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Hawk 3-Temperature
4 Digit
Advanced Digital Controller
Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538-0099 (715) 588-3311 FAX (715) 588-3326
Printed in U.S.A. Part No. 06-117489 Edition 5, 06/07
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Summary of the content on the page No. 2
About this Manual NOTES: To the best of our knowledge and at the time written, the information contained in this document is technically correct and the procedures accurate and ad- equate to operate this instrument in compliance with its original advertised specifications. Notes and Safety Information This Operator’s Manual contains warning symbols which alert the user to check for hazardous conditions. These appear throughout this manual where appli- cable, and are defined below. To ensure the
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20mA) When the display reaches 0 percent the analog output would be 4mA. Contents The limits can be moved or reversed (HI=0 and LO= 80.0), in this case when the display reads 0 , the analog output would be 20mA and when the display 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 5 reads 80, the analog output would be 4mA. 1.1 General Description .............................................................................. 5 The Fail Safe option (FS
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The display banding, band, works from a different approach. The value en- 1. INTRODUCTION tered is the amount of digit movement allowed before the display should be updated. With a band setting of 2, the value must move 2 counts up or down in 1.1 General Description the rightmost position as compared to the current display to cause the display to update. The Simpson Electric Hawk 3 Advanced Digital Panel Meter/Controller has 4- digit display. All LEDs are 7 segment and offer 5 brightness leve
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seconds the alarm will trip and remain in alarm until the display drops below 2. DISPLAY AND KEYPAD CONTROLS the setpoint for at least 2.5 seconds 9.1.3 Latch When choosing Ltch, the relay output will latch immediately after crossing the setpoint. The unit can then only be unlatched with a front panel reset or a reset command from the RS-485 port. NOTE: If the display is still beyond the setpoint threshold, the reset will have 1. Activated set point indicators (4) no effect and the unit will rem
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3.2 Engineering Label Placement 9. MENU DETAIL If the engineering unit label needs replacing, place the tip of a ballpoint pen 9.1 Relay Control (Sp1-Sp4) into the small hole at the base of the engineering label in the bezel. Slide the label up until it pops out. Grasp and remove. Slide the new label half the dis- While in menu, all other operations are suspended. tance in, then use the ballpoint pen to slide it down into place. The H340 has four setpoint parameters and up to four relays associa
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5. OPERATING THE KEYS 5.1 In Run Mode = Enters the Program Menu = Displays the Maximum Value (if enabled). Press and hold while pressing RESET E to clear max. value. ENTER = Displays Minimum Value, if enabled. Press and hold while pressing to clear min. value RESET Page RESET/E = Resets Latched Relays (If any) 2 ENTER and = Sets Zero/ICE Value (if enabled). Also clears Minimum and Maxi- mum Values ICE On Meas ZERO Off 5.2 In Program Mode On HILO Off = Enters the Edit Mode. F
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8. MENU FLOWCHART 6. PROGRAMMING MENU Depending on the operator’s password rights, some choices shown below be unavailable. Use caution when changing values “on the fly” because relay changes are immediate upon exiting menus. While in local menu, RS-485 communications will halt to avoid command conflict. While in local or remote Menu Mode menu, relay and alarm operation are suspended. The local or remote menu will “time out” in two minutes and resume normal operation. Value SP1 VAL1 HYST DLAY V
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The hold feature is used to freeze the display. When the contacts are shorted, SP4 Set Point #4 & Relay #4 (if present) the display will “Hold” the last reading until the short is removed. It is recom- V* alue 10000 Val-4 mended that a mechanical switch or relay be used to activate the hold circuit, Hyst 0* to 29.9% Rsp4 (Response 4) solid state relays may give unexpected results. The hold circuit cannot be ex- Dlay* 0* to 60.00 Seconds (0.10*) ternally powered. Ltch Active ! HI* Alr-3 (Alarm 4
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The relay cards are directly related to any alarms that occur on the Hawk 3. 6.4 Output Control (If Present) The single relay is a “Form C” relay that activates in relationship to “SP1”. The dual relay is a Form C” relay that activates in relationship to “SP1” & OctL “SP2”. ALog out The quad relay is a “Form A” relay that activates in relationship to “SP1” through L) IM HI (electrical limit (100*) “SP4”. Lo (electrical limit) NOTE: “SP3” and “SP4” connections share a common. (0*) F) S (Fail saf
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6.6 Password 7. TEMPERATURE INPUT CARDS RTD PT100: The resistance input card has been configured Pass (Password) to track the characteristics of a PT100 sensor. RTD PT100 0. 00* Full Access Lead length error can be cancelled out by bringing the sensor to 0 C (ice point) and using the “ICE” command to zero the 0. 01 to 200 No access to scale or factory reset meter. (Remember to move the ICE capture from the “On” to “Hold” in order to retain the data.) 2r 01 to 400 No access to scale, factory res