORKOUTS PERSONALIZING YOUR EXERCISE PROGRAM Muscle Building Determining the exact length of time for each workout, To increase the size and strength of your muscles, as well as the number of repetitions or sets completed, push them close to their maximum capacity. Your mus- is an individual matter. It is important to avoid overdo- cles will continually adapt and grow as you progres- ing it during the first few months of your exercise pro- sively incre

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Rest for a short period of time after each set. The slowly as you stretch and do not bounce. Ease into ideal resting periods follow: each stretch gradually and go only as far as you can • Rest for three minutes after each set for a muscle without strain. Stretching at the end of each workout building workout. is an effective way to increase flexibility. • Rest for one minute after each set for a toning work- out. STAYING MOTIVATED • Rest for 30 seconds after each set for a weight loss workout. F

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

EXERCISE LOG Make copies of this page, and use the copies to schedule and record your strength and aerobic workouts. Scheduling and recording your workouts will help you to make exercise a regular and enjoyable part of your life. Strength Exercise Lbs. Sets Reps Exercise Lbs. Sets Reps Date: 6. 1. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 10. 5. Aerobic Exercise Min. Dist. Speed Date: Strength Exercise Exercise Lbs. Sets Reps Lbs. Sets Reps Date: 1. 6. 7. 2. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Aerobic Exercise Min. Dist. Speed Date: S

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

EXERCISE LOG Make copies of this page, and use the copies to schedule and record your strength and aerobic workouts. Scheduling and recording your workouts will help you to make exercise a regular and enjoyable part of your life. Strength Exercise Lbs. Sets Reps Exercise Lbs. Sets Reps Date: 6. 1. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 10. 5. Aerobic Exercise Min. Dist. Speed Date: Strength Exercise Exercise Lbs. Sets Reps Lbs. Sets Reps Date: 1. 6. 7. 2. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Aerobic Exercise Min. Dist. Speed Date: S

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

PART LIST—Model No. GGBE1658.0 R0508A Key No. Qty. Description Key No. Qty. Description 1 1 Frame 32 2 Backrest Bushing 2 1 Front Stabilizer 33 1 Curl Bar Pin 3 1 Rear Stabilizer 34 1 Tether 4 1 Front Leg 35 3 Adjustment Knob 5 1 Leg Lever 36 1 Long Pad Tube 6 1 Curl Post 37 2 Upright Bushing 7 1 Base 38 2 Upright Spacer 8 1 Seat Bracket 39 2 Foot 9 1 Left Upright Base 40 10 M10 x 90mm Carriage Bolt 10 1 Right Upright Base 41 1 1" Weight Clip 11 2 Upright 42 6 M10 x 90mm Bolt 12 2 Weigh

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

EXPLODED DRAWING A—Model No. GGBE1658.0 R0508A 12 51 12 51 51 51 37 35 38 37 35 28 38 28 28 28 14 13 57 28 28 14 13 57 11 52 50 11 42 52 0 50 50 42 57 50 10 50 57 57 50 52 57 52 39 52 40 52 7 42 50 25 9 40 52 42 40 39 50 40 25 18

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

EXPLODED DRAWING B—Model No. GGBE1658.0 R0508A 19 49 29 52 16 20 49 16 53 52 52 52 57 29 48 57 53 28 47 6 17 48 32 18 32 30 31 28 51 15 31 23 28 22 8 25 57 35 3 36 26 40 23 53 4 1 57 45 46 27 53 57 52 21 46 25 43 22 45 56 57 5 51 54 27 58 44 57 22 54 23 55 34 33 27 23 22 51 24 2 28 41 25 25 40 19

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS To order replacement parts, please see the front cover of this manual. To help us assist you, be prepared to pro- vide the following information when contacting us: • the model number and serial number of the product (see the front cover of the manual) • the name of the product (see the front cover of this manual) • the key number and description of the part(s) (see the PART LIST and the EXPLODED DRAWING near the end of this manual) LIMITED WARRANTY ICON Health & Fitne

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