Oregon Scientific BAR332ES user manual

User manual for the device Oregon Scientific BAR332ES

Device: Oregon Scientific BAR332ES
Category: Clock
Manufacturer: Oregon Scientific
Size: 3.48 MB
Added : 10/30/2013
Number of pages: 40
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Oregon Scientific BAR332ES User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Oregon Scientific BAR332ES. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

+ECO Solar Weather Clock
Model: BAR332ES / BAR332ESA / BAR332ESU
User Manual

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Reset ................................................................................. 9 +ECO Solar Weather Clock Specifications ................................................................... 9 Model: BAR332ES / BAR332ESA / Precautions ...................................................................... 9 BAR332ESU About Oregon Scientific ................................................ 10 EU-Declaration of Conformity ....................................... 10 USER MANUAL FCC Statement

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

EARTh FRiENDly OvERviEW The +ECO line embodies our commitment to environmental FRONT viEW concerns. Aware of threats facing the world we live in, Oregon Scientific™ has combined technological know-how, practicality and style to create this line of environmentally friendly products. These products provide practical solutions while enabling you and us to fulfill our environmental 10 responsibility. 1 Simply detach the solar panel and face it directly towards 2 the sun for a few hours to re

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

. SNOOZE: Activate snooze alarm / backlight 5. : Clock signal reception indicator 2. / : Increase / decrease value of the setting; 6. : Alarm time is displayed activate / deactivate clock reception signal 7. : Daily alarm is On 3. : Change display; set clock 8. AM / PM 4. : Toggle between outdoor temperature channels 9. Rechargeable battery status LED indicator (1-3); initiate auto-toggle 0. : Outdoor remote sensor battery low 5. : View alarm status; set alarm . : Main unit back-up batter

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

SOlAR PANEl REMOTE SENSOR 4 2 1 4 3 5 5 1 2 3 . CHARGING: charging in process . LED status indicator 2. FULL: batteries fully charged (when TEST is pressed) 3. Solar panel 2. Wall mount hole 3. Battery compartment 4. TEST establish if battery is full 4. RESET: Reset unit to default settings 5. Battery compartment 5. ChANNEl switch GETTiNG STARTED SOlAR PANEl This product uses two AAA rechargeable batteries which should be charged via the solar panel. For the batteries’ first charge, it is s

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

To charge the battery: TiP Press and hold TEST located at the back of the solar panel. (Green) FULL LED indicates batteries have been fully . Detach solar panel by exerting downward pressure and charged. pulling at a 45° angle (approx.) away from main unit. 4. Align holes with protruding plastic. Push solar panel towards main unit and snap into place. 5-6 hours of battery charging will normally provide power to operate unit for 2 months. When the rechargeable battery is nearly flat or w

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

2. Slide channel switch to select a channel (1, 2, 3). BACkUP POWER Ensure you use a different channel for each sensor. 1 piece AAA battery 3. Insert the battery, matching the polarities. In the case when the rechargeable battery is flat or nearly 4. Press RESET after each battery change. flat or when the solar panel has been detached, the AAA 5. Close the battery compartment. battery can act as backup power supply for the main unit. 6. Press and hold SEARCh for 2 seconds to initiate a sens

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

BAR332ESU: UK: MSF-60 signal: within 1500 km (932 miles) of Anthorn, England. BAR332ESA: WWVB-60 signal: within 3200km (2000 miles) of Fort Collins Colorado. To enable / disable clock signal reception: Press and hold to enable or to disable clock signal reception. NOTE Reception takes 2-10 minutes. If the signal is weak, it can take up to 24 hours to get a valid signal. If signal reception is unsuccessful, place your unit next to a window, press and hold to force another signal sea

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

The settings order is: time zone, 2/24 hr format, hour, To activate / deactivate alarm: minute, year, calendar mode (month – day / day – month), Press . month, day and language. To silence the alarm: BAR332ES / BAR332ESU: Time zone offset sets the clock +/- 23 hours from the received clock signal time. If you have • Press SNOOZE to silence it for 8 minutes deactivated the clock signal reception, do not set a value OR for time zone. • Press any key to turn the alarm off and activate it agai

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Signal frequency 433 MHz Sunny 2 x UM-4 (AAA) rechargeable batteries; Power 6V AC adaptor (not included) Partially cloudy 1 x UM-4 (AAA) battery (for backup) Cloudy REMOTE SENSOR (ThN132N) Rainy 96 x 50 x 22mm L x W x H (3.78 x 1.97 x 0.87 in) Weight 62 g (2.22 ounces) without battery Snowy Transmission range 30 m (98ft) unobstructed Temperature range -20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F) Power 1 x UM-3 (AA) 1.5 V battery BACkliGhT Press SNOOZE to activate backlight for 3 seconds. PRECAUTiONS • Do not

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

• Images shown in this manual may differ from the actual For international inquiries, please visit: display. www2.oregonscientific.com/about/international.asp • When disposing of this product, ensure it is collected separately for special treatment. EU-DEClARATiON OF CONFORMiTy • Placement of this product on certain types of wood Hereby, Oregon Scientific, declares that this +ECO may result in damage to its finish for which Oregon Solar Weather Clock (model: BAR332ES / BAR332ESU/ Scientif

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

WARNiNG Changes or modifications not expressly DEClARATiON OF CONFORMiTy approved by the party responsible for compliance could void The following information is not to be used as contact the user’s authority to operate the equipment. for support or sales. Please visit our website at www2. oregonscientific.com/service for all enquiries. NOTE This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant We to Part 5  of the FCC Rules. These li

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Rétro éclairage ................................................................. 9 Station Météo Réinitialisation du système ........................................... 10 Horloge Solaire ECO Caractéristiques ............................................................. 10 Modèle: BAR332ES / BAR332ESA / Précautions .................................................................... 10 BAR332ESU À propos d’Oregon Scientific ....................................... 11 Europe - Déclaration de con

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

ECOLOGIQUE VUE D’EnSEMBLE La gamme +ECO incarne notre engagement pour FACE AVAnT l’environnement. Conscients des menaces pesant sur le monde dans lequel nous vivons, Oregon Scientific™ a combiné savoir-faire technologique, fonctionnalité et style, pour créer sa gamme de produits respectueux 10 de l’environnement. Ces produits vous fournissent des solutions pratiques tout en nous permettant d’être à la 1 hauteur de notre responsabilité environnementale. 2 Vous n’avez qu’à détacher le pan

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

4. Prévision météorologique VUE SUPÉRIEURE 5. : Indicateur de réception du signal de l’horloge 6. : Heure de l’alarme affichée 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. : L’alarme quotidienne est activée 8. Icône AM / PM 9. Indicateur LED du statut de la pile rechargeable 0. : La pile de la sonde sans fil est faible . : Les piles de secours de l’appareil principal sont faibles / aucune pile 2. : Adaptateur secteur CA branché 3. : La pile rechargeable est faible / le panneau solaire est détaché 4. : Indicateur de

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

. CHARGING : Chargement en cours VUE DU BAS 2. FULL : Les piles sont entièrement chargées (en 1 2 3 appuyant sur TEST) 3. Panneau solaire 4. La touche TEST permet d’établir si la pile est chargée 5. Compartiment des piles SOnDE SAnS FIL 2 . RECHERCHE : Permet d’initier la recherche de la sonde 2. RESET (REINITIALISER) : Réinitialise l’appareil aux 1 réglages par défaut 4 3. °C / °F : Permet de sélectionner l’unité de mesure de la 3 5 température PAnnEAU SOLAIRE . Indicateur LED 4 2. Trou d

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

IMPORTAnT Insérez des piles rechargeables de type AU COMMEnCEMEnT NiMH dans le compartiment des piles du panneau solaire. PAnnEAU SOLAIRE Ne pas charger des piles non rechargeables. Ce produit utilise une pile rechargeable que vous devez charger à l’aide du panneau solaire. Lors de la première 3. Exposez le panneau solaire directement face au utilisation, nous vous recommandons de charger la pile soleil pendant approximativement 5 à 6 heures pour pendant au moins 2 heures.  recharger

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Adaptateur secteur (non inclus) • Orienter le panneau solaire comme suit : Vous pouvez également utiliser un adaptateur secteur pour Panneau solaire orienté : si vous habitez : recharger la pile. Une fois branché à l’appareil principal, l’icône s’affichera. Nord L’hémisphère sud Sud L’hémisphère nord • Ne pas rayer la surface du panneau solaire ou ne pas REMARQUE N’exposez ni l’adaptateur ni l’appareil la nettoyer avec un détergeant agressif. principal à l’humidité. Ne placez aucun réci

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