Whirlpool LC4600XK user manual

User manual for the device Whirlpool LC4600XK

Device: Whirlpool LC4600XK
Category: Washer
Manufacturer: Whirlpool
Size: 0.69 MB
Added : 7/31/2014
Number of pages: 12
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Whirlpool LC4600XK User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Whirlpool LC4600XK. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

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Summary of the content on the page No. 2

a Washer for L 2 2, c Information ;: For a or Wash It LV 11 e For 7 For 7 :. * : A E a e dust 6 for on E If or 10 for 1 10 2 11 3 a Washer -:- For sort 1. l for informa- of l to for washer. the in movement best items small and large mix Try loads. typical samples and tion Guide Laundry the See together. dried and washed be can that loads into laundry the Group loads. into laundry the Sort carefully. laundry the savings, energy and results washing best

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

2. to Washer: l l on In 6 of l l or up [not if It 3. to l of for 4. l on a on to l l for a a 5. to a . l com- In or to on l a Washer: Washer l put l It l a l It In Moving Washer: l much l but IS a WIII ment rg sprnn during move- and vlbratior reduce help floor level #orI \yosher the Using rurin\rlg it while moving from Nasher the keep helps Thts side area to srde from not forth, and back storage iheIr into back hoses the Push move to

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

s I y .to It : i ( l Wash Adjust put In In/ l 31, cmad l 5 l l time 3. a l It of Wash Wash A 7 Worm Warm 8 Warm 6 Warm 6 Warm 8 Warm 4 Cold press permanent Gnl~cote colors and ,kb:te PRESS to^O Cold Hot or press Dermanent Stl,rdv PERMANENT Cold colors Delicate Cold Hot or hlites or De’lcate SH3RT cottxs to14 Cold or Cold r73r-colorfast Si~rdv cattors 10to14 Cold Hot or colorfast and re Sturdv NORMAL Time Rinse LOAD CYCLE Minutes TEMPERATURE WATER GUIDE TE

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

a Items 73 277 11.9 451 to 1 1 too l IS numb In l Watch An item a When IS up l a l a push l 8 9 Water 1 6 2 2 2 Weight 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 3 8 2 6 3 6 3 jeans of pairs OR washclothes, and towels hand towels; bath pants work OR towels; bath shirts work Heavyweight pillowcases and sheets single OR underwear of sets prllowcases, shirts and sheet double pillowcases OR sheet; queensize or king pajamas pair Medium dresses. 3-4 blouses OR pants&s; slacks pairs

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

tubs Important 1 2 3 IS 131 4 t t c IS IS L high, lmt x much a ~ II 2 2 8 5 5 cm) In for infor- 14-22). 1 ml] (125175 mL) (175250 ml] 1 ml) ml) mL) mL) 4 mL] mL] - A mL], 21: l In l In limiting a For to on or Wash l Add 5311 l c a time v l Adjust l l Add l WI/I 6 agltote dissolve Always basket washer to begin then and fill washer The to product pre~ssak 3’ detergeni out Knob Control the Dull want you ture tempera ,vcter t-~t~ “-I faucet SOAK p

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

l l minute. push l a full l time. not In a TWO For l l It push l Add In a a of to a : l number l l a full not a ’ ) just WASH In l Adjust l Add l Add fill l In ] For just push In l l but It push In push l just a of to a ) l number 7 want vou mrnutes of and cycle the to (clockwise) rrght the to Knob Control the Turn stop detergent lrquid luted and water out spin drain, will washer undo- use (Or load. wet addlng The out Knob Control the Pull bef

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

number WIII a In qg WHAT IN When . . 1. DOWN ; A 31‘4 Adjust . a time. a Adjust TemDerature ‘Water Rinse for Faucet bag laundry net in hose panty or hose nylon Wash spin and wash short need that items delicate for Use CYCLE SHORT Temperature Water START TO OUT PULL Rinse for Faucet TIME AND CYCLE to TURN KNOB, IN PUSH c TEMPERATURE WATIR ADJUST l ,~,~,~ LEVEL WATER SET l zlcthes ,$cxii bf3c.i “3 stLC, kr l!Jse :+t:rS 2olorfas’ and qlte CYCLE NORMAL cl COOL

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

‘VW t~3 k,rr- to c sfoft / ,h(,j 7 ,n e tc) ‘1gW to Adjust Temperature Rinse COLD for faucet 6 remove and rinse heir> to load spinning StCrt t0 p- idL1 tile and cycle LEVEL WATER tre LIbsitt- the fills residue detergent ‘ha’ water cf a-n~d+ t

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

IF FILL: .gh nt l It l !t d It pu!l f l a Of l l Service or We suggest IF l These Three l l a w IF I. for l IS a number thus IF l cycle. this in period cool-down the durrng drain partial the after minutes 1% about for stop will washer the Remember, CYCLE. PRESS PERMANENT THE DURING STOPS WASHER YOUR service Dial for call you before list Check tools Control Cycle the on to rng without correct can you things lrttle by potnt- indicator the that sure Make RUNNI

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

2. If : * 7 :, i v L \ jj 1. I . , in I* : up IS just I: !ri Wt- 3. If a : a number 2 11‘1 ;I I 2000 U S 33 49022 ~ ~ & not find a Whirlpool number, number, When from: a _. 632-2243 & (800) 253-l 121 (800) 253-l 301 If IS a ] you by pad be course, of ~111, cost (lns~ulla+ior~ ins?aller. qualifted of rame the get to or installation for company service TECH-CARE nearest your telephone please operation, sattsfactory continued I?S Insure to an3 installed

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

a qualltv fhls qesd a oppllance \i 0 fit right and right the tc Ice Whirlpool 382601 A A U.S In Printed Rev No Part life. of way Our Quality. Syslems. Condiiionmg Air and Healing A@ances HORE Cenlral Dehumldiliers. Conditioners. Au Room Comgaclors, Ovens. Microwave Flanges. Umls, Surlace and Ovens BuWin DIshwashers. f&hers. Aelrlgeralor-Freezers. Freezers. Dryers Clothes Washers. Automatic Michigan. Harbor. Benlon appliance WhIrlpool new every buNId Lsed speclflcatlons exact~

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