Uniden TCX930 user manual

User manual for the device Uniden TCX930

Device: Uniden TCX930
Category: Cell Phone
Manufacturer: Uniden
Size: 1.29 MB
Added : 10/10/2014
Number of pages: 24
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Uniden TCX930 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Uniden TCX930. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Welcome Congratulatons on your purchase of the Unden TCX930 accessory handset and charger. You can place ths fully featured  cordless handset anywhere your home has AC power. Note: Illustrations in this manual are used for explanation purposes. Some illustrations may differ fromthe actual unit. Accessibility Unden provdes a customer servce hotlne for access  b  lty questons. If you have a dsablty and need customer servce assstance or f you have any questons about how

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

Compatible Bases Ths handset s compat  ble wth Un  den's 5.8 GHz Dg  tal  Expandable phone system: the TRU9300 seres. Please vs  t our webste at www.unden.com for the most up-to- date lst of compatble bases.  Installing the Accessory Handset Checking the Package Contents Make sure your package contans the followng tems. If any tems are mssng or damaged, contact our Customer Serv  ce  Hotlne. See back cover page for contact nformaton. • Cordless Handset • Beltclp • Cha

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Installing the Belt Clip Lne up the tabs wth the holes on each s  de of the handset. Press the belt clp down unt  l both  tabs clck nto place.  To remove the belt clp, pull both sdes of the clp to release the tabs from the holes. Installing the Optional Headset Your phone may be used wth an optonal headset. To use a headset, nsert the headset plug nto the  headset jack. Headsets may be purchased by callng the Unden Parts Department. See back cover page for contact nformato

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

Registering the Handset You must regster the handset to the base before you can use t. Only one handset can be regstered at a t  me. (If an accessory  handset has ever been regstered to a base, you must reset the handset before you can regster t to a new base.) To regster to a  TRU9300 seres 11 base, place the accessory C Ch ha arrg ge e t th he e h ha an nd ds se et t E Ex xt tr ra a H Ha an nd ds se et t handset n the base. Wh  le the  f fo orr 1 15 5--2 20 0 h ho ou urrs

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

Resetting the Handset Without the Base If the org  nal base ths handset was regstered to  s not avalable for some reason (for example, t s lost or somehow  ncapactated), you can stll reset the handset and use t wth another base.  ) Press and hold [ ] and [#] for more than 5 seconds, unt l the SYSTEM RESET menu appears.  ) Press [ ] to move the cursor to BASE UNAVAILABLE and then press [select/ ]. BASE UNAVAILABLE appears. 3) Press [ ] to move the cursor to YES, and then press

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Using the Interface Parts of the Handset 55 66 11 22 77 14 14 33 88 15 15 99 16 16 10 10 17 17 11 11 18 18 44 12 12 19 19 13 13 20 20 21 21 22 22  . Headset Jack Cover  . [ /tone] key *  . Beltclp Hole 3 . [hold/int’com/xfer] key 3. Speakerphone Speaker 4 . [redial/pause] key and Rnger 5 . [select/ ] key (select/ 4. Handset Battery messages) Compartment 6 . [ ] key (caller ID/rght) 5. New Message LED 7 . [ ] key (end call) 6. Handset Earpece  8 . [ ] key (down) 7. LCD Dsplay 9 .

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Reading the Display The handset dsplay uses cons to tell you the status of your  phone. The table below lsts the cons and what they mean.  Icon Status Description Standby/ The battery con nd  cates the handset  Talk battery status: full, medum, low, and empty. The ringer off con  nd  cates that the rnger Standby :OFF s turned off. The mute con appears whle the handset  Talk mcrophone s muted. The boost con appears when the Clarty  Talk Boost feature s actvated. The speaker

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

Using the Handset Menus To open the menu, press [menu/clear]. Select the opton you  want by pressng the four-way functon key. Ths wll move the cursor; the opton currently selected has a trangle besde t. Actvate the selected opton by pressng [select/ ]. To ext the menu and return to standby, press [ ]. If you do not press a key wthn 30 seconds, the phone wll t  me out and ext the menu.  Entering Text from Your Handset You can use the number keypad on your phone to enter te

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

For example, to enter "Moves":  ) Press [6] once to enter M.  ) Use [right] on the four-way functon key to move the cursor to the rght. 3) Press [6] sx t  mes to enter  o. 4) Press [8] sx t  mes to enter v. 5) Press [4] sx t  mes to enter  i. 6) Press [3] five times to enter e. 7) Press [7] eght tmes to enter s. 8) Press [select/ ] to end your text entry. If you make a m stake wh le enter ng a name, use [right] or [left] on the four-way functon key to move the cursor to the 

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

Using Your Accessory Handset Makingand Receiving Calls With the earpiece With the speakerphone  ) Remove the handset from  ) Remove the handset from the charger. the charger. Make a call  ) Dal the number  .  ) Dal the number. 3) Press [ /flash]. 3) Press [ ].  ) Pck up the handset.   ) Pck up the handset. (If AutoTalk s on, the (If AutoTalk s on, the  phone answers when you phone answers when you remove the handset from remove the handset from Answer the chargng cradle.

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Using Caller IDand Call Waiting If you subscrbe to Caller ID, you can store up to 30 Caller ID numbers n each handset. Caller ID records are stored from newest to oldest. Once your Caller ID lst s full and you receve an ncomng call, the oldest record wll be automatcally deleted  to make room for the new record. To open the Caller ID lst, press [ ]. The phone wll show the number of new Caller ID records and the total number of stored records. From the screen, you have the follo

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Using the Phonebook Your handset can store up to 70 names and numbers n your  phonebook. When all the phonebook entres are full, you wll hear a beep and MEMORY FULL appears. You cannot store any addt onal names and numbers unless you delete some of the exstng ones. Press [ ] to enter the phonebook menu. Once n the phonebook menu, you have the followng optons:   ) Press [ ] agan or m  ove the cursor to DIAL/EDIT and press [select/ ]. Scroll through the entres   ) Press [ ] t

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

Redialing a Number To redial one of the last five numbers dialed on this handset, press [redial/pause] when the phone s n standby. Ths opens  the redal lst. Use [ ] and [ ] to find the number you want to dal, and press [ /flash] or [ ].(You can also press [ /flash] or [ ], and then [redial/pause] to redal the last number daled.) Muting theRinger (One Call Only) Whle the handset  s r  ngng, press  [ ] to mute the rnger for ths call. The phone wll rng agan on the next call.

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Using the ClarityBoost Feature If you encounter nterference whle you are on a call, you can manually mprove the sound by turn  ng on the clarty boost  feature. Press [menu/clear], move the cursor to select CLARITY BOOST, and then press [select/ ]. BOOST ON and B appear n the dsplay. Use the same procedure to turn off clarty boost feature, BOOST  OFF appears. 4

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

Using Hold, Conference, Transfer and Intercom Press [hold/int'com/xfer]. If you leave a caller on hold for more than five minutes, the call will be Put acall on hold dsconnected. To return to the party on hold, press [ /flash] or [ ]. To jo n a call already  n progress, press [ /flash] or Join a call already [ ]. You can hang up normally; the other staton inprogress remans connected to the call.  Press [hold/int'com/xfer]; the call s placed on hold. Use [ ] or [ ] to select

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

Accessing Your Answering Machine If your base has an answerng mach  ne, you can use your handset to get your messages and change your answerng machne setup. You have the followng optons:  Play Press [select/ ]. The system announces the number messages of new and old messages and plays the message. Press [ ] to go to the start of the current message. Repeat a Press [ ] repeatedly to go back to a prevous  message message. Skip a Press [ ] to go to the begnnng of the next messag

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Accessing Voicemail If your base doesn't have an answerng machne and you  subscrbe to a voce mal servce, you can program your handset  to automatcally d  al the access number  .  ) Press [menu/clear].  ) Move the cursor to HANDSET SETUP and press [select/ ]. 3) Move the cursor to EDIT VOICE MAIL and press [select/ ]. 4) Enter your access number (up to 0 dg  ts). If you need the  phone to wat before send  ng the next dgts, press [redial/ pause] to nsert a two-second pause. For a

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Battery Replacement andHandling Wth normal usage, your battery should last about one year. If the talk t me becomes short even after the battery  s recharged, please replace the battery. You can purchase a replacement battery by call ng Un den's Parts department. See the back cover page for contact nformat  on. Warning To avoid the risk of personal injury or property damage from fire or electrical shock, useonly the BT-909battery pack. Caution: - This equipment contains arec

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

The FCC Wants You ToKnow Changes or modifications to this product not expressly approved by Unden, or operaton of ths product n any way other than as detaled by the owner's manual, could vod your authorty to operate th  s product. Ths devce comples wth part 5 of the FCC rules. Operaton s subject to the followng two cond  tons: () Ths devce may not cause harmful nterference, and () Ths dev  ce must accept any  nterference receved, ncludng nterference that may

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