Summary of the content on the page No. 1
How t
use andcare of
26 WWA8340G
Careand Cleaning
CM-w Additives
Mini-BasketTh’ Tub
Moving& VacationTips
C@erating theWdsher
7,8, 11
RepairService 27
%fcty Instructions
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
HeBp us hel~ you. ● e Writi down themodel Befhx!using your washer, readthisbookCamfuilyo $M’Mll serialnumbem. You’ll findthemonalabelonthe It is intendedtohelpyouoperate lowerleftsidenearthefront. andmaintainyournewwasher properly. Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Keepit handyforanswerstoyour Registration Cardthatcamewith questions. yourwasher.Beforesendinginthis Hyoudon’tunderstandsomething card,pleasewritethesenumbers or needmorehelp,write(include here: yourphonenumber): Consu
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womm~ SmETY InStrUCtiOnS MadM instructions Mimeusingthisappliance. - — * aose sa~wi$iom iswma~ Tbmi~mbthe pwibitity W-G-TO nduceth@tisk@f W&J appllmcgk tiedbyormar fire,ekxtric shock,or injpry k)= ofi~~: LMldnm, Doriot~Mowc~tidren persofls whelming yowappkc% ~Dohot ~~x c~~~~j~~~]~~~hwith topktyimskk, fonowbwic pl’ecmtio~, hldtidhg ammoniaoracidssuchMvinegar q@mW? oranyfMsCarded $Mohving: ‘ ‘, and/orrustremover.Mixingcan a@iance.~@WQ ofdh@ded’ @ usethisqqm.nce Ody for its produceatox
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;., , Howto opemk your clothes washer W~G—To reducetheriskoffire, electricshock,or injurytopersons, .= read —— the -—-— IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRU~IONS beforeoperatingthisappliance. ~LKmmmfu-mwm- MflM, PRE- 3 G OFF KIwn ( Regular Five Cycle Waeher with Mini.Wesh — E&&tics Cyclee so&K \@’ ~ Temperature Variable Weter Level n OmAMm% * “~~’ Waeh / Spin a) Speed .:@iETf’:@:,_v&T, GINILE �1 :;,,,,, [- — VAv .:. \ 2&. b) k a a~ tfsh~ ah’—’— o ~ — SMALL:Washeris lessthan 1/3 * PositionFilter-Flopanon Swtin
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- “-. -— REGULAR f3’Kx..E Wrrf-i - @ PushCycieSeh@orKnobin REKWL4R cYcLE––– - ___ EXTRARIPR$E– Formostcottons,linens,workand andturnclockwisetoyourselected — Emmodemfabricswithheavy washsetting. playclotheswithnormalsoiling. ~ - oroilysoil.A secondrimeis .—— . —– —. provided tohelpremove the - - additiomd detergent that’srequired - forthesesoils.EkepageH. -= ?m57s M=fss .—z —. - W!sm mswIE — rEsmsE _- SYNTHETICS CYCLES– Forpermanentpressandknits loadssuchas shirts,blouses, dressesandsimilarweari
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_.—_ wh/spin cycle setthlg Load spwi @ CottonsandLinens Rcgukw Cycle Normalor LightSoilSetting White/Colorfast NormaI Hotor Warm Bright/Non-colorfast Normal Warmor Cold Reguhir ~yC]C Normalor Light!?@ii ~~lting WorkClothes Heavysoil Normal Hot RegularCycie Normalor LightSoilSetting withExtraRinse Norm] Regultw Cycle NormalSetting Average soil Hotor Warm PermanentPress,TreatedCottons, BIendswithCottons ( Normal Hot RegularCycle~~ J Normalor LightSoilS~tting Heavyoroilysoil # withExtraRinse Averag
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Referto Garment Mnufadumm’ CareLabels Bleach special MmIcthms a Liquidchlorinetype. Ifcolorfastisunusually soiled,usehotwater,Usemaximum detergent recommended on page15.UseRcguiarCyclewithExtraRinse,Normalor LightSoilSetting.SeePage5. Onlynon-chlorine bleachwhenneeded. Whiteorcolorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Usemaximum detergent recommended inchartonpage15. Non-colorfast, onlynon-chlorine bleach whenneeded. Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Smallloadsreducewrinkling. Usemaximum detergent recomm
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Howtouse‘the HowtoI.Jse the soakSettiq BIea&Dkpemer @“SOAK”settingtemperatureis @ Usethisdispenserwithliquid @ PositiontheFabricSoftener controlled bytheRinsetemperature DispenserontheFilter-Flopan. bleachonly.If youprefertouse switch.(Ifa warmsoakisdesired, powderedbleach,pourit intothe ~Pourmanufacturer’s recommended settheWASH/RINSE Filter-l?lo panor washbasketalong amountoffabricsoftenerintoa ‘TEMPERXI’URE switchto withyourdetergent.Do notput standardmeasuringcup. powderedbleachintothebleach
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HowtousetheMini-Basket” tub e Mini-BasketTM tub$designed forsmallloadsofregularfabrics m delicatehand-wa;hables, can Vimkmle warmLC3W31 beusedwithanycycleexceptthe S(IIAKsetting. E)(UMI.AJKX IW”w LMGE MINI. ~$KET !;! ‘1’J@d M-Basker”tub MEDIUM wash !iOads @ I:fSMALL @Smallloadsofregularfabrics -... 4. Afterloadingclothesinthe (up tO2%pounds). —- .——. —- Mini-13asket tub,be suretoreplace –Set WaterLevelto “MINI- - _- *Delicateloadssuchaslingerie, theFilter-Flopan.Thepanserves BASKET”position, -.
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Tips Ifyourclothesandhousehold items don’tlookcleanandfreshafier washing,youwillprobablyre-wash them...andthatmeansyou’llwaste energy.Remember tosortyour clothescarefully,andloadthem properly,selectcorrectcycles,use enoughdetergentandchooseQ watertemperature warmenoughto releaseand.@ ridofsoil. ‘ @Use HotWash—up to 150 °F.-on a regularbasisonlywhenwashing heavilysoiledarticles-such as workandplayclothes. @ Undernorrmdsoilconditions, washin waterabove80”F.(27”C.). Thisgenerallymeansusingthe WarmW
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
_ –. —— — Howtosorttheclothes _. - —. — Itpays tockk andprepare sort bysoil ---- Sortby stnfiice texture —.. cIothwforwasldng~ iiiiir separat~ Separate QEmptypockets,brushoutcuffs, A. .. . ._. .—-.— .— - zipzippers,snapimps, hooks andbuttons. lJnt -= Producers — * Doanynecessarymending—-rips, T3 hems,tears. _, from from Checkallitemsforareasofheavy -- . ~— soilor stain. .’ * .— --- @Remove stains,ForSTAIN Lint REMOVAL GUIDE,SEEPAGE190 Collectors 13 TurnPolyKnitsinside-outto minimize fabricsurfac
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Howtokxtd yourl+vasher h+wadhg permanent press ifyOM donothavea dryer. Hyouarema~hine-washing PermanentPressclothesthatyou plantolinedryor drip-dry,use extracamtominimizewrinkling inthewashprocess: UJ Becarefulnottooverload washer.PermanentPressclothes musthaveampleroomtomove freely.A MediumsizePermanent Pressloadisthelargestthatshould be washed. @ Usemorewaterthanyouwould fora regularload.Usea Medium WaterLevelfora SmallLoad;an ExtraLargeWaterLevelfora MediumLoad. @ Remove clothespromptlyas soo
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Factirstocomider inselecting dete~en@ andsoap ( Advantages Products — Arcnotavailable inscime areas, Performwillinhardorsoftwater Phosphate–– I?owdered Detergents Washalltypesoffabricswell, —- Canbeusedinhot,warm,or — — coldwater. - -- c Generallydonotcleanwellin Performsatisfactorily insoft Non-I%osphate— hardwater. ormoderately hardwater. PowderedIMergenfi Maybedifficulttodissolve, In someareasonlynon-phosphate especiallyincoldwater. productsareavailable. Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater. Thoseconta
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a (11or moregrains)andifyouwash washersurfaces.Thehardness ISyourwaterhard?If it is,and just a fewloadsa week,youmay ofyourwaterandyourwashing ifyouusea ca~bonat.e typenon- seelimestonebuildupsinjus~a few frequencywilldeterminehow phosphate detergent,youwill months. rapidlythelimestonewillbuild mostprobablynoticelimestone* up.If yourwateris VERYHARD depositsonyourclothesand * Increase useofbleaches, presoak% RecOmended methods to Effects on domes packaged waterconditione~, prewash reduce IinWStO
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Howmuchde~~ent shouldyouuse? HowtoWedetergent-gmnular Iftherecommended amountof Theuseofa sufficientamount orpowdered: detergent producestoomanysuds, ofdetergent isoneofthemost switchto a lowsudsingdetergent important thingsyoucandoto Placedetergent inthefikerpanfor brand,andfollowinstructions on normalcondition% but,forbest makesureyourwashcomesout package. clean. results,putit nexttotheagitator aftertheclotheshavebeenloaded. Amwnt E’w@red Wries If yourdetergent doesn’tdissolve to: wel
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+ Beforeyoucandecidewhattodo If yourw~teris SOFT,youhave abouthardwater,youneedtoknow noproblem.Youcanusesoapor ifyouhaveit and,if so,howhard detergent asyoupreferandforget it is. ‘-. allabouthardwater.If youhave HARDwater-lessthan10grains— ~If youfiveina municipal area, andyouusephosphate detergent, contactyourwatercompany. youalsohavenoproblem. . ~If youliveina ruralarea,or in But,ifyouhavemorethan10 somesuburbanareas,contactyour grains,youwillneedto softenyour countyagent. waterwitheither.. .
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1 I Laundry productandtype Howto useit Specialinstructions BLEACH CldorincLiquid UseyourBleachDispenseraccording to 1)Donotpourundiluted liquidchlorinebleachdirectlyinto suchasCloroxbrand instructions onpage8. washerorondryclothes. - 2)Someoftoday’s washable fabricsshouldnotbechlorine _– bleachedsuchas: 100% cottonflame-retardant children’s —. sleepwear, silk,wool,mohair,spandex,leather,or non-fast - — colors.Dilutebleachbeforeusingonanyfabric. - 3)CheckManufacturers’ CareLabelsforspecial instru
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Howtoremove stains L Tryto removestainsas soonas StainRemoval Hint– Seenextpagefor possible.Thefresherthestain,the UsingChlorine Bleach for MainRemoval Guide. easierit is to remove. WhiteandBleachaMe Ehbrics. I?ormorecompleteinformation on 2. Beforeattempting to remove Mix 1/4cup(60ml)chlorine bleachwithonegallon(3.8liter)of stainremoval,requestgovernment anystain,take thesesteps: bulletin,“Removing StainsFrom coolwater—approximately $O”l?. @ Find. thefabricandthefinishin Fabrics;’054D.Toobtaina
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White andINeachable Rd3rics stain OtherWashable I?$ See ControlSettingGuide,BleachonPage7 Sameaswhiteandbkmchttble fabrics. Rubwithiceor immerso inverycoldwter, Usedid [ml 10 Adhesives careji.dly scrapeoffm muchadhesiveorgumaspossibic.Sponge (Chewing Gttm,etc.) witha safedrycleaningfluid~thenlaunder. ,—— Sameaswhiteandblcachable fabrics Applyundiluted liquiddetergent.Rinse.If stainremains,bleach Anti-perspirants, exceptusenon-chlorine bleach, according toStainRemoval Hintonoppositepage.Ifco
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Questiom? UseThisRoblemSolver POSSIBLE CAUSE ANDREMEDY PROBLEM ~Incorrectsortingofclothes.Separate lint-producers (suchasterrytowelsandchenille) LINTORRESIDUE ‘. fmrnlint-receivers (suchasman-made fabrics,velveteen, cordurgy). ONCLOTHES. @Washing toolong,especially forsmallerloads,Fornormalsoil,washoneminuteper ( poundofdryclothes. ,. @ ?Jseofnon-phosphate detergents whichcombinewithhardnessmineralstoforma .,” ,“ precipitate whichcanbemistaken forlint.Useaphosphate orliquiddetergent; use warmerw