Johnson Controls TP8C/TPLC*MP user manual

User manual for the device Johnson Controls TP8C/TPLC*MP

Device: Johnson Controls TP8C/TPLC*MP
Category: Furnace
Manufacturer: Johnson Controls
Size: 2.3 MB
Added : 11/29/2014
Number of pages: 32
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Johnson Controls TP8C/TPLC*MP User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Johnson Controls TP8C/TPLC*MP. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

ISO 9001
Certified Quality
Management System
(80% Modulating Multi-position / Low NOx)
SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 START-UP AND ADJUSTMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
DUCTWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

368262-UIM-B-1008 10. When installed in a Non-HUD-Approved Modular Home or building constructed on-site, combustion air shall not be supplied from occupied spaces. Improper installation may create a condition where the operation of 11. The size of the unit should be based on an acceptable heat loss the product could cause personal injury or property damage. calculation for the structure. ACCA, Manual J or other approved Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or mainte- methods ma

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

368262-UIM-B-1008 COMBUSTION AIR QUALITY CODES AND STANDARDS (LIST OF CONTAMINANTS) Follow all national, local codes and standards in addition to this installa- The furnace requires OUTDOOR AIR for combustion when the furnace tion manual. The installation must comply with regulations of the serv- is located in any of the following environments. ing gas supplier, local building, heating, plumbing, and other codes. In absence of local codes, the installation must comply with the national • Restric

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

368262-UIM-B-1008 INSPECTION FOR FURNACES INSTALLED IN THE COMMON- As soon as a unit is received, it should be inspected for possible dam- WEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ONLY age during transit. If damage is evident, the extent of the damage For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in should be noted on the carrier’s freight bill. A separate request for every dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for resi- inspection by the carrier’s agent should be made i

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

368262-UIM-B-1008 DUCT FLANGES SECTION II: DUCTWORK Four flanges are provided to attach ductwork to the furnace. These DUCTWORK GENERAL INFORMATION flanges are rotated down for shipment. In order to use the flanges, The duct system’s design and installation must: remove the screw holding an individual flange, rotate the flange so it is in the upward position and reinstall the screw then repeat this for all 4 1. Handle an air volume appropriate for the served space and within the operating parame

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

368262-UIM-B-1008 DOWNFLOW DUCT CONNECTORS ATTIC INSTALLATION All downflow installations must use a suitable duct connector approved This appliance is certified for line contact when the furnace is installed by the furnace manufacturer for use with this furnace. The duct connec- in the horizontal left or right position. The line contact is only permissi- tors are designed to be connected to the rectangular duct under the ble between lines that are formed by the intersection of the top and the f

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

368262-UIM-B-1008 All six suspension points must be level to ensure proper and quiet fur- When moving or handling this furnace prior to installation, always leave nace operation. When suspending the furnace, use a secure platform the doors on the furnace to provide support and to prevent damage or constructed of plywood or other building materials secured to the floor warping of the cabinet. When lifting the furnace, support the ends of or ceiling joists. Refer to Figure 11 for details and ad

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

Air flow 368262-UIM-B-1008 FURNACE ASSEMBLY - MC & FC SERIES COILS These coils are factory shipped for installation in either upflow or down- flow applications with no conversion. Do not drill any holes or drive any screws into the front duct Position the coil casing over or under the furnace opening as shown in flange on the coil in order to prevent damaging coil tubing. See Figure 8 after configuring coil flanges as required see “Coil Flange” sec- Figure 12. tion below. COIL FLANGE INSTALLATIO

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

368262-UIM-B-1008 LEFT SIDE FRONT RIGHT SIDE Vent Connection Electrical Outlet Entry Vent Electrical Connection Entry Outlet Gas Pipe Gas Pipe Entry Entry 33” 23” Thermostat Thermostat Wiring Wiring 14” 28.5” A 1” 1.5” 29.5” (For Cladded door add appoximately an additional .75”) 4” Diameter .5” 24.38” .5” Vent Connection Outlet .5” B B C .5” 20” 24.25” SUPPLY END RETURN END FIGURE 14: Dimensions Table 3: Cabinet and Duct Dimensions Approximate Cabinet Dimensions (Inches) Nominal BTUH (kW) Cabi

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

368262-UIM-B-1008 HORIZONTAL APPLICATION Horizontal Filters All filters and mounting provision must be field supplied. All installa- tions must have a filter installed. Main On/Off Any branch duct (rectangular or round duct) attached to the plenum Regulator Knob must attach to the vertical plenum before the filter. The use of straps Adjustment and / or supports is required to support the weight of the external filter Outlet Inlet box. Pressure Pressure Tap Tap Downflow Filters Downflow furnaces

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

368262-UIM-B-1008 3. Read down the left-hand “Actual Rate” column to find the closest GAS CONVERSION FOR PROPANE (LP) number to your actual de-ration percent. This furnace is constructed at the factory for natural gas-fired operation, 4. Read across that row to the column for the elevation at your loca- but may be converted to operate on propane (LP) gas by using a fac- tion. The number listed there is the orifice size that is proper for tory-supplied LP conversion kit which includes a LP gas va

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

368262-UIM-B-1008 Table 6: Ratings & Physical / Electrical Data Input Output Nominal Air Temp. Rise Air Temp. Rise Max/Min Max/Min Airflow Max Input Min Input 3 MBH kW MBH kW CFM °F °C °F °C m /min 60/30 17.6/8.8 47/24 13.8/7.0 1200 34.0 30-60 17-33 20-50 11-28 80/40 23.5/11.8 62/32 18.2/9.4 1200 34.0 40-70 22-39 20-50 11-28 80/40 23.5/11.8 62/32 18.2/9.4 1600 45.3 35-65 19-36 20-50 11-28 100/50 29.3/14.7 78/40 22.8/11.7 1600 45.3 35-65 19-36 20-50 11-28 100/50 29.3/14.7 78/40 22.8/11.7 2000 56.

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

368262-UIM-B-1008 For additional connection diagrams for all UPG equipment refer to “Low Voltage System Wiring” document available online at in the Product Catalog Section. ID MODELS TP(8,L)C YP(8,L)C CP(8,L)C THERMOSTAT LP(8,L)C SINGLE STAGE MODULATING SINGLE STAGE *PP11C70224 AIR FURNACE AIR CONDITIONER CONDITIONER MODULATING 1 FURNACE CONTROL C C 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common Y1 Y Y Y Single Full Stage Compressor Comp Comp resso rr e C ssor ontactor Stage Compressor RH R 24

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

368262-UIM-B-1008 ID MODELS TP(8,L)C YP(8,L)C CP(8,L)C THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT LP(8,L)C TWO STAGE MODULATING *DN22U00124 *PP32U70124 AIR FURNACE CONDITIONER MODULATING 1 FURNACE CONTROL C C C C 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Single First Stage Compressor First Stage Compressor First Stage Compressor Stage Compressor R R R R 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot (Heat XFMR) (Heat XFMR) G G G Fan Fan Fan E/W1 E/W1 W First Stage Heat

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

368262-UIM-B-1008 ID MODELS TP(8,L)C YP(8,L)C CP(8,L)C THERMOSTAT LP(8,L)C TWO STAGE MODULATING *PP11C70224 AIR FURNACE CONDITIONER MODULATING 1 FURNACE CONTROL C C 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common Y1 Y Y1 Single Full Stage Compressor First Stage Compressor Stage Compressor RH R R 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot (Heat XFMR) G G Fan Fan W Modulating Heat RC Y/Y2 24 – Volt Hot Second or Full (Cool XFMR) Stage Compressor O Reversing Valve Energized in Cool LO COMP Single Stage Compresso

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

368262-UIM-B-1008 ID MODELS OD MODELS TP(8,L)C E*R* *RHS YP(8,L)C E*ZD HP* CP(8,L)C E*B* *HGD THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT LP(8,L)C *BP21H50124 *BN21H00124 MODULATING SINGLE STAGE *DN22U00124 *DP32H70124 *DP21H40124 FURNACE HEAT PUMP *DN21H00124 MODULATING 2 DEMAND DEFROST 1 FURNACE CONTROL CONTROL C C C 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common Y1 Y1 Y Single First Stage Compressor Compressor Stage Compressor R R R 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot G G Fan Fan E W W1/66(out

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

368262-UIM-B-1008 ID MODELS OD MODELS YZB TP(8,L)C YMB YP(8,L)C CP(8,L)C H*3 THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT LP(8,L)C *BP21H50124 *BN21H00124 MODULATING SINGLE STAGE *DN22U00124 *DP32H70124 *DP21H40124 FURNACE HEAT PUMP *DN21H00124 YORKGUARD VI MODULATING 2 1 CONTROL FURNACE CONTROL C C C C C 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Y1 Single Single First Stage Compressor First Stage Compressor First Stage Compressor Stage Compressor Stage

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

368262-UIM-B-1008 ID MODELS OD MODELS TP(8,L)C YZE YP(8,L)C YZH CP(8,L)C H*5 THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT LP(8,L)C H*8 *DN22H00124 MODULATING TWO STAGE *PP32U70124 *DP22U70124 FURNACE HEAT PUMP YORKGUARD VI MODULATING 2 1 CONTROL FURNACE CONTROL C C C C 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common 24 – Volt Common Y1 Y1 Y Y1 Single Single First Stage Compressor First Stage Compressor Stage Compressor Stage Compressor R R R R 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot 24 – Volt Hot (Heat XFMR) G G

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

368262-UIM-B-1008 ACCESSORY CONNECTIONS SECTION VI: VENT SYSTEM The furnace control will allow power-switching control of various acces- VENT CONNECTIONS sories. Figure 25 shows the furnace as it is shipped from the factory. To convert ELECTRONIC AIR CLEANER CONNECTION to a horizontal or downflow position, remove the four screws that secure Two 1/4” (0.64 cm) spade terminals (EAC and NEUTRAL) for electronic the inducer assembly and rotate 90° being careful not to damage the air cleaner connecti

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

368262-UIM-B-1008 FAN-ASSISTED COMBUSTION SYSTEM Combustion Air Source From Outdoors This appliance is equipped with an integral mechanical means to draw The blocking effects of louvers, grilles and screens must be given con- products of combustion through the heat exchanger. sideration in calculating free area. If the free area of a specific louver or grille is not known, refer to Table 7, to estimate free area. Ambient Combustion Air Supply Table 7: Estimated Free Area This type installation

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