Summary of the content on the page No. 6
Recommended Use Indoors Laser Diode Type Red Laser Diode 635-665nm Laser Class Class Ilia, Maximum Power Output _ 2,.5 mW Power Supply 2 "AAA" 1,5_Volt Batteries Estimated Battery Life 40 Hours of Continuous Run with Alkaline Batteries Optimum Ope;ating Temperature 30°F to 104°F (-1°C to 40°€) ......... Range 0--30 Feet Accuracy +/- 1/2" at 30 Feet To Install Batteries (See Fig. 4 & 5) This Palm Grip Laser Level uses two "AAA" batteries° (Sold separately) Fig. 4 Fig.. 5 !o Push lightly on the le
Summary of the content on the page No. 7
3"0 TURN THE TOOL ON/OFF The button to turn the Craftsman Palm Grip Laser Level ON/OFF is located on the top housing of the tool, (See Fig° 1) 1oTo turn the Palm Grip Laser Level ON, push the "ON/OFF" button down once. 2,,To turn OFF, push the button down once. WARNING When turning ON the Palm Grip Laser Level, ALWAYS be aware of protecting your eyes and those around you. NEVER point the Palm Grip Laser Level at anyone's face including your own. USE OF LASER ENHANCING SAFETY GLASSES (Supplied) w
Summary of the content on the page No. 8
The All-Position Leveling Base (See Fig. 7) "Your Palm Grip Laser Level comes with a spherical base which aliows the level to be finely adjusted to the desired angie when using the base on a surface that is not level or plumb, I l g i g U I II U I il U 1 II 8 I II I Fig. 7 NOTE: To use the level on two adjacent surfaces it must be plumb (vertical) on the surface to which it is mounted. Fig. 7 illustrates how the level can be adjusted on the base, Fig,, 8 Fig° 9 CAUTION When using the Magstic® ad
Summary of the content on the page No. 9
Using The All-Position Leveling Base To use the All-Position Leveling Base in conjunction with the Patm Grip Laser Level, it is best to place the level on the base for preliminary alignment of the laser line on the wail. 1. Without turning the Laser Level on, place it on the Al_-Position Leveling Base.. 3_vo magnets (one in the bottom of the laser and one in the top of the base) hold the base and the level together_ This sphedcaVmagnetic design allows adjustment for horizontal (level) and vertic
Summary of the content on the page No. 10
Using The Level With A Tripod (Not Included) Because the Palm Grip Laser Level is a "for- ward" projection device, it can be placed on any reasonably level flat surface to draw a plumb vertical line, When used in conjunction with any standard tripod (1/4-20 UNC threaded fitting) versatility is further enhanced (See Fig° 1!). Mounting The Level To A Tripod (See Fig. 12) 1. Attach the All-Position Leveling Base to the tripod using the standard 1/4-20 UNC threaded fitting included with the tripod.
Summary of the content on the page No. 11
Referencing And Leveling Across Two Adjacent Surfaces The Palm Grip Laser Level can be used to align a single object or objects on two adjacent walls,, The All-Position Leveling Base has a magnetic bottom that will attach to virtually any steel surface° The laser has a broad range of apptications, such as aligning tile on the wall, lining up kitchen and bath cabinets, hanging wallpaper, aligning junction boxes and laying walt or floor tile,, The Palm Grip Laser Level's laser fan beam is also use
Summary of the content on the page No. 1
Owner's Manual
Palm Grip LASER
with Laser Trac ®
Model No. 320.48291
CAUTION! Before using this
• Safety
product, read this manual and
, Operation
follow all its Safety Rules
° Magstlc ®
and Operating Instructions.
° Maintenance
Sears Brands Management Corporation
Summary of the content on the page No. 2
Warranty Page2 Safety instruction Page3 Description Page4 Operation Instructions Page6 Applications Page 11 Maintenance Page 14 Troubleshooting Page 15 Parts List Page 15 ONE YEAR FUt.L WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN®PRODUCT If this Craftsman product fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase, RETURN IT TO THE NEAREST SEARS STORE OR OTHER CRAFTSMAN OUTLET IN THE UNITED STATES FOR FREE REPLACEMENT. This warranty does not include expendable parts such as lamp
Summary of the content on the page No. 3
WARNING BE SURE to read and understand all instruction in this manual before using this Laser Level. Failure to follow all instructions may result in hazardous radiation exposure, electric shock, and/or bodily injury. CAUTION The use of optical instrument with this product wilt increase eye hazard, Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein, may result in hazardous laser radiation exposure. IMPORTANT: The following labels are on your _A_LID r.xP
Summary of the content on the page No. 12
Working With Obstructions And User Interference As discussed, the Palm Grip Laser Level is a forward projection device. The nature of the laser light as it is projected from the level is that of a plane rather than a line_This laser fan beam covers the entire line area from end point to end point (Fig 14)_As such the line is not completely blocked by obstructions or user interference° Fig 14 Note in Fig.15 how the laser line projects around the hot water heater and the adjacent line on either si
Summary of the content on the page No. 13
Using The Palm Grip Laser Level As A Hand-Held Reference Device (See Fig. 16) With the Laser Level body in the palm of your hand, turn it "ON" being careful not to point it in the direction of anyone's eyes including your own° Note that it projects a horizontal or vertical line "forward" in front of your position.. Used in this manner it becomes a very handy reference device for checking the alignment of most anything including quick references across and alignment of any two points of reference
Summary of the content on the page No. 14
This Palm Grip Laser Level has been designed to be a low-maintenance tool However, in order to maintain its performance, you must always follow these simple directions° 1, ALWAYS handle the tool with care, Treat it as an optical device, such as a camera or binoculars,, 2oAVOID exposing the tool to shock, continuous vibration or extreme hot or cold temperature. 3, ALWAYS store the tool indoors., When not in use, ALWAYS store the tool in its protective case. 4. ALWAYS keep the tool free of dust an
Summary of the content on the page No. 15
The Laser line Batteries are weak Replace with new batteries projection is weak The Laser line is The tool is too far Move the too! closer to the target hard to see from the target The Laser Fineis Power button is not Check to make sure the power button "ON'* not projected is in the "ON" position Polarity of the Reinstallthe batteries according to batteries is incorrect the polarity indicator in the battery compartment The Laser line The level bubbles Attach the laser level to the precision of t
Summary of the content on the page No. 16
?!:_j:_j:::!:=_i:i_ji _¸ Your Home For expert troubleshooting and home solutions advice: manage home L:i::::!_ www.managamyhome, com For repair - in your home - of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it ! For the replacement parts, accessories and owner's manuals that you need to do-it*yourselL For Sears prolessional installation of home appliances and items like garage door openers and water heaters° 1-
Summary of the content on the page No. 4
11o DO NOT leave this tool on unattended_ !2. When using the Magstic adhesive material for mounting the tool to a smooth surface, ALWAYS make sure to place the "tool-side" of the adhesive to the tool first and then position the tool on the wall in the desired location. The Magstic material is intended for temporary hands-free use° Do not leave the tool mounted to the wall using Magstic for extended periods of timer The tool may fall from the wall resulting in damage to the toolo 13., Magstic is
Summary of the content on the page No. 5
NEWI Magstic Non-Marring Adhesive Strips. (see Fig. 2) Magstic is an innovative technology that is washable and reusable.. To use, remove the "RED" tab (Toot Side) and apply the Magstic adhesive strip to the underside of the tool's base, Remove the "GREEN" tab (Wall Side) and press the tool firmly against the surface in the desired location° After leveling, carefully remove the tool and base from the surface. Replace the green plastic tab on the wall side of the Magstic for storage. The Magstic