Sony Ericsson T290i user manual

User manual for the device Sony Ericsson T290i

Device: Sony Ericsson T290i
Category: Cell Phone
Manufacturer: Sony Ericsson
Size: 2.34 MB
Added : 10/29/2013
Number of pages: 65
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sony Ericsson T290i. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

October 2004
Calling made easy

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

White Paper T290i/T290c Preface Purpose of this document This White Paper will be published in several revisions as the phone is developed. Therefore, some of the headings and tables below contain limited information. Additional information and facts will be forthcom- ing in later revisions. The aim of this White Paper is to give the reader an understanding of technology and its main applications, as well as the main functions and features of the T290i/T290c. Note: This document contains gene

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

White Paper T290i/T290c Online Developer Resources On, developers will find all documentation and tools such as phone White Papers, Developers Guidelines, SDK's and API's etc. The developer web site also contains discus- sion forums monitored by our Sony Ericsson Developer Support team, a searcheable Knowledge Base of support queries and solutions, Tips & Tricks, example code etc. To stay up to date on development issues, register and subscribe to the monthly S

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

White Paper T290i/T290c Document history Change history 2004-10-22 Version R1A1 First edition 4 October 2004

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

White Paper T290i/T290c Contents Product overview ........................................................................................................6 Key functions and features .......................................................................................7 More in-phone functions ...........................................................................................9 Technologies in detail ......................................................................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

White Paper T290i/T290c Product overview The T290i/T290c mobile phone are designed to include an impressive set of features for a very reasonable price. The focus is on messaging, music, gaming, imaging, and connectivity. EMS picture messaging (text messaging with pictures and sounds), email, MMS (Multimedia messaging), and a snap-on camera acces- sory are all supported. This dual band GSM phone (900/1800 MHz) offers a fast and satisfying mobile Internet experience. The T290c is intended fo

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

White Paper T290i/T290c Key functions and features Multimedia Messaging - Digital music that we listen to consists of polyphonic mel- greetings odies. Polyphonic sounds and ring signals are Reacting to the enormous popularity of mobile widely used in GSM mobile phones. phone messaging, Sony Ericsson has incorporated the latest messaging standards into the T290i/ The T290i/T290c will contain several polyphonic T290c phone, along with a colour display for an ring signals. Users can share r

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

White Paper T290i/T290c sible via the WAP browser. The openness of the both the WAP browser and in any standard Web downloadable games solution is dedicated to pro- browser. All of the basic XHTML features are sup- vide an enhanced gaming experience. ported, including text, images, links, checkboxes, radio buttons, text areas, headings, horizontal rules The downloadable games can fully take advantage and lists. In addition to WML, XHTML Mobile Pro- of the phone’s interfaces, such as TCP/IP,

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

White Paper T290i/T290c Localization/Customization Different markets will be served with appropriate pre-stored content. In addition, individual operators can be provided with uniquely customized phones. A complete list of customization options is availa- ble in the customization specification. More in-phone functions Email phrases and anticipates what word or phrase you are writing, giving your mobile phone keyboard The T290i/T290c is another Sony Ericsson mobile ease of use comparable t

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

White Paper T290i/T290c Picture phonebook Themes The phonebook lets the user assign a picture and/ With themes, the user can change the appearance or a personal ring signal to a certain phone number. of the display, for example, the text, the back- When the user gets a call from this person, the pic- ground colours and the background picture. The ture (instead of the number) is shown in the display. phone comes with a number of pre-defined themes. It is possible to download and exchange add

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

White Paper T290i/T290c Technologies in detail 11 October 2004

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

White Paper T290i/T290c Multimedia in the T290i/T290c The T290i/T290c is a multimedia phone. The colour Pictures display together with the audio functionality gives With a digital camera attached to your T290i/ the user several multimedia possibilities. For exam- T290c, you can take, view and store pictures. It is ple, sounds can be recorded and stored. By using also possible to download colour pictures to your themes, it is easy to change the appearance of the T290i/T290c. The pictures ar

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

White Paper T290i/T290c particular, MMS is projected to fuel the growth of to sheer fun, it offers benefits at every level and to related market segments by as much as forty per- every kind of user. cent. Using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) as bearer technology and powered by the high-speed transmission technologies such as GPRS, Multime- dia Messaging allows users to send and receive messages that look like PowerPoint-style presenta- tions. The messages may include any combinati

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

White Paper T290i/T290c Mobile picture transmission also offers inestimable PIM communication with MMS utility in business applications, from sending on- With MMS in the T290i/T290c, it is easy to send site pictures of a construction project to capturing and receive business cards and events. and storing an interesting design concept for later review. Editing a picture by adding text allows Business card (vCard) users to create their own electronic postcards, an With MMS in the T290i/T290c

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

White Paper T290i/T290c MMS technical features The MMS standard, just like SMS, offers store-and- the MMS network architecture, providing storage forward transmission (instant delivery) of mes- and operational support, enabling instant delivery sages, rather than a mailbox-type model. MMS is a of multimedia messages from terminal-to-terminal person-to-person communications solution, mean- and terminal-to-email, and supporting flexible ing that the user gets the message directly into the add

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

White Paper T290i/T290c OTA configuration Users can easily get MMS into their phone. MMS supports OTA, meaning that the user does not have to configure the settings manually. The configuration is done by the operator. EMS (Enhanced Messaging Service) Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) adds new saging, users will enjoy downloading, collecting, powerful functionality to the well-known SMS swapping, and editing pictures, ring signals, and standard. With it, mobile phone users can add life othe

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

White Paper T290i/T290c New possibilities with messaging The EMS standard is now a part of the SMS stand- The Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) was first ard and supported by the major network operators submitted to the standards committees by Erics- and mobile phone manufacturers. This universal son. Ericsson presented the outline structure of approach enables a fast penetration and develop- EMS to the relevant ETSI/ 3GPP committees. The ment of new services and applications within mes- majo

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

White Paper T290i/T290c Notification animation or theme song, TV show promotions, music artist promotions, lottery results, food and The user typically receives a short message notify- drink pictures and recipes, mood-related pictures. ing them that they have a new message in their messaging box, with icons or formatted text further enhancing the message. Corporate Examples include: Flight schedules, preinstalled Internet email alerts corporate logos, map snippets and travel info, company

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

White Paper T290i/T290c The diagram shows the possibilities for using  Content Creators/providers can see a new Enhanced Messaging Service: demand for creative contents. Also, promotional activities from movie companies, record labels  When the Operator/Service provider enables etc can provide ring signals, movie snapshots, EMS in the network, users will enjoy adding life etc. to messages with sounds, melodies, pictures and formatted text. The added value in SMS messaging will create new

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

White Paper T290i/T290c Support for cookies Easy to create WAP pages This version of WAP has support for cookies (client Creating a WAP service is no harder than creating based), an application used by Web sites to store an Internet/intranet service, since the markup lan- site-specific information in the browser between guages (WML, WMLScript, XHTML Mobile Profile, visits to the site. Cookies give the site owner a pos- and XHTML Basic) are based on well-known Inter- sibility to see when a per

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