Sharp 72GF-66E user manual

User manual for the device Sharp 72GF-66E

Device: Sharp 72GF-66E
Category: Cell Phone
Manufacturer: Sharp
Size: 4.32 MB
Added : 7/15/2014
Number of pages: 56
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Sharp 72GF-66E User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sharp 72GF-66E. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Issued: 21st May 2001

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

72GF-66E SERVICE MANUAL UPDATE LOG SHEET Technical Report No. Application Cause / Solution Part No. Page No. Data /Serial No. Technical Bulletin No. Use this page to keep any special servicing information as Technical Report (Bulletin), Technical Information, etc. If only part number changes are required, just change part number directly the part number in the Parts Listing Section. If you need more information, please refer to the Technical Report (Bulletin). 2

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

72GF-66E ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS •Power Input .................... 220V-240 Volts AC 50Hz •Picture Intermediate frequency L’..................................................33.9MHz •Power Consumption L, B/G, D/K, I...............................38.9MHz Normal Operation .................................110W Stand-by Operation ..................................1W •Sound Carrier Trap L’..................................................40.4MHz •Audio Power Output Rating (MPO) / Impedance L, D/K.

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

72GF-66E IMPORTANT SERVICING NOTES Only qualified service personnel are allowed to carry out maintenance and repair of this receiver. SERVICING OF HIGH VOLTAGE SYSTEM AND CRT It is important that the static charge is removed from the high voltage system when carrying out work on the receiver. This can be achieved by connecting a 10K resistor (with a suitably insulated lead) from the CRT cavity connector to the CRT ground tag. This must be carried out with the AC supply discon- nected from the re

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

72GF-66E ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES All adjustments to this chassis, except for focus, are carried out in the service mode. • • • SERVICE MODE • • The service mode is provided to enable the engineer to correctly set up the receiver to the CRT fitted in the set. Note that these adjustments may vary from one receiver to another. To enter the service mode, carry out the following procedure. 1. Connect a test pattern to the antenna terminal. 2. Tune the receiver to this signal. CH 3. Turn the receiver of

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

72GF-66E The following geometry adjustments can be carried out. Detailed instructions on how to execute these are given on the following pages Horizontal Vertical • Horizontal Shift • Vertical Amplitude • E-W Width • S Correction • Pin Phase • Vertical Shift • Pin Amp • Vertical Linearity • Upper Corner Amplitude • Vertical angle • Lower Corner Symmetry • Vertical bow Just in case the TV set requires a full geometries adjustment, please proceed first with Vertical according to the above order

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

72GF-66E Lower Corner Correction Adjust the Lower Corner Correction so that the picture is centred. The effect of this adjustment is shown in figure 7. • When the volume up button is pressed, side pincushion changes from pincushion to barrel shape. • When the volume down button is pressed, side pincushion changes from pincushion to barrel shape. • Press the stand-by button on the remote control to store. Fig.7 Vertical Linearity Adjust the Vertical Linearity so that the upper and lower parts of

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

72GF-66E • When the volume down button is pressed the top and bottom scanning decreases and the centre scanning increases. • Press the stand-by button on the remote control to store. Vertical Shift Adjust the Vertical Shift so that the picture is centred. The effect of this adjustment is shown in figure 13. • When the volume up button is pressed, the picture moves up. • When the volume down button is pressed, the picture moves down. • Press the stand-by button on the remote control to store. Fig

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

72GF-66E 4. Once this data has been set, press the standby button to store. 5. If another NVM value has to be changed, use the channel down button to select the page or position and repeat as necessary. Note: DO NOT change any NVM data, unless you have been advised to do so by a Sharp representative. If data is incorrectly changed, serious damage may occur to the receiver. Contrast Adjustments Three types of contrast levels can be varied as listed below: • TELETEXT MIX MODE CONTRAST • TELETEXT

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

Page 11 + + + + + 9 + + 72GF-66E MOTHER UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARD (F7293N5A). Component side. K7293BM IC1008 QKI R778 LP701 24 R703 D1001 D1002 (SW2) S702 S704 S703 S705 C701 FB1002 R791 R721 J344 C707 R790 23 C706 L701 (OPC) (ST) R792 Q711 R1036 CF701 C E 1 1 3 22 J4 J10 IC701 C724 DIP JF53 JF54 1 21 2 4 (K). J17 T3.15AH 31 (AA) C739 D708 K7294BM 5 20 (G) F7294BMN5 A . J317 1 2 C702 C770 19 D707 R771 J327 14 12 3 J33 2 C1807 J99 IC1801 1 15 18 (A) C746 D701 POR701 R1821 R742 R728 C Q912 R

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 + + + 72GF-66E MOTHER UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARD (F7293N5A). Component side. L317 KITP7293BMN5 A . C353 L352 24 J401 8 1 10 5 7 1 3 1 3 C361 C363 2 (CC) 6 4 (SS) C356 1 4 23 J8 (HD) JL6 C352 J9 20 L318 IC301 (FV). C351 C368 C373 L350 C430 C431 22 1 3 R1003 L351 1 C341 10 J12 C372 F7293BMN5 A . J13 L315 J14 J27 21 11 J24 L316 (K). TRC IC302 27 IC2401 26 R359 C365 R1027 C382 + C377 GND (L3) JL1. 20 L1001 C1027 J39 J117 J40 J41 19 J28 J42 12 (RT) 3 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

Page 13 + + + + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 72GF-66E MOTHER UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARD (F7293N5A). Copper side. L317 R353 IC301 C337 QKITP7293BMN5 . L352 J2 8 C359 24 R308 C381 J401 C336 (SS) (CC) R310 C356 R352 C354 J345 R317 C451 R351 23 C350 C364 J8 Q305 C352 11 J9 (S) 20 C351 R362 L318 (HD) C375 L353 C373 C368 R363 + C340 R448 C430 (FV). R 22 (VS) R357 L350 C341 C378 C372 J12 J350 C379 C376 L351 C369 R356 + J13 F C374 + C371 R358 J14 C2408 C367 21 + 11 J27 20 R1840 J24 TRC IC302 C366

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

+ + + + 4 3 + + + + + 72GF-66E MOTHER UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARD (F7293N5A). Copper side. 25 A J313 M1000 R778 LP701 24 D1002 R789 R703 D724 K R751 C733 C732 R738 C731 C730 S701 C1015 R791 J344 R788 R790 R721 IC702 9 R787 23 C707 Q708 K R735 JF47 Q712 R792 R754 R1036 CF701 3 1 18 R752 Q1003 Q711 22 J4 J10 3 R739 C719 R740 IC704 D710 K F7293BMN5 A D706 IC701 L701 K R712 R1048 21 R732 R1840 R1812 6 1 Q904 (K). C1805 C1820 C728 1 6 R1814 C724 4 2 J17 R708 Q908 K D732 IC703 R711 C745 R777 K + R1808 R

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

+ + J24 L863 + + + + + 72GF-66E CRT MODULE UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARD (F7269N3). Component side. 13 (H) C862 R883 R5425 12 R875 C5420 E FB851 IC851 C5410 9 D5410 C 11 1 Q857 E E C D5411 C J19 10 JF3 Q5414 D862 C891 B JF2 R5438 E C868 C E J23 Q854 C5417 R5446 C854 R857 R5436 C863 9 R893 Q853 SG865 E SG861 R5424 E 3 E L3 1 C JF1 C SG864 8 C JF5 R860 R5441 D870 R863 J3 C5418 C894 (G2) EB C850 1 J12 Q5408 R5437 J21 7 R1801 SC861 R5417 R5418 R5419 C5409 L864 C861 C5408 C5411 R888 J4 SG863 6 1 IC850

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

+ + + + + + 72GF-66E CRT MODULE UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARD (F7269N3). Copper side. 13 R5439 (H) 12 C892 C862 R5425 R883 E R875 IC851 R868 C5410 FB851 D5410 11 C 91 C882 E Q857 Q856 E C C5424 C888 E D5411 D862 C851 C 10 J19 JF3 C883 R5446 C5417 D866 C JF2 B B J23 C891 R5438 E C895 Q854 E + Q5414 C868 + 9 R857 R893 C854 R854 R5424 + R5436 E E E C863 C5421 3 1 C5419 C5418 Q852 8 JF1 C C C D5405 + R5441 SG864 D870 JF5 J3 1 E R5437 SG860 J12 + B Q5408 J21 7 R1801 C5411 C5409 C5408 8 R888 6 J4 5 4 7

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

+ 7 13 (PWB) 1 (PWA) 3 C1604 (L5) R1628 6 (L6) R1603 R1602 R1607 R1606 C1707 T1602 5 1 4 J3 (FF) (F) (MO) C1605 C1703 4 1 4 Q1602 J12 C1613 IC1601 R1625 8 5 R1709 3 C1612 + R1601 4 2 C1603 (EW) L1601 Q1701 R1627 C1602 R1626 1 C1601 C1702 PRDAR5534 K7271BM F7271BMN3 . Y 0 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 X 72GF-66E DINAMIC FOCUS UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARDS (F7271N3). T1701 C1701 CAUTION THE ACTIVE SECTION IS INDICATED WITH + THE " " SYMBOL C1704 R1710 D1703

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

+ + + + + 8 + + Q6006 L6002 F7295BMN0 A C6018 + R6118 C6232 C6230 (RGB) (KA) C6069 4 1 1 R6087 L6001 L6009 + C6014 X6001 C6034 8 R6095 R6080 C6019 R6082 X6002 R6054 R6081 R6083 R6008 C6033 R6084 R6009 C6032 C6006 C6229 JF2 C6001 R6092 R6011 C6217 C6041 C6036 C6002 C6228 R6020 R6010 C6044 C6015 R6021 R6013 C6007 IC6005 L6003 R6022 R6014 R6023 R6015 C6005 C6013 L6006 R6024 C6042 R6016 R6043 R6032 + D6014 Q6025 JF1 R6025 C6011 R6017 D6015 R6026 R6018 C6030 R6124 C6010 K L6010 B E R6027 R6012 R6028

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

R6738 D6752 D6751 LP6701 C6703 C6705 C6704 C6702 C6715 R6701 R6739 S6701 S6705 S6704 S6703 S6702 R6702 12 B F7305BMN0 (A) 3 2 OPC ST RC SW2 SW1 F6701 1 (H) 72GF-66E POWER SWITCH UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARDSM (F7305N0B). Component side. Copper side. 21 21 20 20 19 19 18 18 R6751 17 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 D6702 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 D6701 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 X X 0 0 7 6 543 21 1 2 3 4 56 7 Y Y 18 D6751 D6752 S6705 LP6701 S6702 S6703 S6704 R6701 OPC1 M6701 R6702 K7305BM 2 1 F7305BMN0

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

L1306 C1357 R1332 + C1364 C1351 R1321 R1329 C1356 IC1301 R1324 C1348 C1347 C1360 C1349 C1353 + + C1361 + R1322 C1350 C1365 C1354 C1334 J7 + R1320 + R1301 J5 C1340 1 C1344 15 2 IC1303 14 R1717 J2 C1338 R1317 C1333 C1346 C1341 + SPW F7304BMN0 B + + + + + + + 72GF-66E AUDIO AMPLIFIER UNIT PRINTED WIRING BOARDS (F7304N0B). 6 6 C1301 C1301 C1303 + 3 L1307 L1307 1 5 1 5 (VS) C1346 J6 (VS) + L1308 L1301 C1303 SPC L1301 L1308 1 SPC 1 C1337 L1302 L1302 C1358 C1358 1 4 4 C1342 C1342 C1341 C1335 C1336 3

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

72GF-66E MOTHER UNIT (F7293N5A) PWB PARTS LOCATION TABLES. Component Side. Ref No Xum Yum Ref No Xum Yum Ref No Xum Yum Ref No Xum Yum Ref No Xum Yum Ref No Xum Yum (A)19558182118 C314 283972 113030 C644 178816 91440 D712 25908 136906 J137 183388 122428 J212 182372 78486 (AA)20066207010 C315 289560 116840 C648 78740 22352 D714 117856 142494 J138 194056 127000 J214 193548 70866 (AV)16664912496 C322 290322 109982 C651 113284 60706 D716 65887 153670 J139 198628 132588 J216 231648 80010 (AV). 142494

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