Haier Automatic Drum Washing Machine HW701286 user manual

User manual for the device Haier Automatic Drum Washing Machine HW701286

Device: Haier Automatic Drum Washing Machine HW701286
Category: Washer
Manufacturer: Haier
Size: 2.82 MB
Added : 12/26/2013
Number of pages: 20
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Haier Automatic Drum Washing Machine HW701286 User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Haier Automatic Drum Washing Machine HW701286. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

AutomA tic Drum W Ashing mAchine
Wash Temp. Silk Sport wash
Wool Silent
Rinse Speed Synthetic Quick
Memory Spin
Spin Auto Cotton Self-clean
Strong wash Delay Pre-wash Soak
Press and hold 2seconds
to set door unlocked

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

03 - 09 10 - 15 16- 20 A t ble of contents efore useb using the AA ppli nce MAiNtENANcE >COMPONENTS ............................... 03 >PrOgraM SElECTION ..................... 10 >dISPla Y COdES ............................. 18 >PrEP ara TION ................................ 04 >TrOublESHOOTINg ........................ 19 >CONSuMPTION aNd TECHNICal da Ta .. 11 >SaFETY INSTruCTIONS ................... 05 >WaSHINg METHOdS ...................... 12 >WIrINg CIrCuIT ..............................20 >

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

03 Before use components thANkS foR pURchASiNg A hAiER pRodUct Please read these instructions carefully before using this appliance. The instructions contain important information which will help you get the best out of the appliance and ensure safe and proper installation, use and maintenance. Keep this manual in a convenient place so you can always refer to it for the safe and proper use of the appliance. If you sell the appliance, give it away, or leave it behind when you move house, make s

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

04 Before use prep AA r tion pREpARiNg thE MAchiNE remove all the packing materials to prevent unsteadiness, including the polystyrene base. upon opening the package, water drops may be seen on the plastic bag and the porthole. This is normal phenomenon resulting from water tests in the factory. dEScRiptioN This diagram may be slightly different from the layout of the washing machine you have just purchased due to technical improvements. Control panel drain hose Power Water inlet valve Wor

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

05 Before use sAfety instructions BEfoRE SwitchiNg thE AppLiANcE oN foR thE fiRSt tiME dO ... dO NOT ... ... Make sure that the transport bolt are removed. ... Touch or use the appliance when barefoot or with wet or ... use a separate earthed socket for the power supply. damp hands or feet. ... Make sure that the plug is accessible. ... use flammable detergent or dry cleaning agent. ... Hold the plug and not the electric cable when ... use any flammable sprays in close vicinity to the u

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

06 Before use nsti AA ll tion diSMANtLE thE tRANSpoR tAtioN BoL tS The transportation bolts are designed for clamping anti-vibration components inside of the washing machine during the transportation process. 1. remove the back cover. 2. remove the four bolts on the rear side and take out the synthetic stabilisers from within the machine. 1 . 2 . 3. replace the back cover. 4. Fill the holes left by the bolts with blanking plugs. Note: 1.when you replace the back cover,the convexity must face

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

07 Before use iNLEt hoSE 1. Connect the nut on the inlet hose to the connector on the water valve. 2. apply inlet hose to a water tap with cold, fresh water. Note: Use the hose-set supplied with the appliance. old 1. 2. hose-sets should not be reused. dRAiN hoSE 1. use the drain hose bracket to keep the end of the drain hose retained and prevent the outflow of water. don't extend the length of the drain hose; if an extended hose is required, please consult a serviceman. 1. 2. The height of t

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

08 Before use ontrol c A p nel IHG EDC J F B A Heavy Delicate Wash Temp. Silk Sport wash Wool Silent Rinse Speed Synthetic Quick Power Memory Spin Spin Auto Cotton Self-clean Start/Pause Strong wash Delay Pre-wash Soak Press and hold 2seconds to set door unlocked K L M N O k Strong washing button f display screen A Power Switch L delay button B Program knob g Washing time M Pre-wash button h Times of rinse c a uto button

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

2 3 1 2 1 09 Before use F display _display washing time, remaining time, times of rinsing, spinning time, temperature setting value, speed setting screen value, position of clothes weight, child lock state, door lock state, washing progress and alarm message, etc. Washing time g Press the “Wash” button to set washing time. Press and hold this button to change the time continuously. Click this button up until the end. Note: this function is not applicable to “ Spin ” and “ Self-clean ” process

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

2 3 1 2 1 10 using the APPLA i C n e progrAm selection pRogRAM ModES 2 1 Detergent compartment for prewash mode 2 Detergent compartment 3 Compartment for softener and other additives Preset spin speed Temperature recommended HW70-I1286/HW80-I1486 Program Maximum Preset 2 3 1 laundry 1 ¬ Cotton - - to 90 °C 30°C Cotton fabrics 800 rpm 2 ¬ Memory - - to 90 °C 30°C Cotton or synthetic 800 rpm 3 ¬ Synthetic - - to 60 °C 30°C Cotton fabrics 800 rpm 4 ¬ Wool - - to 40 °C

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

11 using the APPLiAnCe consumption AnD technicAl DA t A coNSUMptioN t ABLE The wash cycle times are intended as a guide only. The actual time used may vary due to different water pressure, initial water temperature, etc. MaX. lOad TEMPEra TurE WaSHINg TIME PrOgraM HW70-I1286/HW80-I1486 7kg/8kg 1:32 h ¬ Cotton 30°C 7kg/8kg 1:32 h ¬ Memory 30°C ¬ Synthetic 3kg/3kg 30°C 1:00 h 1kg/1kg 0:44 h ¬ Wool ----- 1kg/1kg 0:42 h ¬ Silk ----- 7kg/8 kg 2:12 h ¬Heavy 40°C 3kg/3kg 1:39 h ¬ delicate 60°C

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

12 using the APPLiAnCe WAshing methoDs A ple se note This washing machine is for domestic use only. If the machine is use for commercial purpose the guarantee will not be valid anymore.do not use it for purposes other than that for which it was designed. Follow the instructions given on the label of each garment and wash only machine-washable garments. powER SUppL y Connect the washing machine to the power supply (220V to 240V~/50Hz). wAtER coNNEctioN Turn on the tap. The water must be clean

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

2 3 1 2 1 13 using the APPLA i nCe Heavy Delicate LoAdiNg thE MAchiNE Wash Temp. Silk Sport wash Wool Silent Rinse Speed Synthetic Quick Power Spin Auto Memory Spin Cotton Self-clean Strong wash Delay Pre-wash Soak Start/Pause HW80-I1486 tP o res ses t d and oor ho unld lock 2sed econds Open the washer door, put in the laundry piece by piece. Close the door tightly. ¬ When first using the washing machine, let it run unloaded for one program to prevent the laundry from being tainted by oil

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

14 using the APPLiAnCe Heavy Delicate SEttiNg w AShiNg tEMpERA tURE Wash Temp. Silk Sport wash Wool Silent Rinse Speed Synthetic Quick Power Press and hold down the temperature button until the desired temperature is selected . Memory Spin Spin Auto Cotton Self-clean Start/Pause Delay Strong wash Pre-wash Soak Press and hold 2seconds SEttiNg SpiN SpEEd to set door unlocked Press and hold down the speed button until the desired speed is selected.See "Opera- Heavy Delicate Wash Temp. Silk Sport w

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

15 using the APPLiAnCe cARE chAR t resistant material bleachable in cold water don't dry clean delicate fabric do not bleach dry flat Washable at 95 °C Iron at 200 °C Hung to dry Washable at 60 °C Iron at 150 °C dry on clothes hanger Washable at 40 °C Iron at 100 °C Tumble dry, normal heat Washable at 30 °C don't iron Tumble dry, reduced heat Hand wash dry cleaning with any solvent don't tumble dry dry clean only dry cleaning with pericloride Wool Seal dry cleaning with aviation fuel LoAd REfER

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

16 maintenance A lec ning & cAre AftER w AShiNg Turn off the water supply and pull out electricity plug after each wash. Open the washer door to prevent formation of moisture and odours. If the washing machine is left idle for a long period, drain the water in the machine and replace the drain hose. 1. 2. cLEANiNg thE dEtERgENt dRA wER 1. Clean the detergent distribution drawer regularly. Swing out the drawer, flush it clean with water and then replace it. 2. cLEANiNg thE MAchiNE unplug the m

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

17 maintenance wAtER iNLEt v ALvE ANd iNLEt v ALvE fiL tER To prevent blockage to the water supply by ingress of foreign substances, clean the water inlet valve and inlet valve filter regularly. MoviNg thE MAchiNE If the machine is to be moved to a distant location, replace the transportation bolts removed before installation to prevent damage as shown below. 1. remove the back cover. 2. remove the blanking plugs. 3. Insert the synthetic stabilisers and the transportation bolts. 4. Ti

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

18 maintenance DisplA y coDes diSpLA y codES ANd SpEciAL fUNctioNS COdES CauSES SOluTIONS Err1 ¬ door is not properly shut. _ Shut the door properly. Err2 ¬ drainage error, water not emptied within 6 _ Clean the filter and check the drain hose for blockage. If error minutes. still exists, please contact the maintenance personnel. Err3 ¬ Temperature sensor not properly connected or _ Contact the maintenance personnel. damaged. Err4 ¬ Heater error (appears at the end of a cycle). _ Contact the ma

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

19 maintenance troubleshooting tRoUBLEShootiNg The following circumstances do not constitute problems. do not contact the Service Center until the problem has been confirmed. PrOblEM CauSES SOluTIONS Washing machine fails to ¬ Poor connection to the power supply. _ Check connection to the power supply. operate. ¬ Power failure. _ Check the power supply. ¬ The washer door is not properly closed. _ Close the washer door properly. ¬ Machine has not been switched on. _ Make sure the machine is s

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

20 WIRING CIRCUIT WIRING CIRCUIT Waterlevel temperature sensor sensor X1- 1 X1- 2 X1- 3 X1- 4 display board 12V X1- 8 INT X1- 7 GND X1- 6 RX/TX X1- 5 heating wire X6- 3 X8- 4 X8- 3 X8- 2 X8- 1 J101- 1 R RTF X5- 3 FA3 J101- 2 N X7- 4 X4- 1 inductor FA L X4- 3 FA1 X7- 3 J301- 1 MRL G driving board J301- 2 X6- 2 door lock MRN X1- 5 J301- 3 MRC X7- 1 X1- 4 frequency conversion X1- 3 motor X2- 3 X2 - 4 X5 - 1 EVF BI EVP EVFX BIX EVPX L' FA:Anti-jamming suppresser

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