Maytag MWA 1112FBS user manual

User manual for the device Maytag MWA 1112FBS

Device: Maytag MWA 1112FBS
Category: Washer/Dryer
Manufacturer: Maytag
Size: 6.11 MB
Added : 1/11/2014
Number of pages: 29
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Maytag MWA 1112FBS. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

in design and
Built Strong to Last Long.

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

It has taken 100 years to reach the point of perfection. Now you can enjoy all the benefits. Back in the 1890’s, Fredrick Louis Maytag was a 16 year old field hand dreaming of creating safe, labour saving tools to do the work traditionally carried out manually. Today, well over 100 years later, his surname has come to embody all that’s best in high quality, hi-tech American design. In the USA, Maytag is the number one brand for laundry. A byword for panache and performance, form and function, e

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Design classics to suit your style…and your home. THE TOTAL STYLISH DESIGN, STUNNING LAUNDRY ROOM SPACIOUS REFRIGERATION CONCEPT DISHWASHING INNOVATION Maytag sets new standards in contemporary home appliances, ushering in a new age of design classics with stunning style and inspirational innovation throughout the range. From the world’s largest capacity dishwasher to a totally new laundry room concept and the very best in refrigeration, Maytag presents you with an outstanding choice of options

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Washer, dryer, drying cabinet, storage, sorting unit, ironing, all in one. All you need for the perfect laundry room, all in one stylish space, and all without clutter and mess. The total laundry room concept totally transforms the thinking behind traditional utility rooms... ‘Perfect taking all the functions, and more, and combining them in a stunning ultra-modern modular design. laundry every Co-ordinating to perfection, appliances and cabinets come together in perfect harmony of form and fun

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

All of your laundry, all in one stylish space. The total laundry room concept takes complete care of every aspect of your laundry... in style. From neatly storing away all that dirty laundry, ready for the wash, through the whole washing and drying cycle - all performed quickly and energy efficiently, yet with uncompromisingly high standards and excellent results for every fabric - through to ironing and storing away again, immaculately clean and ready for use. And there’s more, a drying cabinet

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

‘Crease free drying and storage - for an incredible amount So much space... and so full of clever features. of clothes and shoes’ With a flexible and versatile array of features, the clever design of the Maytag drying cabinet makes the best use of every square inch of space available. Intelligent That’s better design makes all these features easy to adapt and organise for various kinds of laundry, all with the maximum and most efficient drying effect. .5 .5 3 58 3 58 kg LRC LRC kg 16 m 16 m DB(A

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Drying and storing... out of sight, and out of the way. A look that’s complete and co-ordinated Say goodbye to drying clothes draped around the house, the traditional clothes horse and shoes and boots drying in the hall or on radiators - a Maytag drying cabinet takes care of it all, with the Within the total laundry room concept you have a range of colour and finish options which enable you to create the look you want, to suit your home equivalent of up to 16 metres of clothesline and a range of

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

‘It’s so good to live without laundry all over All the hidden helpers you need for spotless laundry. the place…’ Within the total laundry room concept, there are a host of hidden helpers - simple, practical yet inventive solutions for functions which have traditionally taken up a lot That’s better of space, or created untidiness around the home. Fully integrated within the design, our hidden helpers provide storage, sorting and folding spaces, and do away with the need for a separate ironing boa

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Innovative, intelligent features for superior performance. The advanced technology and design of Maytag washers means that outstanding performance and results are easy to achieve. Intelligent, intuitive programming takes away all the hassle, and ensures high levels of energy and water efficiency. Put simply, the washer does more of the work for you. This innovative technology is w sh A 7kg + LRC supported by exceptional professional build quality construction, which not only means that your wa

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

‘Superb performance, Neater. Easier to use. More efficient. And much, much more stylish. matched by stunning design’ Beautifully proportioned, elegantly designed and smoothly stylish, Maytag washers are available in a range of specifications and finishes to perfectly suit not only your wash requirements - A 7kg + w sh LRC A A 7kg w sh A but also your chosen décor scheme, within the total laundry room concept or as part of a standard laundry or utility room. Ease of use and efficiency are of

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Optimum performance with a range of advanced features. Maytag dryers give your clothes that lovely fresh-air dried feel, with an exceptional range of Auto Dry programmes for you to choose from - and our unique SensiDry programme for delicate fabrics, taking real care of them and preventing shrinkage. We’ve developed a unique ‘butterfly’ drying action which is so much more efficient and effective than standard tumble dryers - and which also reduces creasing and the need for ironing. Like all Mayt

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Sensi 7kg LRC B C Dry A fresh new look in dryer design. Sensi LRC 7kg B C Dry 46 The sleek, design-conscious lines of Maytag dryers make them a welcome addition to your home... with a choice of models to integrate seamlessly into our total laundry r auto db(A) oom concept, complementing Sensi ‘Even the both the washers and the drying cabinets and storage units. Programmes are controlled by easy to use circle dials or our stylish line series display, with its ultra-simple LCD panel, set fr 7kg om

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Stand-alone designs with outstanding features. Maytag answers the needs of every home and every family with a comprehensive range of washers to suit your specific requirements. All of the washers on the previous two pages are suitable for stand alone use, and the range is completed with our Premium models - including the Premium Super Capacity. These models harness the power of steam with steam boost, sanitation and refresh cycles. Steam delivers outstanding cleaning performance on lower tempera

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

US Style laundry - big on capacity and performance. Across the Atlantic, they like to do everything bigger - and our U.S. laundry range reflects their way of life with heavy duty capacity and performance that’ll answer the need of even the biggest families. The washer is top loading - far easier for bulky items - and has a huge 8.2kg capacity (enough for 10 sheets at one time!). The dryer, with its extra large 10k capacity and unique dryer rack, enables you to achieve more in a single load. That

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

More spacious. More efficient. More advanced. And far more attractive. ‘Dishwashing has moved on to a new level...’ Now that more and more of us enjoy entertaining at home - with bigger and bigger dinner parties and barbeques - the average dishwasher simply isn’t large enough, and tough enough, to cope. 17 Maytag provides the perfect answer, with a stylish XXL dishwasher which takes care of it all for you. Simply load it up with all the plates, glasses and cutlery with up to 17 place s

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Sensi 7kg LRC B C Dry 46 auto db(A) † * A stylish dishwasher which takes 17 place settings, not 12. Individual doors 49 8kg db(A) A 56 11kg With the world’s largest load height - an amazing 58cm, packed into a standard height machine which will fit most cabinet Our integrated dishwasher can be fitted with a stainless steel door, or any other door design - to conceal the db(A) At last 17 units - and a uniquely flexible 4 level rack system, Maytag’s new generation XXL dishwasher has an incredible

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Sensi 7kg LRC B C Dry 46 auto db(A) ‘Dishes come 8kg 49 db(A) A out spotless. And the design 56 11kg db(A) All sorts of features. For all sorts of dishes. is immaculate’ That’s better 69 17 The XXL doesn’t just pack more dishes into the same space…it’s loaded up with helpful, innovative features too. Like incredible flexibility, with 4 wash levels and 7 separate baskets. Programmes which db(A) ensure excellent results, no matter how stubbornly dirty the dishes are – with up to 10 highly effectiv

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

TM Endless possibilities - with FlexiRacks adapting to cater for any dishwashing load 17 The XXL ’s incredible capacity is made possible by clever use of space inside – and an almost infinitely flexible range of racks and baskets. Innovative design uses a 4 rack system with up to 7 baskets. All the racks are flexible, sturdy and made of a durable nylon coated steel. Their mesh is finer than in other dishwashers, which helps to keep dishes and utensils in place. You can also fully extend the lowe

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Inspiration and innovation - in refrigeration. Refrigeration has never been so cool, Maytag takes the fridge freezer to new standards of style and function... with beautiful, elegant design that incorporates a stunning range of features to achieve outstanding performance. This is refrigeration on the grand scale - big, beautiful designs to enhance both your home and your lifestyle. Iced water on tap... fresh, crisp fruit and vegetables... food straight from the fridge... all kept at the ideal te

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

‘Clever design means there’s Flair, functionality - and an outstanding range of features. so much more inside’ Behind the sleek, smart lines of every Maytag fridge freezer there lies a host of high-tech, helpful and inventive features. Smart, intelligent programming to keep your food and drink looking That’s better and tasting better for longer - with light touch controls for easy, accurate temperature management. Five separate cool zones. Neat design ideas like deeper freezer drawers that store

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