Polaris 120 XC SP user manual

User manual for the device Polaris 120 XC SP

Device: Polaris 120 XC SP
Category: Offroad Vehicle
Manufacturer: Polaris
Size: 6.08 MB
Added : 4/7/2013
Number of pages: 92
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Polaris 120 XC SP User manual - Online PDF
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Below you will find previews of the content of the user manuals presented on the following pages to Polaris 120 XC SP. If you want to quickly view the content of pages found on the following pages of the manual, you can use them.

Abstracts of contents
Summary of the content on the page No. 1

2003 2003
120 120 X XC SP C SP
Owner's Manual Owner's Manual
ffor V or Vehicle Maintenance ehicle Maintenance
and Safety and Safety

Summary of the content on the page No. 2

Read, understand, and follow all of the instructions and safety precautions in this manual and on all product labels. Failure to follow the safety precautions could result in serious injury or death. PROPOSITION 65 WARNING Snowmobile engines discharge fuel and exhaust, which contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm, onto the snow on which they operate. Keep this engine properly tuned and avoid unnecessary idling and spillage

Summary of the content on the page No. 3

What’sthehottestthingonsnow? Ournew website. It’s designedjustforYOU! S Technicaltips S New productintroductions S Eventschedules S PartsandServiceManualinformation S Excitingdetails aboutThe WayOut Checkitout... www.polarisindustries.com/owner 1

Summary of the content on the page No. 4

Allinformationinthismanualisbaseduponthelatestproductdataandspecificationsavailableat thetimeofprinting. PolarisIndustriesInc.reservestherighttomakeproductchangesand improvementswhich may affectillustrationsorexplanations. Nopartofthismanualshallbereproducedorusedwithoutthewritten permission ofPolaris IndustriesInc. Illustrationsincludedinthismanualaregeneralrepresentationsofpartshavingasimilarfunction. Yourmodelmaydiffer. Commentsandsuggestionsregardingthismanualmaybeforwardedinwriting to:Polar

Summary of the content on the page No. 5

TABLEOFCONTENTS TableofContents .......................... 3 Welcome .................................. 4 Introduction ............................... 5 Important Notes for Owners and Drivers ........... 6 Preservation of the Environment .................. 7 Vehicle Identification Numbers .................... 9 Safety .................................... 10 YOUTHSECTION.......................... 13 Know Your Snowmobile ......................... 14 Pre-Ride Check ................................

Summary of the content on the page No. 6

WELCOME DearParents: Webelieveyourchildren should havetheopportunity to enjoy The Way Out experiencealong with you. We’veprovided this owner’s manual to assist you and yourchildren in learning about thesafe operation and careofyournewPolaris snowmobile. Pleasereviewthe information in this manual with any child who may operatethe snowmobile. Help yourchildren learn to operatethesnowmobilewith safety as atop priority. Help them also learn to showrespect forour environment and fortherights ofothers

Summary of the content on the page No. 7

INTRODUCTION Afterreading this manual, storeit in thesnowmobileforconvenient reference. It should remain with thesnowmobilewhen sold. n This manual contains thelatest information at thetimeofprinting. Wereservetheright to makeproduct changes and improvements without notice. n Theillustrations and photos used in this manual aregeneral representations. Yourmodel may differ. n Followthemaintenanceprogram outlined in this manual. Preventivemaintenanceensures that critical components ofthe snowmobile

Summary of the content on the page No. 8

INTRODUCTION ImportantNotesforOwnersandDrivers PARENTS: Do not allowanyoneundertheageofsix (6)to operate this machine. Reviewtheinformationinthis manual withanychild who may beoperating thesnowmobile. It is up to you to teach any operatortheproperand safeway to rideasnowmobile. You must set boundaries and adhereto them, keeping theoperator’s safety foremost in yourmind. Neverallowachild to operatethis machinewithout adult supervision. Theseunits arenot designed foradult use. Serious damageto the

Summary of the content on the page No. 9

INTRODUCTION PreservationoftheEnvironment Teach yourchild to drivetheirsnowmobilewith consideration forthe protection and preservation oftheenvironment. NoiseLevel Oneofthemost publicized subjects with regard to snowmobiles is noise. TheSociety ofAutomotiveEngineers (SAE), which is the standard-setting body forsnowmobiles, has recommended that snowmobiles conform to prescribed sound levels. This Polaris snowmobilehas been engineered to conform to theseSAEstandards. In orderto bemeaningful, all r

Summary of the content on the page No. 10

INTRODUCTION PreservationoftheEnvironment EnvironmentalProtection As part ofthecontinuing environmental education campaign, weare encouraging stateand provincial governments across thesnowbelt to adopt rigorous safety training programs which also encourage protection ofourenvironment, wildlifeand vegetation. Snowmobile clubs and otherorganizations areworking togetherto protect our environment. It is very important that weencouragethem as well as becomeactively involved ourselves. Teach yourchild

Summary of the content on the page No. 11

INTRODUCTION VehicleIdentificationNumbers Theframevehicleidentification number(VIN)and engineserial numberareimportant formodel identification when registering your vehicle, when obtaining insurance, and when ordering replacement parts. In theevent yourvehicleis stolen, thesenumbers areessential to therecovery and identification ofyourvehicle. Removethesparekey and storeit in asafeplace. Yourkey can be duplicated only by mating aPolaris key blank with oneofyour existing keys. Ifboth keys arelost

Summary of the content on the page No. 12

SAFETY WARNING Failure to follow the warnings in this manual can result in severe injury or death. Read and understand the owner’s manual and all warnings before operating a Polaris snowmobile. Adults must thoroughly explain this information to all operators of the snowmobile. All operators must be at least six (6) years old and must understand the risk involved if these important warnings and cautions are not heeded. EquipmentModifications All Polaris snowmobiles havebeen designed and tested to

Summary of the content on the page No. 13

SAFETY MaintenanceProgram As with all snowmobiles, caution must beobserved to ensureoperator safety. Particularcautionmust betakentomakesurethat the snowmobileis inexcellent operating condition at all times. We strongly recommend that theoperator, as well as an adult, check major and vital safety components beforeeach useofthevehicle. Wealso recommend that you strictly followthemaintenanceschedule outlined in this manual to ensurethat all critical components on the snowmobilearethoroughly inspec

Summary of the content on the page No. 14

SAFETY SafetyDecals Safety and warning decals havebeen placed on thevehicleforthe operator’s protection. Makesuretheoperatorunderstands the information on all decals. Ifany decal becomesillegibleorcomes off, contact yourPolaris dealerforareplacement. Any safetydecal needing replacement will beprovided by Polaris at no charge. Thepart numberis printed on thedecal. CAUTION Improper use of this snowmobile or failure to maintain it in good operating condition can result in injury. To reduce this pos

Summary of the content on the page No. 15

SAFETY Thefollowing signal words and symbols appearthroughout this manual and on yourvehicle. Yoursafety is involved when thesewords andsymbols areused. Becomefamiliarwith theirmeanings before reading themanual. The safety alert symbol, on your vehicle or in this manual, alerts you to the potential for personal injury. WARNING The safety alert warning indicates a potential hazard that may result in serious injury or death. CAUTION The safety alert caution indicates a potential hazard that may re

Summary of the content on the page No. 16

YOUTHSECTION KnowYour Snowmobile Beforeyou havean adult start theengineforyou forthefirst time, let’s learn about thecontrols on yournewmachine. 8 7 1 6 2 3 5 99 4 1. EngineStopSwitch -When theengineis running, you can push this button down and theenginewill stop. Thestopswitchmust bein theUP position to start theengineagain. 2. ThrottleControl -Thethrottlecontrol makes yoursnowmobilego forward when you press it with yourthumb. You must always makesurethethrottlecontrol does not stick beforeyou

Summary of the content on the page No. 17

YOUTHSECTION KnowYour Snowmobile 6. BrakeLever-Squeezethebrakelevertoward thehandlebarto makeyoursnowmobileslowdown orstop. Always take your thumb off the throttle lever when you squeeze the brake lever. 7. IgnitionSwitch -Theignition switch key must beturned ON beforepulling on therecoil starterhandleto start yoursnowmobile. You can also usethis key to turn offtheengine. 8. TetherStrap/Switch -Thetetherstrap must always beattached snugly to yourright wrist and to yoursnowmobile every time you d

Summary of the content on the page No. 18

YOUTHSECTION KnowYour Snowmobile Let’s learn moreabout theparts ofyoursnowmobilebeforewetalk about riding. 5 4 6 3 7 2 1 8 9 10 16

Summary of the content on the page No. 19

YOUTHSECTION KnowYour Snowmobile 1. Hood -Thehood covers themoving and hot parts oftheengine and must besecurely latched beforeyou ridethesnowmobile. 2. Headlight-Theheadlight is always on when theengineis running. It helps others seeyou when you’reriding during daylight, but it’s not supposed to bestrong enough to help you see in thedark. Driveyoursnowmobileonly in thedaylight. 3. Windshield -Always keep yourwindshield clean so you can see whereyou’redriving. 4. Handlebar-Thehandlebaris connect

Summary of the content on the page No. 20

YOUTHSECTION KnowYour Snowmobile Let’sreview thethreewaysto stop yoursnowmobile: 1. Push thestop switch down. 2. Pull offthetetherstrap. 3. Turn thekey off. 2 3 1 18

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