GE WWA8340G user manual

User manual for the device GE WWA8340G

Device: GE WWA8340G
Category: Washer
Manufacturer: GE
Size: 4.78 MB
Added : 7/15/2014
Number of pages: 28
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GE WWA8340G User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to GE WWA8340G. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

How t
use andcare of
26 WWA8340G
Careand Cleaning
CM-w Additives
Mini-BasketTh’ Tub
Moving& VacationTips
C@erating theWdsher
7,8, 11
RepairService 27
%fcty Instructions

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

HeBp us hel~ you. ● e Writi down themodel Befhx!using your washer, readthisbookCamfuilyo $M’Mll serialnumbem. You’ll findthemonalabelonthe It is intendedtohelpyouoperate lowerleftsidenearthefront. andmaintainyournewwasher properly. Thesenumbersarealsoonthe ConsumerProductOwnership Keepit handyforanswerstoyour Registration Cardthatcamewith questions. yourwasher.Beforesendinginthis Hyoudon’tunderstandsomething card,pleasewritethesenumbers or needmorehelp,write(include here: yourphonenumber): Consu

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

womm~ SmETY InStrUCtiOnS MadM instructions Mimeusingthisappliance. - — * aose sa~wi$iom iswma~ Tbmi~mbthe pwibitity W-G-TO nduceth@tisk@f W&J appllmcgk tiedbyormar fire,ekxtric shock,or injpry k)= ofi~~: LMldnm, Doriot~Mowc~tidren persofls whelming yowappkc% ~Dohot ~~x c~~~~j~~~]~~~hwith topktyimskk, fonowbwic pl’ecmtio~, hldtidhg ammoniaoracidssuchMvinegar q@mW? oranyfMsCarded $Mohving: ‘ ‘, and/orrustremover.Mixingcan a@iance.~@WQ ofdh@ded’ @ usethisqqm.nce Ody for its produceatox

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

;., , Howto opemk your clothes washer W~G—To reducetheriskoffire, electricshock,or injurytopersons, .= read —— the -—-— IMPORTANT SAFETYINSTRU~IONS beforeoperatingthisappliance. ~LKmmmfu-mwm- MflM, PRE- 3 G OFF KIwn ( Regular Five Cycle Waeher with Mini.Wesh — E&&tics Cyclee so&K \@’ ~ Temperature Variable Weter Level n OmAMm% * “~~’ Waeh / Spin a) Speed .:@iETf’:@:,_v&T, GINILE �1 :;,,,,, [- — VAv .:. \ 2&. b) k a a~ tfsh~ ah’—’— o ~ — SMALL:Washeris lessthan 1/3 * PositionFilter-Flopanon Swtin

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

- “-. -— REGULAR f3’Kx..E Wrrf-i - @ PushCycieSeh@orKnobin REKWL4R cYcLE––– - ___ EXTRARIPR$E– Formostcottons,linens,workand andturnclockwisetoyourselected — Emmodemfabricswithheavy washsetting. playclotheswithnormalsoiling. ~ - oroilysoil.A secondrimeis .—— . —– —. provided tohelpremove the - - additiomd detergent that’srequired - forthesesoils.EkepageH. -= ?m57s M=fss .—z —. - W!sm mswIE — rEsmsE _- SYNTHETICS CYCLES– Forpermanentpressandknits loadssuchas shirts,blouses, dressesandsimilarweari

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

_.—_ wh/spin cycle setthlg Load spwi @ CottonsandLinens Rcgukw Cycle Normalor LightSoilSetting White/Colorfast NormaI Hotor Warm Bright/Non-colorfast Normal Warmor Cold Reguhir ~yC]C Normalor Light!?@ii ~~lting WorkClothes Heavysoil Normal Hot RegularCycie Normalor LightSoilSetting withExtraRinse Norm] Regultw Cycle NormalSetting Average soil Hotor Warm PermanentPress,TreatedCottons, BIendswithCottons ( Normal Hot RegularCycle~~ J Normalor LightSoilS~tting Heavyoroilysoil # withExtraRinse Averag

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

Referto Garment Mnufadumm’ CareLabels Bleach special MmIcthms a Liquidchlorinetype. Ifcolorfastisunusually soiled,usehotwater,Usemaximum detergent recommended on page15.UseRcguiarCyclewithExtraRinse,Normalor LightSoilSetting.SeePage5. Onlynon-chlorine bleachwhenneeded. Whiteorcolorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Usemaximum detergent recommended inchartonpage15. Non-colorfast, onlynon-chlorine bleach whenneeded. Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Smallloadsreducewrinkling. Usemaximum detergent recomm

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Howtouse‘the HowtoI.Jse the soakSettiq BIea&Dkpemer @“SOAK”settingtemperatureis @ Usethisdispenserwithliquid @ PositiontheFabricSoftener controlled bytheRinsetemperature DispenserontheFilter-Flopan. bleachonly.If youprefertouse switch.(Ifa warmsoakisdesired, powderedbleach,pourit intothe ~Pourmanufacturer’s recommended settheWASH/RINSE Filter-l?lo panor washbasketalong amountoffabricsoftenerintoa ‘TEMPERXI’URE switchto withyourdetergent.Do notput standardmeasuringcup. powderedbleachintothebleach

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

HowtousetheMini-Basket” tub e Mini-BasketTM tub$designed forsmallloadsofregularfabrics m delicatehand-wa;hables, can Vimkmle warmLC3W31 beusedwithanycycleexceptthe S(IIAKsetting. E)(UMI.AJKX IW”w LMGE MINI. ~$KET !;! ‘1’J@d M-Basker”tub MEDIUM wash !iOads @ I:fSMALL @Smallloadsofregularfabrics -... 4. Afterloadingclothesinthe (up tO2%pounds). —- .——. —- Mini-13asket tub,be suretoreplace –Set WaterLevelto “MINI- - _- *Delicateloadssuchaslingerie, theFilter-Flopan.Thepanserves BASKET”position, -.

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Tips Ifyourclothesandhousehold items don’tlookcleanandfreshafier washing,youwillprobablyre-wash them...andthatmeansyou’llwaste energy.Remember tosortyour clothescarefully,andloadthem properly,selectcorrectcycles,use enoughdetergentandchooseQ watertemperature warmenoughto releaseand.@ ridofsoil. ‘ @Use HotWash—up to 150 °F.-on a regularbasisonlywhenwashing heavilysoiledarticles-such as workandplayclothes. @ Undernorrmdsoilconditions, washin waterabove80”F.(27”C.). Thisgenerallymeansusingthe WarmW

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

_ –. —— — Howtosorttheclothes _. - —. — Itpays tockk andprepare sort bysoil ---- Sortby stnfiice texture —.. cIothwforwasldng~ iiiiir separat~ Separate QEmptypockets,brushoutcuffs, A. .. . ._. .—-.— .— - zipzippers,snapimps, hooks andbuttons. lJnt -= Producers — * Doanynecessarymending—-rips, T3 hems,tears. _, from from Checkallitemsforareasofheavy -- . ~— soilor stain. .’ * .— --- @Remove stains,ForSTAIN Lint REMOVAL GUIDE,SEEPAGE190 Collectors 13 TurnPolyKnitsinside-outto minimize fabricsurfac

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Howtokxtd yourl+vasher h+wadhg permanent press ifyOM donothavea dryer. Hyouarema~hine-washing PermanentPressclothesthatyou plantolinedryor drip-dry,use extracamtominimizewrinkling inthewashprocess: UJ Becarefulnottooverload washer.PermanentPressclothes musthaveampleroomtomove freely.A MediumsizePermanent Pressloadisthelargestthatshould be washed. @ Usemorewaterthanyouwould fora regularload.Usea Medium WaterLevelfora SmallLoad;an ExtraLargeWaterLevelfora MediumLoad. @ Remove clothespromptlyas soo

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Factirstocomider inselecting dete~en@ andsoap ( Advantages Products — Arcnotavailable inscime areas, Performwillinhardorsoftwater Phosphate–– I?owdered Detergents Washalltypesoffabricswell, —- Canbeusedinhot,warm,or — — coldwater. - -- c Generallydonotcleanwellin Performsatisfactorily insoft Non-I%osphate— hardwater. ormoderately hardwater. PowderedIMergenfi Maybedifficulttodissolve, In someareasonlynon-phosphate especiallyincoldwater. productsareavailable. Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater. Thoseconta

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

a (11or moregrains)andifyouwash washersurfaces.Thehardness ISyourwaterhard?If it is,and just a fewloadsa week,youmay ofyourwaterandyourwashing ifyouusea ca~bonat.e typenon- seelimestonebuildupsinjus~a few frequencywilldeterminehow phosphate detergent,youwill months. rapidlythelimestonewillbuild mostprobablynoticelimestone* up.If yourwateris VERYHARD depositsonyourclothesand * Increase useofbleaches, presoak% RecOmended methods to Effects on domes packaged waterconditione~, prewash reduce IinWStO

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

Howmuchde~~ent shouldyouuse? HowtoWedetergent-gmnular Iftherecommended amountof Theuseofa sufficientamount orpowdered: detergent producestoomanysuds, ofdetergent isoneofthemost switchto a lowsudsingdetergent important thingsyoucandoto Placedetergent inthefikerpanfor brand,andfollowinstructions on normalcondition% but,forbest makesureyourwashcomesout package. clean. results,putit nexttotheagitator aftertheclotheshavebeenloaded. Amwnt E’w@red Wries If yourdetergent doesn’tdissolve to: wel

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

+ Beforeyoucandecidewhattodo If yourw~teris SOFT,youhave abouthardwater,youneedtoknow noproblem.Youcanusesoapor ifyouhaveit and,if so,howhard detergent asyoupreferandforget it is. ‘-. allabouthardwater.If youhave HARDwater-lessthan10grains— ~If youfiveina municipal area, andyouusephosphate detergent, contactyourwatercompany. youalsohavenoproblem. . ~If youliveina ruralarea,or in But,ifyouhavemorethan10 somesuburbanareas,contactyour grains,youwillneedto softenyour countyagent. waterwitheither.. .

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

1 I Laundry productandtype Howto useit Specialinstructions BLEACH CldorincLiquid UseyourBleachDispenseraccording to 1)Donotpourundiluted liquidchlorinebleachdirectlyinto suchasCloroxbrand instructions onpage8. washerorondryclothes. - 2)Someoftoday’s washable fabricsshouldnotbechlorine _– bleachedsuchas: 100% cottonflame-retardant children’s —. sleepwear, silk,wool,mohair,spandex,leather,or non-fast - — colors.Dilutebleachbeforeusingonanyfabric. - 3)CheckManufacturers’ CareLabelsforspecial instru

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

Howtoremove stains L Tryto removestainsas soonas StainRemoval Hint– Seenextpagefor possible.Thefresherthestain,the UsingChlorine Bleach for MainRemoval Guide. easierit is to remove. WhiteandBleachaMe Ehbrics. I?ormorecompleteinformation on 2. Beforeattempting to remove Mix 1/4cup(60ml)chlorine bleachwithonegallon(3.8liter)of stainremoval,requestgovernment anystain,take thesesteps: bulletin,“Removing StainsFrom coolwater—approximately $O”l?. @ Find. thefabricandthefinishin Fabrics;’054D.Toobtaina

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

White andINeachable Rd3rics stain OtherWashable I?$ See ControlSettingGuide,BleachonPage7 Sameaswhiteandbkmchttble fabrics. Rubwithiceor immerso inverycoldwter, Usedid [ml 10 Adhesives careji.dly scrapeoffm muchadhesiveorgumaspossibic.Sponge (Chewing Gttm,etc.) witha safedrycleaningfluid~thenlaunder. ,—— Sameaswhiteandblcachable fabrics Applyundiluted liquiddetergent.Rinse.If stainremains,bleach Anti-perspirants, exceptusenon-chlorine bleach, according toStainRemoval Hintonoppositepage.Ifco

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

Questiom? UseThisRoblemSolver POSSIBLE CAUSE ANDREMEDY PROBLEM ~Incorrectsortingofclothes.Separate lint-producers (suchasterrytowelsandchenille) LINTORRESIDUE ‘. fmrnlint-receivers (suchasman-made fabrics,velveteen, cordurgy). ONCLOTHES. @Washing toolong,especially forsmallerloads,Fornormalsoil,washoneminuteper ( poundofdryclothes. ,. @ ?Jseofnon-phosphate detergents whichcombinewithhardnessmineralstoforma .,” ,“ precipitate whichcanbemistaken forlint.Useaphosphate orliquiddetergent; use warmerw

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