Cypress CY2291 user manual

User manual for the device Cypress CY2291

Device: Cypress CY2291
Category: Clock
Manufacturer: Cypress
Size: 0.36 MB
Added : 10/17/2013
Number of pages: 12
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Cypress CY2291 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Cypress CY2291. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Three-PLL General Purpose EPROM
Programmable Clock Generator
Features Benefits
■ Three integrated phase-locked loops ■ Generates up to three custom frequencies from external
■ EPROM programmability
■ Easy customization and fast turnaround
■ Factory-programmable (CY2291) or field-programmable
(CY2291F) device options ■ Programming support available for all opportunities
■ Low-skew, low-jitter, high-accuracy outputs ■ Meets critical industry standard timing requirements
■ Power-ma

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

CY2291 Pinouts Figure 1. CY2291- 20-pin SOIC 32XOUT 1 20 32XIN 19 32K 2 V BATT 3 18 CLKC SHUTDOWN/OE 17 4 V S2/SUSPEND DD 16 5 GND V DD XTALIN 15 S1 6 14 XTALOUT 7 S0 13 XBUF CLKF 8 CLKD 9 12 CLKA CPUCLK 10 CLKB 11 Pin Definitions Name Pin Number Description 32XOUT 1 32.768-kHz crystal feedback. 32K 2 32.768-kHz output (always active if VBATT is present). CLKC 3 Configurable clock output C. VDD 4, 16 Voltage supply. GND 5 Ground. [1] Reference crystal input or external reference clock input. X

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

CY2291 combination. The only limitation is that if a PLL is shut off, all Operation outputs derived from it must also be shut off. Suspending a PLL shuts off all associated logic, while suspending an output simply The CY2291 is a third-generation family of clock generators. The [3] forces a three-state condition. CY2291 is upwardly compatible with the industry standard ICD2023 and ICD2028 and continues their tradition by providing The CPUCLK can slew (transition) smoothly between 8 MHz and a hig

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

CY2291 Maximum Ratings (Exceeding maximum ratings may shorten the useful life of the Max. Soldering Temperature (10 sec) ......................... 260 °C device. User guidelines are not tested.) Junction Temperature.................................................. 150 °C Supply Voltage...............................................–0.5V to + 7.0V Package Power Dissipation...................................... 750 mW DC Input Voltage ...........................................–0.5V to + 7.0V Sta

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

CY2291 Electrical Characteristics, Commercial 3.3V Parameter Description Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit V HIGH-Level Output Voltage I = 4.0 mA 2.4 V OH OH V LOW-Level Output Voltage I = 4.0 mA 0.4 V OL OL V 32.768-kHz HIGH-Level I = 0.5 mA V V OH–32 OH BATT Output Voltage 0.5 V 32.768-kHz LOW-Level I = 0.5 mA 0.4 V OL–32 OL Output Voltage [9] V Except crystal pins 2.0 V HIGH-Level Input Voltage IH [9] V Except crystal pins 0.8 V LOW-Level Input Voltage IL I Input HIGH Current V = V –0.5V <1 10 μ

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

CY2291 Electrical Characteristics, Industrial 3.3V (continued) Parameter Description Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit [9] V Except crystal pins 2.0 V HIGH-Level Input Voltage IH [9] V Except crystal pins 0.8 V LOW-Level Input Voltage IL I Input HIGH Current V = V –0.5V < 1 10 μA IH IN DD I Input LOW Current V = +0.5V < 1 10 μA IL IN I Output Leakage Current Three-state outputs 250 μA OZ [10] I V = V max., 3.3V operation 50 70 mA V Supply Current DD DD DD DD Industrial I V Power Supply Current Shut

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

CY2291 Switching Characteristics, Commercial 5.0V (continued) Parameter Name Description Min. Typ. Max. Unit t Lock Time for Lock Time from Power Up < 0.25 1 ms 10B UPLL and SPLL Slew Limits CPU PLL Slew Limits CY2291 8 100 MHz CY2291F 8 90 MHz Switching Characteristics, Commercial 3.3V Parameter Name Description Min. Typ. Max. Unit t Output Period Clock output range, 3.3V CY2291 12.5 13000 ns 1 operation (80 MHz) (76.923 kHz) CY2291F 15 13000 ns (66.6 MHz) (76.923 kHz) [12] Output Duty 40% 5

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

CY2291 Switching Characteristics, Industrial 5.0V Parameter Name Description Min. Typ. Max. Unit t Output Period Clock output range, CY2291I 11.1 13000 ns 1 5V operation (90 MHz) (76.923 kHz) CY2291FI 12.5 13000 ns (80 MHz) (76.923 kHz) [12] 40% 50% 60% Output Duty Duty cycle for outputs, defined as t ÷ t 2 1 [11] Cycle f > 66 MHZ OUT [12] 45% 50% 55% Duty cycle for outputs, defined as t ÷ t 2 1 f < 66 MHZ OUT [13] t 35 ns Rise Time Output clock rise time 3 [13] t 2.5 4 ns Fall Time Output clock

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

CY2291 Switching Characteristics, Industrial 3.3V (continued) Parameter Name Description Min. Typ. Max. Unit t Output Enable Time for output to leave three-state mode after 10 15 ns 6 Time SHUTDOWN/OE goes HIGH [3, t Skew < 0.25 0.5 ns Skew delay between any identical or related outputs 7 12, 15] t CPUCLK Slew Frequency transition rate 1.0 20.0 MHz/ms 8 [14] t Peak-to-peak period jitter (t Max. – t min.),% of < 0.5 1 % Clock Jitter 9A 9A 9A clock period (f < 4 MHz) OUT [14] t Peak-to-peak peri

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

CY2291 Switching Waveforms Figure 5. CPU Frequency Change SELECT OLD SELECT NEW SELECT STABLE F t &t F 8 10 new old CPU Test Circuit V DD CLK out 0.1 μF C OUTPUTS LOAD V DD 0.1 μF GND Ordering Information Ordering Code Package Type Operating Range Operating Voltage [16] 20-Pin SOIC Industrial 3.3V or 5.0V CY2291FI Pb-Free CY2291SXC–XXX 20-Pin SOIC Commercial 5.0V CY2291SXC–XXXT 20-Pin SOIC – Tape and Reel Commercial 5.0V CY2291SXL–XXX 20-Pin SOIC Commercial 3.3V CY2291SXL–XXXT 20-Pin SOIC

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

CY2291 Package Diagram Figure 6. 20-Pin (300 MIL) SOIC Package Outline 51-85024 *C Document #: 38-07189 Rev. *C Page 11 of 12 [+] Feedback

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

CY2291 Document History Page Document Title: CY2291 Three-PLL General Purpose EPROM Programmable Clock Generator Document Number: 38-07189 Orig. of Submission REV. ECN Description of Change Change Date ** 110321 SZV 10/28/01 Change from Spec number: 38-00410 to 38-07189 *A 121836 RBI 12/14/02 Power up requirements added to Operating Conditions Information *B 276756 RGL 10/18/04 Added Lead Free Devices *C 2565316 AESA/KVM 09/16/08 Updated template. Added Note “Not recommended for new designs.”

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