Sears 831.29506 user manual

User manual for the device Sears 831.29506

Device: Sears 831.29506
Category: Treadmill
Manufacturer: Sears
Size: 5.12 MB
Added : 10/11/2014
Number of pages: 30
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Sears 831.29506. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

Mode! No. 83! .295060
SedaJ No.
SeriaUNumber DecaU
User's Manual
Part List and Drawing
Read aH precautions and instruc-
tions in this manual before using
this equipment. Save this manual
for future reference.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS iMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS ................................................................ 2 BEFORE YOU BEGIN ...................................................................... 4 ASSEMBLY ............................................................................... 5 OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT ............................................................. 8 HOW TO FOLD AND MOVE THE TREADMILL .................................................. 21 TROUBLESHOOTING ..................

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

13.Keepthe power cord and the surge suppres- 23. inspect and properly tighten all parts of the sor away from heated surfaces, treadmill regularly. 14. Never move the walking belt while the power 24. Never insert any object into any opening. is turned off. Do not operate the treadmill if 25.DANGER: Alwoys unpUug the power the power cord or plug is damaged, or if the treadmill is not working properly. (See BE- cord immediately after use, before cleaning the FORE YOU BEGIN on page 4 if the treadmil

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

BEFORE YOU BEGIN Thank you for selecting the revolutionary PROFORM _ ing this manual, call 1-800-4-MY-HOME _ (1-800-469- XP 590s treadmill, The XP 590s treadmill offers an im- 4663),To help us assist you, please note the product model number and serial number before calling, The pressive array of features designed to make your model number of the treadmill is 831,295060, The ser- workouts at home more enjoyable and effective, And ial number can be found on a decal attached to the when you're not

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

ASSEMBLY Assembly requires two persons. Set the treadmHUin a cUeared area and remove aUU packing materiaUs, Do not dispose of the packing materiaUsuntil assembUy is compUeted, Note: The underside of the treadmiUU waUking beUtis coated with high-pedormance Uubricant, During shipping, a smaUU amount of Uubricant may be transferred to the top of the waUking beUtor the shipping carton, This is a normaUcondition and does not affect treadmiUUpedor- mance, Ufthere is Uubricant on top of the waUking beU

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

2, WiththeheUp ofa second person, carefully tipthe Uprights (97)downasshown,(Note:it maybeheUpfW to pUace yourfootononeoftheExtension Legs[92]asyou tiptheUprights,) Makesurethatthe ExtensionLegs 80 remaininthe Uprights. AttacheachExtension Leg(92)withtwoExtension Leg BoUts (96)andtwo1/4"Washers (39)asshown, Thread a Leveling Foot(95)intoeachsideof theUpright Base (97);donotthreadtheLevelingFeetfully intothe UprightBase. 96 AttachthetwoBasePads(99)totheUpright Base(97) 97 inthebcationsshown witht

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

5, Set the ConsoUe Base (101) on the Uprights (97), Thread 101 the four Upright BoUts(76) with four UnternaU Star Washers (77) into the Uprights and the ConsoUe Base, Be careful not to pinch the Wires (not shown) in the Uprights. Tighten the two Upright BoUtsindicated by the arrows first; then, tighten the remaining two Upright BoUts, Make sure that the Left and Right Trays (109, 111) are pressed into the Console Base (101), 76 6, Fold the treadmill to the storage position (see page 21), if the

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

OPERATmON AND ADJUSTMENT THE PRE-LUBRmCATED WALKmNG BELT an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug, Plug the power cord into a surge suppressor, Your treadmHUfeatures a waUking beUtcoated with high- and plug the surge suppressor into an appropriate performance Uubrbant, IMPORTANT: Never apply sil- outlet that is propedy installed and grounded in accordance with aH JocaJ codes and ordinances. icone spray or other substances to the walking belt or the walking platform. Such substances

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

CONSOLE DmAGRAM QUICK SPEED Note: if there is a thin sheet of pHastb on the face of the console, remove it, FEATURES OF THE CONSOLE sonal trainer in your home, Using a stereo audio cable, you can connect the treadmill to your portable stereo, The treadmHi console offers an impressive array of home stereo, computer, or VCR and play special features designed to heip you get the most from your iFIT,com MPS, CD, and video programs (iFIT,com MP8 workouts, programs, CDs, and videoeassettes are availab

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

HOWTOTURNONTHEPOWER walking belt as desired by pressing the Speed + and - buttons, Each Huginthepower cord(seepage8), time a button is pressed, the speed setting will Locate thereset/off change by 0,1 mph; if a circuitbreaker near button is held down, the speed setting wiii change On in increments of 0,5 mph, Note: After the buttons thepowercord,Make Position surethatthecircuit are pressed, it may take a moment for the walking breaker isinthereset belt to reach the selected speed setting, positi

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

The bft side of the dis- F your heart rate, stand on the foot level of the treadmill, the _,r_ raiJs and play wiii showthe incline _ _NCL_NE elapsed time, the ap- T_ME hold the proximate number of grams of carbs you have metal con- Contacts tacts on the burned, and the distance you have walked or run, handrail-- / Note: Each time the incline changes, the display avoid mov- wiii show the incline setting for a few seconds When a program is selected, the display will show ing your hands, When your

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

When only three seconds remain in the first seg- HOW TG USE A PRESET _ROGRAM ment of the program, both the Current Segment column and the column to the right wiii flash and a insert the key fulty into the console. series of tones will sound, if the speed and/or in- cline of the treadmill is about to change, the speed See HOW TO TURN ON THE POWER on page setting and/or the incline setting wiii flash in the 10, display to alert you, When the first segment is completed, all speed Select one of the

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

Fottow your progress with the display. HOW TO USE A HEART RATE PROGRAM See step 5 on page 10. Measure your heart rate if desired. CAUTION: i you have heart prob- lems, or if you are over 60 years of age and See step 6 on page 11. have been inactive, do not use the heart rate programs. If you are taking medication regu- Turn on the fan if desired. larly, consult your physician to find whether the medication will affect your exercise heart rate. See step 7 on page 11. When you are finished exercis

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

play to alert you, When the first segment ends, all Enter your age. target heart rate settings wifl move one column to the left. The target heart rate setting for the sec- When a heart rate pro- ond segment will then be shown in the flashing gram is selected, the Current Segment column, word "AGE" will appear in the display and the During each segment, the console wiii compare current age setting will your heart rate to the target heart rate, if your begin to flash, if you heart rate is too far

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

HOW TO CONNECT YOUR PORTABLE STEREO HOW TO CONNECT THE TREADMILL TO USE mFIT.COM PROGRAMS Note: If your stereo has an RCA-type AUDIO OUT jack, see instruction A below. If your stereo has a 1/8" LINE OUT jack, see instruction B. If your To use MP3 or CD programs, the treadmHU stereo has only a PHONES jack, see instruction C. must be connected to your MP3 pUayer, CD pUayer, portabUestereo, home stereo, or computer, See pages A. Plug one end of a long 1/8" to RCA stereo audio 15 and 16 for

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

HOW TO CONNECT YOUR HOME STEREO HOW TO CONNECT YOUR COMPUTER Note: mfyour stereo has an unused LmNEOUT jack, A, Hug one end of aiong 1/8" to 1/8" stereo audio see instruction A below, mfthe LmNEOUT jack is came (avaHabie at sHsctronbs stores) into the input jack on the consorts, Hug the other end of the cams being used, see instruction B. into the LiNE OUT jack on your computer, Hug your A, Hug one end of aiong 1/8" to RCA stereo audio headphones into the headphone jack on the consorts, cable (a

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

HOW TO CONNECT YOUR VCR HOW TO USE AN mFIT.COM MP3, CD, OR VmDEO PROGRAM Note: if your VCR has an unused AUDIO OUT jack, see instruction A below, if the AUDIO OUT jack is being used, see instruction B. ff you have a TV To use an iFIT,com MP3, CD, or video program, the with a built-in VCR, see instruction B. ff your VCR treadmill must be connected to your MP3 player, CD is connected to your home stereo, see NOW TO player, or VCR, See HOW TO CONNECT THE CONNECT YOUR HOME STEREO on page 16. TREADMI

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

if the speed or incline settings are too high or too ,,Make sure that the audio cable is properly connected. low, you can manually override the settings at any time by pressing the Speed or Incline buttons on • If you are using a portable CD player and the the console, However, when the next "chirp" is CD skips, set the CD player on the floor or an- heard, the speed and/or incline wH[ change to other flat surface instead of on the console. the next settings of the program. See the "The incline o

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

Return to the treadmill and stand on the foot HOW TOUSE AN IFIT:COM PROGRAM rails. Find the clip attached to the key and sJide DIRECTLY FROM OUR WEB SiTE the clip onto the waistband of your clothes. When the on-screen countdown ends, the program Our Web site at wwwJFiT,com allows you to access wiii begin and the walking belt wiii begin to move, basic programs, audio programs, and video programs Hold the handrails, step onto the walking belt, and directly from the internet, Additionai options are

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

THE mNFORMATmONMODE/DEMO MODE THE OPTmONAL CHEST PULSE SENSOR The consob features an information mode that keeps An optional chest pulse sensor adds even more fea- track of the totaUnumber of hours that the treadmHUhas tures to the console, The chest pulse sensor offers been operated and the totaUnumber of miles that the hands-free operation, and enables you to use the con- waUking beUthas moved, The information mode aUsoaP sob's two heart rate programs, To purchase the op- bws you to sebct mile

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